==== IN PROGRESS ====

IRC Chat Server connection

If Numeric Lock is on, Tk ignores all mouse clicks! Ignore NumLock state. 


Integrate sound server into main application.

==== BUGS ====

Wrap year back around from 1000000 to 0 instead of 1900. 
Ensure floored arithmetic in code w.r.t. CityTime.

pause game and change graph mode from 10 yrs to 120 yrs. graph does not update.

colors in the power grid overlay are not correct.
if funds negative, then current funds displays $-,600

earthquakes at high speed slow down mouse tracking

lots of res/sounddev processes sitting around.

errors on one x server should not kill whole game for all players, just close down that x server.

pan cursor gets displaced when it hits the limits.

panning needs to be easier, some shift key accelerator for two button mice.
Panning mode, so you don't need to hold the button down, or lose your current tool.

function or control keys to switch between drawing tools, that don't interfere with chat. 

Need an official way to cheat, since FUND does not work. One armed bandit? 

==== FIXED ====

option to turn off alerts
option to print notices less frequently
blur the quickly changing date

sometimes the date window stops updating
sometimes the text buttons stop updating

sometimes the graph window does not show up in the head window!