* multi-user "select city" dialog
** Add about, configure buttons
** draw and erase on map window

* configuration panel
** players
** keys

* sim.
** command to set process nice
** first editor on a display gets a control window

* control window.
** file menu.
*** About (dialog)
*** LoadScenario (confirm)
*** StartNewCity (confirm)
*** LoadCity (file dialog)
*** SaveCity (file dialog if no file name)
*** SaveCityAs (file dialog)
*** PrintCity (print dialog)
*** GetKey (key dialog)
*** QuitMicropolis (confirm)
** options menu
*** auto budget, auto goto, auto bulldoze, disasters, sound
** disasters menu
*** monster, fire, flood, air crash, tornado, earthquake, meltdown
** window menu
   defer creating windows

* more controls
** command field
*** type in arguments to menu commands
*** interpret tcl
** icon for each window opened and openable (dim)
*** window name, display name, user name
*** click opened icon to bring to top
*** click openable icon to make new window
*** make nice icons
*** display nice icons in x window icons too
*** save window layout
*** restore window layout
** speed slider
** priority slider

* editor window.
** editor view.
** tool pallet.
** various text fields.
*** funds, date, message, cost.
** initialize controls
** autogoto is a per-editor flag
** autogoto toggle
** coal/nuclear toggle
** update frequency slider
** cursor tool outline (preview?)
** pie menus
** earthquake
** demand gauge
** auto scroll
** constrained drag
** arrow keys pan
** fix autorepeat problem

* map window.
** set window title
** initialize pallet and menus
** legend tied to map state
** menu buttons that appear when needed
*** zone type
*** population type
*** service type
** disable manipulation of other peoples maps (unless you're god)
** click on a rectangle to bring that editor to the top
** create a new editor by clicking on the small map
** open new display by typing in a display name and creating a new editor
** update frequency slider

* budget window.
** set window title
** hour glass
** auto budget behavior
     do we or don't we pause the simulator?
     do we or don't we bring up other peoples budget window?
     when AutoBudget, simulator continues, and just your window opens.
     when not AutoBudget, simulator pauses, so everyones window opens, 
     hour glasses starts
     how about we just don't pause, and everyone controls their own window.

* graph window
** set window title
** graph object
*** GraphRange ?10|120?
*** GraphType 0..5 ?0..1?
*** set window title

* dialogs

** start scenario.
*** 6 scenario buttons, labeled.
*** new city.
*** load city.
*** get key
*** dynamic scenario description

** generate city
*** label "creating new map"
*** city name text field
*** city level buttons with labels
*** map view
*** generate new terrain
*** use this map
*** load city
*** play scenario
*** get key

** load
*** file dialog

** save
*** file dialog

** print
*** mono / color
*** small map / large map
*** printer command text field
*** print button

** key
*** Instructions, Address, Phone Number (labels)
*** License Type: Node/Network (exclusive settings)
*** License Code: (field)
*** Enter Key: (text field)
*** Install Key (button)

** zone status
*** zone type label
*** Density, Value, Crime, Pollution, Growth (fields)

** notice
*** city size
**** city size label, description message
**** town, city, capital, metropolis, megalopolis, winner
*** warning messages
**** warning name, description message
**** pollution, crime, traffic, monster, meltdown, riots, demo, impeachment

** about
*** text, pictures, noises

** confirm
*** message, yes button, no button

** error
*** message
*** ok

* evaluation window.

* help

* printing

* sound

* new elm interface

* tk
** masked pixmap object for canvases (or a regular componant)
** pie menus

* stacks

** Audio
  implement audio interface

** Micropolis
  About box
*** messages
  /StartGame { % HomeDir ResourceDir StackDir KeyDir => -
  /ReallyStartGame { % - => -
  /NewGame { % - => -
  /StartLoad { % - => -
  /StartScenario { % name|number => -
  /DoStartNewCity { % - => -
  /DoPlayNewCity { % - => -
  /DoLoseGame { % - => -
  /DoLoadScenario { % - => -
  /DidLoadScenario { % - => -
  /DoLoadCity { % - => -
  /HeyLoadCity { % name => -
  /CancelLoadCity { % - => -
  /DidLoadCity { % - => -
  /DidntLoadCity { % error => -
  /DoSaveCity { % - => -
  /DoSaveCityAs { % - => -
  /HeySaveCityAs { % name => -
  /DidSaveCity { % - => -
  /DidntSaveCity { % error => -
  /DoGetKey { % - => -
  /DoQuitMicropolis { % - => -
  /InitializeSound { % - => -
  /ShutDownSound { % - => -
  /SetUserSound { % bool => -
  /MakeSound { % n => -
  /StartSound { % n => -
  /StopSound { % n => -
  /SoundOff { % - => -
  /UckfayEthayOlicepay { % - => -
  /PrintLargeMap { % - => -
  /PrintSmallMap { % - => -
  /HyperDrawLargeMap { % - => -
  /HyperDrawSmallMap { % - => -
  /HyperDrawCityView { % - => -
  /DoPrintCity { % - => -
  /StartElmd { % - => -

** Budget
  Tax Rate Percent: (slider 0% 20%)
  Taxes Collected: (field)
  Amount Requested (column heading)
  Amount Allocated (column heading)
  Funding Level (column heading)
  Fire Fund: (field) (numeric) (slider 0% 100%)
  Police Fund: (field) (numeric) (slider 0% 100%)
  Trans. Fund: (field) (numeric) (slider 0% 100%)
  Cash Flow: (field)
  Previous Funds: (field)
  Current Funds: (field)
  Hour Glass (inactivity timer)
    goes for 20 seconds then takes down budget window and continues
  Go With These Figures (button)
    /GoWithTheseFigures /ResumeSim /Hide
*** messages
  /SetBudget { % [($flow) ($previous) () ($current)] ($collected) tax => -
  /SetMaxFunds { % [($road)] [road] [($police)] [police] [($fire)] [fire] => -
  /StartWaiting { % - => -
    shows hour glass

** Editor
  File (menu)
    { NIL /DoLoadScenario /Micropolis Send }
    { NIL /DoStartNewCity /Micropolis Send }
    { NIL /DoLoadCity /Micropolis Send }
    { NIL /DoSaveCity /Micropolis Send }
    { NIL /DoSaveCityAs /Micropolis Send }
    { NIL /DoPrintCity /Micropolis Send }
    { NIL /DoGetKey /Micropolis Send }
    { NIL /DoQuitMicropolis /Micropolis Send }
  Options (menu)
    [exch] /SetOptions ClientSend
  Disasters (menu)
    { NIL /MakeMonster ClientSend }
    { NIL /MakeFire ClientSend }
    { NIL /MakeFlood ClientSend }
    { NIL /MakeAirCrash ClientSend }
    { NIL /MakeTornado ClientSend }
    { NIL /MakeEarthquake ClientSend }
    { NIL /MakeMeltdown ClientSend }
  Time (menu)
    /Action {
       [exch] /SetSpeed ClientSend
    } def
  Priority (menu)
    /Action {
       { {1000 5} {500 4} {250 3} {120 2} {60 0} {25 0} {0 0}
       } exch get cvx exec
       [exch] /SetNice ClientSend
       [exch] /SetDelay ClientSend
    } def
  Windows (menu)
    { NIL /UpdateBudget ClientSend }
    { NIL /UpdateEvaluation ClientSend
      /MicropolisEvaluation ShowStack }
    { /MicropolisGraph ShowStack }
    { /MicropolisSurveyor ShowStack }
    { /MicropolisNotice ShowStack }
    { /MicropolisMap ShowStack }
    { /MicropolisEditor ShowStack }
  Funds: (field)
  Date: (field)
  Message: (field)
  Editing Icons (exclusive settings)
    /DoSetWandState /SetPowerType
  Demand: (gauge)
    /SetDemand { % r c i => -
  Zoom In/Out (rocker switch)
  Zoom Reset (button)
  Tool Cost: (field)
  Editor View
    Editing Icons (pie menu)
    Cursor outline showing where tool will operate
      color codes for tools
        query		gray
        bulldozer	brown
	road		black white
	wire		black yellow
	rail		black brown
	park		brown green
	residential	green
	commercial	blue
	industrial	yellow
	police		brown blue
	fire		brown red
	stadium		gray green
	coal		gray yellow
	seaport		gray blue
	airport		gray white
	nuclear		gray yellow
	monster		orange
	helicopter	red

	draw (colored pen)

    Panning with arrow keys
    Panning by dragging
    Dynamic panning & bouncing
    Mouse tool handling
    Tools connect corners
    Constrained drag
    Auto scroll
*** messages
  /InitGame { % - => -
  /DoEarthQuake { % - => -
  /DoSetWandState { % state => -
  /JustSetWandState { % n => -
  /SetMessage { % str => -

** Evaluation
  Public Opinion (column header)
    Is the mayor doing a good job? (field)
      % yes, % no (fields)
    What are the worst problems? (field)
      % problem, ... (fields)
  Statistics (column header)
    Population, Net Migration, Assessed, Value, Category (fields)
    Overall City Score (field)
      current score (field)
      anual change (field)
*** messages
  /SetEvaluation { % [strings] => -

** Graph
  Graph Plot
    /InitGraph /GraphMe
    /SetGraph { % [range year month res com ind money crime pollution] => -
  10/120 Year (exclusive toggle)
  Residential, Commercial, Industrial, Money, Crime, Pollution (toggles)
*** messages

** Map
  Scenerio Screen
    Noisy Grill (toggle)
    Duck (button)
    Key (button)
    New City, Load City (buttons)
    6 scenarios (buttons)
    scenario names (labels)
  Map Background
    Map View
      Shows rectangles for editor views
      Drag rectangles to scroll editor views
    Terrain Generator
      Generate New Terrain, Use This Map (buttons)
    City Map
      Map State Icons (exclusive settings)
	Zone Type (menu)
	Population Type (menu)
	Service Type (menu)
	/SetMapState /SetZoneType /SetPopNRate /SetPoliceRadius
	Max/Min / +/- / none (picture)
*** messages
  /InitGame { % - => -

** Notice
  Welcome Notice
  New City (dialog)
    Creating New Map ... (label)
    City Name: (text field)
    Game Level: Easy/Medium/Hard (exclusive settings)
  Are You Sure?
    Yes, No (buttons)
  Really Quit?
    Save City, Really Quit, Never Mind (buttons)
  Print City
    Monochrome/Color (exclusive settings)
    Edit Small Map, Edit Large Map, Edit City View (buttons)
    Printer Command: (text field)
    Print Small Map, Print Large Map, Show Printer Queue (buttons)
  Install Key
    Instructions, Address, Phone Number (labels)
    License Type: Node/Network (exclusive settings)
    License Code: (field)
    Enter Key: (text field)
    Install Key (button)
  Earthquake Control
    Richter Scale: (slider .1% 10%)
    Earthquake (button)
  Scenario Descriptions
  Zone Status
    Zone Type (field)
    Density, Value, Crime, Pollution, Growth (fields)
  Game Level Notices
*** messages
  /InitGame { % - => -
  /ShowNotice { % card => -
  /ShowPicture { % id => -
  /ShowZoneStatus { % type [s0 s1 s2 s3 s4] => -
  /AreYouSure? { % yesResponse => -
  /Respond { % target thing|null => -
  /Yes { % - => -
  /No { % - => -

** Surveyor
  Editor View(s)
  Zoom In/Out (rocker switch)
  Zoom Reset (button)
  Single/Multiple View (toggle)
  Click on surveyor view to center editor there
*** messages
  /AutoGoto { % x y msg => -
  /AutoGotoClick { % - => -

** Help
  Help Text Display
  Done (button)

	Philip Glass, Powaqqatsi, That Place
	Grateful Dead, Fire on the Mountain
	Philip Glass, Powaqqatsi, Serra Pelada
	Yello, Oh Yeah
	Yello, RubberBandMan
	Philip Glass, Powaqqatsi, CAUGHT!
	Percussions D'Asie
	Philip Glass, Powaqqatsi, Serra Pelada
	Philip Glass, Powaqqatsi, From Egypt