* notice views on flood, 41 heavy traffic, 22 tornado * shell scripts & licensing include elmnotify etc * configuration panel preferences (global, per head) auto scroll edge auto scroll step auto scroll delay pie menu popup delay sound effect level * players more info, saved in database name, server, email addresses audio servers (per head?) save/restore named window configurations * help (8) must implement a help mechanism and put in lots of help * documentation manual entries for Micropolis, elm stuff, audio servers * manual (9) need to re-write manual, and do new illustrations must have a framemaker license to do this * keyboard commands: arrow, function keys (3) also need to disable autorepeat * save/restore overlay (5) write all overlay information into another file, like Glasgow.city.overlay * print city dialog (6) need to implement printing function and control panel from scratch * In file dialog boxes, highlight text and then typing doesn't replace it, you still have to backspace. * In file dialog boxes, ~ isn't interpreted correctly. * Start Hamburg, restart another scenario. the new scenario gets bombed. can't reproduce * Tk text fields don't display cursor on second screen * One person inserting text into text field moves everybody else's insertion point to the end.