- {"cmdread", CmdLFCommandRead, 0, "<off period> <'0' period> <'1' period> <command> ['h'] -- Modulate LF reader field to send command before read (all periods in microseconds) (option 'h' for 134)"},
- {"em4x", CmdLFEM4X, 1, "{ EM4X RFIDs... }"},
+ {"awid", CmdLFAWID, 1, "{ AWID RFIDs... }"},
+ {"em4x", CmdLFEM4X, 1, "{ EM4X RFIDs... }"},
+ {"hid", CmdLFHID, 1, "{ HID RFIDs... }"},
+ {"hitag", CmdLFHitag, 1, "{ Hitag tags and transponders... }"},
+ {"io", CmdLFIO, 1, "{ ioProx tags... }"},
+ {"pcf7931", CmdLFPCF7931, 1, "{ PCF7931 RFIDs... }"},
+ {"t55xx", CmdLFT55XX, 1, "{ T55xx RFIDs... }"},
+ {"ti", CmdLFTI, 1, "{ TI RFIDs... }"},
+ {"viking", CmdLFViking, 1, "{ Viking tags... }"},
+ {"cmdread", CmdLFCommandRead, 0, "<d period> <z period> <o period> <c command> ['H'] -- Modulate LF reader field to send command before read (all periods in microseconds) (option 'H' for 134)"},