local cmds = require('commands') local getopt = require('getopt') local bin = require('bin') local utils = require('utils') local dumplib = require('html_dumplib') example =[[ 1. script run tracetest 2. script run tracetest -o ]] author = "Iceman" usage = "script run tracetest -o " desc =[[ This script will load several traces files in ../traces/ folder and do "data load" "lf search" Arguments: -h : this help -o : logfile name ]] local TIMEOUT = 2000 -- Shouldn't take longer than 2 seconds local DEBUG = true -- the debug flag --- -- A debug printout-function function dbg(args) if not DEBUG then return end if type(args) == "table" then local i = 1 while result[i] do dbg(result[i]) i = i+1 end else print("###", args) end end --- -- This is only meant to be used when errors occur function oops(err) print("ERROR: ",err) end --- -- Usage help function help() print(desc) print("Example usage") print(example) end -- -- Exit message function ExitMsg(msg) print( string.rep('--',20) ) print( string.rep('--',20) ) print(msg) print() end local function main(args) print( string.rep('--',20) ) print( string.rep('--',20) ) local cmdDataLoad = 'data load %s'; local tracesEM = "find '../traces/' -iname 'em*.pm3' -type f" local tracesMOD = "find '../traces/' -iname 'm*.pm3' -type f" local outputTemplate = os.date("testtest_%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S") -- Arguments for the script for o, arg in getopt.getopt(args, 'hk:no:') do if o == "h" then return help() end if o == "o" then outputTemplate = arg end end core.clearCommandBuffer() local files = {} -- Find a set of traces staring with EM local p = io.popen(tracesEM) for file in p:lines() do table.insert(files, file) end -- Find a set of traces staring with MOD p = io.popen(tracesMOD) for file in p:lines() do table.insert(files, file) end local cmdLFSEARCH = "lf search" -- main loop io.write('Starting to test traces > ') for _,file in pairs(files) do local x = "data load "..file dbg(x) core.console(x) dbg(cmdLFSEARCH) core.console(cmdLFSEARCH) core.clearCommandBuffer() if core.ukbhit() then print("aborted by user") break end end io.write('\n') -- Write dump to files if not DEBUG then local bar = dumplib.SaveAsText(emldata, outputTemplate..'.txt') print(("Wrote output to: %s"):format(bar)) end -- Show info print( string.rep('--',20) ) end main(args)