# This new makefile replaces the previous Makefile/Makefile.linux # with as much common code for both environments as possible. # Following is a short OS detection to set up variables, all the # remaining Makefile should be portable and only depend on these # variables # # Make sure that all is the default target # (The including Makefile still needs to define what 'all' is) all: # Windows' echo echos its input verbatim, on Posix there is some # amount of shell command line parsing going on. echo "" on # Windows yields literal "", on Linux yields an empty line ifeq ($(shell echo ""),) # This is properly a proper system, so we can use uname UNAME := $(shell uname) ifeq ($(UNAME), Linux) # Linux. (Todo: Add MacOS X if appropriate) DELETE=rm -rf MOVE=mv PATHSEP=/ DETECTED_OS=Linux # You may/should set this in your environment ARMLIB ?= /usr/local/lib/gcc/arm-elf/4.3.3/interwork endif else # Assume that we are running on Windows. DELETE=del /q MOVE=ren PATHSEP=\\# ARMLIB ?= ../../devkitARM/lib/gcc/arm-elf/4.1.0/interwork DETECTED_OS=Windows endif CC = arm-elf-gcc AS = arm-elf-as LD = arm-elf-ld OBJCOPY = arm-elf-objcopy OBJDIR = obj INCLUDE = -I../include # Also search prerequisites in the common directory (for usb.c) VPATH = . ../common/ INCLUDES = ../include/proxmark3.h ../include/at91sam7s128.h ../include/config_gpio.h ../include/usb_cmd.h $(APP_INCLUDES) CFLAGS = -c $(INCLUDE) -Wall $(APP_CFLAGS) THUMBOBJ = $(patsubst %.c,$(OBJDIR)/%.o,$(THUMBSRC)) ARMOBJ = $(patsubst %.c,$(OBJDIR)/%.o,$(ARMSRC)) ASMOBJ = $(patsubst %.s,$(OBJDIR)/%.o,$(ASMSRC)) $(THUMBOBJ): $(OBJDIR)/%.o: %.c $(INCLUDES) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -mthumb -mthumb-interwork -o $@ $< $(ARMOBJ): $(OBJDIR)/%.o: %.c $(INCLUDES) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -mthumb-interwork -o $@ $< $(ASMOBJ): $(OBJDIR)/%.o: %.s $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -mthumb-interwork -o $@ $< $(OBJDIR)/%.s19: $(OBJDIR)/%.elf $(OBJCOPY) -Osrec --srec-forceS3 $^ $@ # Automatic dependency generation DEPENDENCY_FILES = $(patsubst %.c,$(OBJDIR)/%.d,$(notdir $(THUMBSRC))) \ $(patsubst %.c,$(OBJDIR)/%.d,$(notdir $(ARMSRC))) \ $(patsubst %.s,$(OBJDIR)/%.d,$(notdir $(ASMSRC))) $(DEPENDENCY_FILES): Makefile ../common/Makefile.common $(OBJDIR)/%.d: %.c @$(CC) -MM -MT "$(@) $(@:.d=.o)" $(CFLAGS) $< > $@ $(OBJDIR)/%.d: %.s @$(CC) -MM -MT "$(@) $(@:.d=.o)" $(CFLAGS) $< > $@ -include $(DEPENDENCY_FILES)