local desc =
[[This script will automatically recognize and dump full content of a NFC NDEF Initialized tag; non-initialized tags will be ignored.
+It also write the dump to an eml-file <uid>.eml.
+(The difference between an .eml-file and a .bin-file is that the eml file contains
+ASCII representation of the hex-data, with linebreaks between 'rows'. A .bin-file contains the
+raw data, but when saving into that for, we lose the infromation about how the memory is structured.
+For example: 24 bytes could be 6 blocks of 4 bytes, or vice versa.
+Therefore, the .eml is better to use file when saving dumps.)
-d debug logging on
-h this help
local example = "script run xxx"
local author = "Martin Holst Swende & Asper"
-- PrintAndLog
function prlog(...)
-- TODO; replace this with a call to the proper PrintAndLog
+-- This is only meant to be used when errors occur
+function oops(err)
+ prlog("ERROR: ",err)
+ return nil,err
+-- Perhaps this will be moved to a separate library at one point
+local utils = {
+ --- Writes an eml-file.
+ -- @param uid - the uid of the tag. Used in filename
+ -- @param blockData. Assumed to be on the format {'\0\1\2\3,'\b\e\e\f' ...,
+ -- that is, blockData[row] contains a string with the actual data, not ascii hex representation
+ -- return filename if all went well,
+ -- @reurn nil, error message if unsuccessfull
+ writeDumpFile = function(uid, blockData)
+ local destination = string.format("%s.eml", uid)
+ local file = io.open(destination, "w")
+ if file == nil then
+ return nil, string.format("Could not write to file %s", destination)
+ end
+ local rowlen = string.len(blockData[1])
+ for i,block in ipairs(blockData) do
+ if rowlen ~= string.len(block) then
+ prlog(string.format("WARNING: Dumpdata seems corrupted, line %d was not the same length as line 1",i))
+ end
+ local formatString = string.format("H%d", string.len(block))
+ local _,hex = bin.unpack(formatString,block)
+ file:write(hex.."\n")
+ end
+ file:close()
+ return destination
+ end,
-- Usage help
function help()
--- This is only meant to be used when errors occur
-function oops(err)
- prlog("ERROR: ",err)
- return nil,err
local function show(data)
if DEBUG then
if string.len(data) < 18 then
- return nil, ("Error, expected at least 18 bytes, got %d"):format(string.len(data))
+ return nil, ("Expected at least 18 bytes, got %d - this tag is not NDEF-compliant"):format(string.len(data))
-- Now, parse out the block data
-- 0534 00B9 049C AD7F 4A00 0000 E110 1000 2155
for k,v in ipairs(blockData) do
prlog(string.format("Block %02x: %02x %02x %02x %02x",k-1, string.byte(v, 1,4)))
+ local filename, err = utils.writeDumpFile(uidHexstr, blockData)
+ if err then return oops(err) end
+ prlog(string.format("Dumped data into %s", filename))
\ No newline at end of file