bin = require('bin') ------------------------------- -- Some utilities ------------------------------- --- -- A debug printout-function local function dbg(args) if DEBUG then print("###", args) end end --- -- This is only meant to be used when errors occur local function oops(err) print("ERROR: ",err) end local function save_HTML(javascript, filename) -- Read the HTML-skel file local skel = require("htmlskel") html = skel.getHTML(javascript); -- Open the output file local outfile =, "w") if outfile == nil then return oops("Could not write to file ", filename) end -- Write the data into it outfile:write(html) io.close(outfile) -- Done return filename end local function convert_ascii_dump_to_JS(infile) local t = infile:read("*all") local output = "["; for line in string.gmatch(t, "[^\n]+") do output = output .. "'"..line.."',\n" end output = output .. "]" return output end local function convert_binary_dump_to_JS(infile, blockLen) local bindata = infile:read("*all") len = string.len(bindata) if len % blockLen ~= 0 then return oops(("Bad data, length (%d) should be a multiple of blocklen (%d)"):format(len, blockLen)) end local _,hex = bin.unpack(("H%d"):format(len),bindata) -- Now that we've converted binary data into hex, we doubled the size. -- One byte, like 0xDE is now -- the characters 'D' and 'E' : one byte each. -- Thus: blockLen = blockLen * 2 local js,i = "["; for i = 1, string.len(hex),blockLen do js = js .."'" ..string.sub(hex,i,i+blockLen -1).."',\n" end js = js .. "]" return js end --- -- Converts a .eml-file into a HTML/Javascript file. -- @param input the file to convert -- @param output the file to write to -- @return the name of the new file. local function convert_eml_to_html(input, output) input = input or 'dumpdata.eml' output = output or input .. 'html' local infile =, "r") if infile == nil then return oops("Could not read file ", input) end -- Read file, get JS local javascript = convert_ascii_dump_to_JS(infile) io.close(infile) return save_HTML(javascript, output ) end --- Converts a binary dump into HTML/Javascript file -- @param input the file containing the dump (defaults to dumpdata.bin) -- @param output the file to write to -- @param blockLen, the length of each block. Defaults to 16 bytes local function convert_bin_to_html(input, output, blockLen) input = input or 'dumpdata.bin' blockLen = blockLen or 16 output = output or input .. 'html' local infile =, "r") if infile == nil then return oops("Could not read file ", input) end -- Read file, get JS local javascript = convert_binary_dump_to_JS(infile, blockLen) io.close(infile) return save_HTML(javascript, output ) end return { convert_bin_to_html = convert_bin_to_html, convert_eml_to_html = convert_eml_to_html, }