include common/Makefile.common all clean: %: bootrom/% armsrc/% client/% bootrom/%: FORCE $(MAKE) -C bootrom $(patsubst bootrom/%,%,$@) armsrc/%: FORCE $(MAKE) -C armsrc $(patsubst armsrc/%,%,$@) client/%: FORCE $(MAKE) -C client $(patsubst client/%,%,$@) FORCE: # Dummy target to force remake in the subdirectories, even if files exist (this Makefile doesn't know about the prerequisites) .PHONY: all clean help _test flash-bootrom flash-os flash-fpga flash-both flash-all FORCE help: @echo Multi-OS Makefile, you are running on $(DETECTED_OS) @echo Possible targets: @echo + all - Make bootrom, armsrc and the OS-specific host directory @echo + flash-bootrom - Make bootrom and flash it @echo + flash-os - Make armsrc and flash os @echo + flash-fpga - Make armsrc and flash fpga @echo + flash-both - Make armsrc and flash os and fpga image @echo + flash-all - Make bootrom and armsrc and flash bootrom, os and fpga image @echo + clean - Clean in bootrom, armsrc and the OS-specific host directory flash-bootrom: bootrom/obj/bootrom.elf $(FLASH_TOOL) $(FLASH_TOOL) -b $(subst /,$(PATHSEP),$<) flash-os: armsrc/obj/osimage.elf $(FLASH_TOOL) $(FLASH_TOOL) $(subst /,$(PATHSEP),$<) flash-fpga: armsrc/obj/fpgaimage.elf $(FLASH_TOOL) $(FLASH_TOOL) $(subst /,$(PATHSEP),$<) flash-both: armsrc/obj/osimage.elf armsrc/obj/fpgaimage.elf $(FLASH_TOOL) $(FLASH_TOOL) $(subst /,$(PATHSEP),$(filter-out $(FLASH_TOOL),$^)) flash-all: bootrom/obj/bootrom.elf armsrc/obj/osimage.elf armsrc/obj/fpgaimage.elf $(FLASH_TOOL) $(FLASH_TOOL) -b $(subst /,$(PATHSEP),$(filter-out $(FLASH_TOOL),$^)) # Dummy target to test for GNU make availability _test: