# Makefile for Micropolis # # Micropolis, Unix Version. This game was released for the Unix platform # in or about 1990 and has been modified for inclusion in the One Laptop # Per Child program. Copyright (C) 1989 - 2007 Electronic Arts Inc. If # you need assistance with this program, you may contact: # http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Micropolis or email micropolis@laptop.org. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at # your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. You should have received a # copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If # not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # # ADDITIONAL TERMS per GNU GPL Section 7 # # No trademark or publicity rights are granted. This license does NOT # give you any right, title or interest in the trademark SimCity or any # other Electronic Arts trademark. You may not distribute any # modification of this program using the trademark SimCity or claim any # affliation or association with Electronic Arts Inc. or its employees. # # Any propagation or conveyance of this program must include this # copyright notice and these terms. # # If you convey this program (or any modifications of it) and assume # contractual liability for the program to recipients of it, you agree # to indemnify Electronic Arts for any liability that those contractual # assumptions impose on Electronic Arts. # # You may not misrepresent the origins of this program; modified # versions of the program must be marked as such and not identified as # the original program. # # This disclaimer supplements the one included in the General Public # License. TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMISSIBLE UNDER APPLICABLE LAW, THIS # PROGRAM IS PROVIDED TO YOU "AS IS," WITH ALL FAULTS, WITHOUT WARRANTY # OF ANY KIND, AND YOUR USE IS AT YOUR SOLE RISK. THE ENTIRE RISK OF # SATISFACTORY QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE RESIDES WITH YOU. ELECTRONIC ARTS # DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY WARRANTIES, # INCLUDING IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, NONINFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY # RIGHTS, AND WARRANTIES (IF ANY) ARISING FROM A COURSE OF DEALING, # USAGE, OR TRADE PRACTICE. ELECTRONIC ARTS DOES NOT WARRANT AGAINST # INTERFERENCE WITH YOUR ENJOYMENT OF THE PROGRAM; THAT THE PROGRAM WILL # MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS; THAT OPERATION OF THE PROGRAM WILL BE # UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR-FREE, OR THAT THE PROGRAM WILL BE COMPATIBLE # WITH THIRD PARTY SOFTWARE OR THAT ANY ERRORS IN THE PROGRAM WILL BE # CORRECTED. NO ORAL OR WRITTEN ADVICE PROVIDED BY ELECTRONIC ARTS OR # ANY AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE SHALL CREATE A WARRANTY. SOME # JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OF OR LIMITATIONS ON IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OR THE LIMITATIONS ON THE APPLICABLE STATUTORY RIGHTS OF A # CONSUMER, SO SOME OR ALL OF THE ABOVE EXCLUSIONS AND LIMITATIONS MAY # NOT APPLY TO YOU. RES = ../res TARFILES = \ micropolis-activity/Micropolis \ micropolis-activity/README \ micropolis-activity/COPYING \ micropolis-activity/cities \ micropolis-activity/images \ micropolis-activity/res \ micropolis-activity/manual \ micropolis-activity/activity \ micropolis-activity/__init__.py \ micropolis-activity/micropolisactivity.py \ micropolis-activity/Micropolis.png all: cd tcl ; make all cd tk ; make all cd tclx ; make all cd sim ; make all clean: rm -f Micropolis.tgz (cd $(RES) ; touch junk~ ; rm -f sim *~) (cd .. ; touch junk~ ; rm -f *~) touch junk~ ; rm -f *~ rm -rf BUILDIT cd tcl ; make clean cd tk ; make clean cd tclx ; make clean cd sim ; make clean install: all (cd $(RES) ; rm -f sim) cp sim/sim $(RES)/sim ; strip $(RES)/sim tar: touch $(RES)/junk~ ../images/junk~ rm -f ../../micropolis-activity.tgz $(RES)/*~ ../images/*~ (cd ../.. ; tar cfvz micropolis-activity.tgz $(TARFILES)) xo: install touch $(RES)/junk~ ../images/junk~ rm -f ../../micropolis.xo $(RES)/*~ ../images/*~ rm -rf BUILDIT mkdir BUILDIT tar cf - -C ../.. $(TARFILES) | (cd BUILDIT; tar xf -) # The DejaVu fonts are not needed on the XO, only other platforms. rm -rf BUILDIT/micropolis-activity/res/dejavu-lgc mv BUILDIT/micropolis-activity BUILDIT/micropolis.activity (cd BUILDIT; zip -r ../../../micropolis.xo micropolis.activity) rm -rf BUILDIT # # To cut a release: # Edit activity/activity.info and increment the version number. # In what follows, replace "3" with the latest version number # vi activity/activity.info # git commit activity/activity.info # Now make the source tar file: # git-archive --format=tar --prefix=micropolis-activity-3/ HEAD >../micropolis-activity-3-src.tar # gzip -9 ../micropolis-activity-3-src.tar # chmod a-w ../micropolis-activity-3-src.tar.gz # Now make the binary: # (cd src; make xo) # mv ../micropolis.xo ../micropolis-3.xo # chmod a-w ../micropolis-3.xo # You're done. Publish them. #