-#include "stdafx.h"\r
-#include "tester1.h"\r
-#include <commctrl.h>\r
-//#include <aygshell.h>\r
-#include <sipapi.h>\r
-#include "setup.h"\r
-#define BOOT_LOGO_PATH "\\My Documents\\booting.bmp"\r
-#define BOOT_LOGO_PATH_CF "\\CF Card\\booting.bmp"\r
-#define BOOT_LOGO_DONE_PATH "\\My Documents\\done.bmp"\r
-#define BOOT_LOGO_DONE_PATH_CF "\\CF Card\\done.bmp"\r
-#define DONE1_X 100\r
-#define DONE1_Y 100\r
-#define DONE2_X 100\r
-#define DONE2_Y 130\r
-void setup_linux_params(long bootimg_dest, UINT32 initrd,UINT32 initrdl, long dram_size, const char *cmdline, char*base)\r
- int rootdev = 0x00ff;\r
- struct tag *tag;\r
- int newcmdlinelen = 0;\r
- char *newcmdline = NULL;\r
- tag = (struct tag *)(base+0x100);\r
- tag->hdr.tag = ATAG_CORE;\r
- tag->hdr.size = tag_size(tag_core);\r
- tag->u.core.flags =0;\r
- tag->u.core.pagesize = 0x00001000;\r
- tag->u.core.rootdev = rootdev;\r
- tag = tag_next(tag);\r
- // now the cmdline tag\r
- tag->hdr.tag = ATAG_CMDLINE;\r
- // must be at least +3!! 1 for the null and 2 for the ???\r
- tag->hdr.size = (strlen(cmdline) + 3 + sizeof(struct tag_header)) >> 2;\r
- //tag->hdr.size = (strlen(cmdline) + 10 + sizeof(struct tag_header)) >> 2;\r
- strcpy(tag->u.cmdline.cmdline,cmdline);\r
- tag = tag_next(tag);\r
- // now the mem32 tag\r
- tag->hdr.tag = ATAG_MEM;\r
- tag->hdr.size = tag_size(tag_mem32);\r
- tag->u.mem.size = dram_size;\r
- tag->u.mem.start = MEM_START;\r
- tag = tag_next(tag);\r
- \r
- /* and now the initrd tag */\r
- if (initrdl) {\r
- tag->hdr.tag = INITRD_TAG;\r
- tag->hdr.size = tag_size(tag_initrd);\r
- tag->u.initrd.start = initrd;\r
- tag->u.initrd.size = initrdl;\r
- tag = tag_next(tag);\r
- }\r
- \r
- tag->hdr.tag = ATAG_VIDEOTEXT;\r
- tag->hdr.size = tag_size(tag_videotext);\r
- tag->u.videotext.video_lines = 40;\r
- tag->u.videotext.video_cols = 30;\r
- tag = tag_next(tag);\r
- // now the NULL tag\r
- tag->hdr.tag = ATAG_NONE;\r
- tag->hdr.size = 0;\r
-/* loading process:\r
-function do_it is loaded onto address KERNELCOPY along with parameters(offset=0x100) and\r
-kernel image(offset=0x8000). Afterwards DRAMloader is called; it disables MMU and\r
-jumps onto KERNELCOPY. Function do_it then copies kernel image to its proper address(0xA0008000) \r
-and calls it.\r
-Initrd is loaded onto address INITRD and the address is passed to kernel via ATAG\r
-// This resets some devices\r
-void ResetDevices()\r
-#ifndef STRONGARM\r
- WritePhysical(0x4050000C,0); // Reset AC97\r
- WritePhysical(0x48000014,0); // Reset PCMCIA\r
- for(int i=0;i<0x3C;i+=4)\r
- WritePhysical(0x40000000,8); // Set DMAs to Stop state\r
- WritePhysical(0x400000F0,0); // DMA do not gen interrupt\r
- SetGPIOio(28,0); // AC97\r
- SetGPIOio(29,0); // AC97/I2S\r
- SetGPIOio(30,0); // I2S/AC97\r
- SetGPIOio(31,0); // I2S/AC97\r
- SetGPIOio(32,0); // AC97/I2S\r
- SetGPIOalt(28,0);\r
- SetGPIOalt(29,0);\r
- SetGPIOalt(30,0);\r
- SetGPIOalt(31,0);\r
- SetGPIOalt(32,0);\r
-void mymemcpy(char* a, char* b, int size);\r
-void boot_linux(char *filename,char* initrd,char *param)\r
- FILE *fd=fopen(filename,"rb");\r
- int ret;\r
- FILE* fd1;\r
- long initrdl;\r
- long len;\r
-#ifndef STRONGARM\r
- Image image;\r
- Image image_done;\r
- if(!fd)\r
- {\r
- FILE *logfd=fopen("\\bootlog.txt","a");\r
- fprintf(logfd, "Booting: ***FAILED TO OPEN %s***\n",filename);\r
- fclose(logfd);\r
- return;\r
- }\r
- fseek(fd,0,SEEK_END);\r
- len=ftell(fd);\r
- fseek(fd,0,SEEK_SET);\r
- fd1=fopen(initrd,"rb");\r
- initrdl=0;\r
- if(fd1) \r
- {\r
- fseek(fd1,0,SEEK_END);\r
- initrdl=ftell(fd1);\r
- fseek(fd1,0,SEEK_SET);\r
- }\r
- FILE *logfd=fopen("\\bootlog.txt","a");\r
- fprintf(logfd, "Booting: Images.");\r
- fclose(logfd);\r
- \r
-#ifndef STRONGARM\r
- /* i haven't ported this to strongarm, hope this is not important to\r
- * anyone */\r
- init_fb();\r
- try_fb();\r
- image=ReadBMP(BOOT_LOGO_PATH);\r
- if (!image.p) image=ReadBMP(BOOT_LOGO_PATH_CF);\r
- image_done=ReadBMP(BOOT_LOGO_DONE_PATH);\r
- if (!image_done.p) image_done = ReadBMP(BOOT_LOGO_DONE_PATH_CF);\r
- if (image.p) ShowImage(image.p,image.x,image.y);\r
- \r
- logfd=fopen("\\bootlog.txt","a");\r
- fprintf(logfd, "Booting: entering supervisor mode.");\r
- fclose(logfd);\r
- /* now becoming supervisor. */\r
- SetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread(),THREAD_PRIORITY_TIME_CRITICAL);\r
-// CeSetThreadQuantum(GetCurrentThread(),0);\r
- SetKMode(1);\r
- SetProcPermissions(0xffffffff);\r
- /* <ibot> rooooooooot has landed! */\r
- logfd=fopen("\\bootlog.txt","a");\r
- fprintf(logfd, "Booting: supervisor mode.");\r
- fclose(logfd);\r
- void *mmu=(void*)read_mmu();\r
- UINT32 *data=NULL,*lcd=NULL,*intr=NULL,*_mmu=NULL;\r
- char *watch=NULL,*krnl=NULL;\r
- IntOff();\r
- char *kernel_copy2=(char*)VirtualAlloc((void*)0x0,0x8000+len, MEM_RESERVE|MEM_TOP_DOWN,PAGE_READWRITE);\r
- ret=VirtualCopy((void*)kernel_copy2,(void *) (KERNELCOPY/256), 0x8000+len, PAGE_READWRITE|PAGE_NOCACHE|PAGE_PHYSICAL);\r
- char *initrd_copy2;\r
- if(fd1)\r
- {\r
- initrd_copy2=(char*)VirtualAlloc((void*)0x0,initrdl, MEM_RESERVE|MEM_TOP_DOWN,PAGE_READWRITE);\r
- ret=VirtualCopy((void*)initrd_copy2,(void *) (INITRD/256), initrdl, PAGE_READWRITE|PAGE_NOCACHE|PAGE_PHYSICAL);\r
- }\r
- void(*relmemcpy)(char*,char*,int);\r
- relmemcpy=(void (__cdecl *)(char *,char *,int))VirtualAlloc((void*)0x0, 1024, MEM_RESERVE|MEM_TOP_DOWN,PAGE_READWRITE);\r
- /* ask joshua */\r
-#ifndef STRONGARM\r
- ret=VirtualCopy((void*)relmemcpy,(void *) (0xa0001000/256), 1024, PAGE_READWRITE|PAGE_NOCACHE|PAGE_PHYSICAL);\r
- ret=VirtualCopy((void*)relmemcpy,(void *) (0xc0001000/256), 1024, PAGE_READWRITE|PAGE_NOCACHE|PAGE_PHYSICAL);\r
- if(!kernel_copy2) return;\r
- UINT32 phys_addr;\r
- phys_addr=KERNELCOPY;\r
- char *data1,*data2;\r
- data1=(char*)malloc(len);\r
- char *initrd1=NULL;\r
- if(fd1) initrd1=(char*)malloc(initrdl);\r
- if(!data1) return;\r
- if(!ret) return;\r
- data2= (char*)do_it;\r
- fread(data1,len,1,fd);\r
- fclose(fd);\r
- if(fd1)\r
- {\r
- fread(initrd1,initrdl,1,fd1);\r
- fclose(fd1);\r
- }\r
- // Do not block interrupts before they are needed anymore\r
- // Like reading the SD card.\r
- intr=(UINT32*)VirtualAlloc((void*)0x0,0x100, MEM_RESERVE,PAGE_READWRITE);\r
- // Interrupt control registers\r
- ret=VirtualCopy((void*)intr,(void *) (ICIP/256), 0x100, PAGE_READWRITE|PAGE_NOCACHE|PAGE_PHYSICAL);\r
- intr[1]=0;\r
-// ResetDevices();\r
- UART_puts("LinExec: Passing the point of no return.. Now.\r\n");\r
- UINT32 crc=0;\r
- setup_linux_params(BOOTIMG, INITRD,initrdl, MEM_SIZE*1024*1024 , param,kernel_copy2);\r
- memcpy(relmemcpy,mymemcpy,1024);\r
- relmemcpy(kernel_copy2,data2,0x100);\r
- if(fd1)\r
- relmemcpy(initrd_copy2,initrd1,initrdl);\r
- relmemcpy(kernel_copy2+0x8000,data1,len);\r
- UART_puts("LinExec: Entering DRAMloader...\r\n");\r
- \r
- DRAMloader(phys_addr, MACH_TYPE);\r
-void mymemcpy(char* a, char* b, int size)\r
- while (size)\r
- {\r
- *a=*b;\r
- size--;\r
- a++; b++;\r
- };\r
- Loads parameters from file given.\r
- The file has to be:\r
- kernel image\r
- initrd\r
- kernel cmdline\r
-void load_boot(char *ParamFile)\r
- FILE *stream;\r
- UART_setup();\r
- stream=fopen(ParamFile,"r");\r
- if(!stream) {\r
- FILE *logfd=fopen("\\bootlog.txt","a");\r
- fprintf(logfd, "Booting: ***FAILED TO OPEN %s***\n",ParamFile);\r
- fclose(logfd);\r
- return;\r
- }\r
- char cmd[200],image[50],initrd[50];\r
- fgets(image,50,stream);\r
- image[strlen(image)-1]=0; // remove \n from the end\r
- \r
- fgets(initrd,50,stream);\r
- initrd[strlen(initrd)-1]=0;\r
- \r
- fgets(cmd,200,stream);\r
- cmd[strlen(cmd)-1]=0;\r
- fclose(stream);\r
- UART_puts("LinExec: Beginning boot_linux.\r\n");\r
- boot_linux(image,initrd,cmd);\r
-} \r
+#include "stdafx.h"
+#include "tester1.h"
+#include <commctrl.h>
+//#include <aygshell.h>
+#include <sipapi.h>
+#include "setup.h"
+#define BOOT_LOGO_PATH "\\My Documents\\booting.bmp"
+#define BOOT_LOGO_PATH_CF "\\CF Card\\booting.bmp"
+#define BOOT_LOGO_DONE_PATH "\\My Documents\\done.bmp"
+#define BOOT_LOGO_DONE_PATH_CF "\\CF Card\\done.bmp"
+#define DONE1_X 100
+#define DONE1_Y 100
+#define DONE2_X 100
+#define DONE2_Y 130
+void setup_linux_params(long bootimg_dest, UINT32 initrd,UINT32 initrdl, long dram_size, const char *cmdline, char*base)
+ int rootdev = 0x00ff;
+ struct tag *tag;
+ int newcmdlinelen = 0;
+ char *newcmdline = NULL;
+ tag = (struct tag *)(base+0x100);
+ tag->hdr.tag = ATAG_CORE;
+ tag->hdr.size = tag_size(tag_core);
+ tag->u.core.flags =0;
+ tag->u.core.pagesize = 0x00001000;
+ tag->u.core.rootdev = rootdev;
+ tag = tag_next(tag);
+ // now the cmdline tag
+ tag->hdr.tag = ATAG_CMDLINE;
+ // must be at least +3!! 1 for the null and 2 for the ???
+ tag->hdr.size = (strlen(cmdline) + 3 + sizeof(struct tag_header)) >> 2;
+ //tag->hdr.size = (strlen(cmdline) + 10 + sizeof(struct tag_header)) >> 2;
+ strcpy(tag->u.cmdline.cmdline,cmdline);
+ tag = tag_next(tag);
+ // now the mem32 tag
+ tag->hdr.tag = ATAG_MEM;
+ tag->hdr.size = tag_size(tag_mem32);
+ tag->u.mem.size = dram_size;
+ tag->u.mem.start = MEM_START;
+ tag = tag_next(tag);
+ /* and now the initrd tag */
+ if (initrdl) {
+ tag->hdr.tag = INITRD_TAG;
+ tag->hdr.size = tag_size(tag_initrd);
+ tag->u.initrd.start = initrd;
+ tag->u.initrd.size = initrdl;
+ tag = tag_next(tag);
+ }
+ tag->hdr.tag = ATAG_VIDEOTEXT;
+ tag->hdr.size = tag_size(tag_videotext);
+ tag->u.videotext.video_lines = 40;
+ tag->u.videotext.video_cols = 30;
+ tag = tag_next(tag);
+ // now the NULL tag
+ tag->hdr.tag = ATAG_NONE;
+ tag->hdr.size = 0;
+/* loading process:
+function do_it is loaded onto address KERNELCOPY along with parameters(offset=0x100) and
+kernel image(offset=0x8000). Afterwards DRAMloader is called; it disables MMU and
+jumps onto KERNELCOPY. Function do_it then copies kernel image to its proper address(0xA0008000)
+and calls it.
+Initrd is loaded onto address INITRD and the address is passed to kernel via ATAG
+// This resets some devices
+void ResetDevices()
+#ifndef STRONGARM
+ WritePhysical(0x4050000C,0); // Reset AC97
+ WritePhysical(0x48000014,0); // Reset PCMCIA
+ for(int i=0;i<0x3C;i+=4)
+ WritePhysical(0x40000000,8); // Set DMAs to Stop state
+ WritePhysical(0x400000F0,0); // DMA do not gen interrupt
+ SetGPIOio(28,0); // AC97
+ SetGPIOio(29,0); // AC97/I2S
+ SetGPIOio(30,0); // I2S/AC97
+ SetGPIOio(31,0); // I2S/AC97
+ SetGPIOio(32,0); // AC97/I2S
+ SetGPIOalt(28,0);
+ SetGPIOalt(29,0);
+ SetGPIOalt(30,0);
+ SetGPIOalt(31,0);
+ SetGPIOalt(32,0);
+void mymemcpy(char* a, char* b, int size);
+void boot_linux(char *filename,char* initrd,char *param)
+ FILE *fd=fopen(filename,"rb");
+ int ret;
+ FILE* fd1;
+ long initrdl;
+ long len;
+#ifndef STRONGARM
+ Image image;
+ Image image_done;
+ if(!fd)
+ {
+ FILE *logfd=fopen("\\bootlog.txt","a");
+ fprintf(logfd, "Booting: ***FAILED TO OPEN %s***\n",filename);
+ fclose(logfd);
+ return;
+ }
+ fseek(fd,0,SEEK_END);
+ len=ftell(fd);
+ fseek(fd,0,SEEK_SET);
+ fd1=fopen(initrd,"rb");
+ initrdl=0;
+ if(fd1)
+ {
+ fseek(fd1,0,SEEK_END);
+ initrdl=ftell(fd1);
+ fseek(fd1,0,SEEK_SET);
+ }
+ FILE *logfd=fopen("\\bootlog.txt","a");
+ fprintf(logfd, "Booting: Images.");
+ fclose(logfd);
+#ifndef STRONGARM
+ /* i haven't ported this to strongarm, hope this is not important to
+ * anyone */
+ init_fb();
+ try_fb();
+ image=ReadBMP(BOOT_LOGO_PATH);
+ if (!image.p) image=ReadBMP(BOOT_LOGO_PATH_CF);
+ image_done=ReadBMP(BOOT_LOGO_DONE_PATH);
+ if (!image_done.p) image_done = ReadBMP(BOOT_LOGO_DONE_PATH_CF);
+ if (image.p) ShowImage(image.p,image.x,image.y);
+ logfd=fopen("\\bootlog.txt","a");
+ fprintf(logfd, "Booting: entering supervisor mode.");
+ fclose(logfd);
+ /* now becoming supervisor. */
+ SetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread(),THREAD_PRIORITY_TIME_CRITICAL);
+// CeSetThreadQuantum(GetCurrentThread(),0);
+ SetKMode(1);
+ SetProcPermissions(0xffffffff);
+ /* <ibot> rooooooooot has landed! */
+ logfd=fopen("\\bootlog.txt","a");
+ fprintf(logfd, "Booting: supervisor mode.");
+ fclose(logfd);
+ void *mmu=(void*)read_mmu();
+ UINT32 *data=NULL,*lcd=NULL,*intr=NULL,*_mmu=NULL;
+ char *watch=NULL,*krnl=NULL;
+ IntOff();
+ char *kernel_copy2=(char*)VirtualAlloc((void*)0x0,0x8000+len, MEM_RESERVE|MEM_TOP_DOWN,PAGE_READWRITE);
+ ret=VirtualCopy((void*)kernel_copy2,(void *) (KERNELCOPY/256), 0x8000+len, PAGE_READWRITE|PAGE_NOCACHE|PAGE_PHYSICAL);
+ char *initrd_copy2;
+ if(fd1)
+ {
+ initrd_copy2=(char*)VirtualAlloc((void*)0x0,initrdl, MEM_RESERVE|MEM_TOP_DOWN,PAGE_READWRITE);
+ ret=VirtualCopy((void*)initrd_copy2,(void *) (INITRD/256), initrdl, PAGE_READWRITE|PAGE_NOCACHE|PAGE_PHYSICAL);
+ }
+ void(*relmemcpy)(char*,char*,int);
+ relmemcpy=(void (__cdecl *)(char *,char *,int))VirtualAlloc((void*)0x0, 1024, MEM_RESERVE|MEM_TOP_DOWN,PAGE_READWRITE);
+ /* ask joshua */
+#ifndef STRONGARM
+ ret=VirtualCopy((void*)relmemcpy,(void *) (0xa0001000/256), 1024, PAGE_READWRITE|PAGE_NOCACHE|PAGE_PHYSICAL);
+ ret=VirtualCopy((void*)relmemcpy,(void *) (0xc0001000/256), 1024, PAGE_READWRITE|PAGE_NOCACHE|PAGE_PHYSICAL);
+ if(!kernel_copy2) return;
+ UINT32 phys_addr;
+ phys_addr=KERNELCOPY;
+ char *data1,*data2;
+ data1=(char*)malloc(len);
+ char *initrd1=NULL;
+ if(fd1) initrd1=(char*)malloc(initrdl);
+ if(!data1) return;
+ if(!ret) return;
+ data2= (char*)do_it;
+ fread(data1,len,1,fd);
+ fclose(fd);
+ if(fd1)
+ {
+ fread(initrd1,initrdl,1,fd1);
+ fclose(fd1);
+ }
+ // Do not block interrupts before they are needed anymore
+ // Like reading the SD card.
+ intr=(UINT32*)VirtualAlloc((void*)0x0,0x100, MEM_RESERVE,PAGE_READWRITE);
+ // Interrupt control registers
+ ret=VirtualCopy((void*)intr,(void *) (ICIP/256), 0x100, PAGE_READWRITE|PAGE_NOCACHE|PAGE_PHYSICAL);
+ intr[1]=0;
+// ResetDevices();
+ UART_puts("LinExec: Passing the point of no return.. Now.\r\n");
+ UINT32 crc=0;
+ setup_linux_params(BOOTIMG, INITRD,initrdl, MEM_SIZE*1024*1024 , param,kernel_copy2);
+ memcpy(relmemcpy,mymemcpy,1024);
+ relmemcpy(kernel_copy2,data2,0x100);
+ if(fd1)
+ relmemcpy(initrd_copy2,initrd1,initrdl);
+ relmemcpy(kernel_copy2+0x8000,data1,len);
+ UART_puts("LinExec: Entering DRAMloader...\r\n");
+ DRAMloader(phys_addr, MACH_TYPE);
+void mymemcpy(char* a, char* b, int size)
+ while (size)
+ {
+ *a=*b;
+ size--;
+ a++; b++;
+ };
+ Loads parameters from file given.
+ The file has to be:
+ kernel image
+ initrd
+ kernel cmdline
+void load_boot(char *ParamFile)
+ FILE *stream;
+ UART_setup();
+ stream=fopen(ParamFile,"r");
+ if(!stream) {
+ FILE *logfd=fopen("\\bootlog.txt","a");
+ fprintf(logfd, "Booting: ***FAILED TO OPEN %s***\n",ParamFile);
+ fclose(logfd);
+ return;
+ }
+ char cmd[200],image[50],initrd[50];
+ fgets(image,50,stream);
+ image[strlen(image)-1]=0; // remove \n from the end
+ fgets(initrd,50,stream);
+ initrd[strlen(initrd)-1]=0;
+ fgets(cmd,200,stream);
+ cmd[strlen(cmd)-1]=0;
+ fclose(stream);
+ UART_puts("LinExec: Beginning boot_linux.\r\n");
+ boot_linux(image,initrd,cmd);