-This repository contains, amongst others, an application, which emulates the HomeMatic LAN configuration adapter-protocol to make it possible to use the HM-CFG-USB in [Fhem](http://fhem.de/) or as a lan configuration tool for the CCU or the HomeMatic windows configuration software, also supporting devices using AES-signing like [KeyMatic](http://www.elv.de/homematic-funk-tuerschlossantrieb-keymatic-silber-inkl-funk-handsender.html).
+This repository contains, amongst others, an application, which emulates the
+HomeMatic LAN configuration adapter-protocol to make it possible to use the
+HM-CFG-USB in [Fhem][] or as a lan configuration tool for the CCU or the
+HomeMatic windows configuration software, also supporting devices using
+AES-signing like [KeyMatic][].
+[HM-CFG-USB(2)]: http://www.elv.de/homematic-usb-konfigurations-adapter-1.html
+[ELV]: http://www.elv.de/
+[libusb 1.0]: http://www.libusb.org/
+[BidCoS-Packets]: http://homegear.eu/index.php/BidCoS%C2%AE_Packets
+[HomeMatic]: http://www.homematic.com/
+[Fhem]: http://fhem.de/
+[KeyMatic]: http://www.elv.de/homematic-funk-tuerschlossantrieb-keymatic-silber-inkl-funk-handsender.html