6658905f |
1 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\r |
2 | // Routines for the user interface when doing interactive things with prox\r |
3 | // cards; this is basically a command line thing, in one window, and then\r |
4 | // another window to do the graphs.\r |
5 | // Jonathan Westhues, Sept 2005\r |
6 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\r |
7 | #include <windows.h>\r |
8 | #include <limits.h>\r |
9 | #include <commctrl.h>\r |
10 | #include <stdlib.h>\r |
11 | #include <stdio.h>\r |
12 | #include <math.h>\r |
13 | \r |
14 | #include "prox.h"\r |
15 | \r |
16 | #define oops() do { \\r |
17 | char line[100]; \\r |
18 | sprintf(line, "Internal error at line %d file '%s'", __LINE__, \\r |
19 | __FILE__); \\r |
20 | MessageBox(NULL, line, "Error", MB_ICONERROR); \\r |
21 | exit(-1); \\r |
22 | } while(0)\r |
23 | \r |
24 | void dbp(char *str, ...)\r |
25 | {\r |
26 | va_list f;\r |
27 | char buf[1024];\r |
28 | va_start(f, str);\r |
29 | vsprintf(buf, str, f);\r |
30 | OutputDebugString(buf);\r |
31 | OutputDebugString("\n");\r |
32 | }\r |
33 | \r |
34 | int GraphBuffer[MAX_GRAPH_TRACE_LEN];\r |
35 | int GraphTraceLen;\r |
bb2d45ec |
36 | int PlotGridX, PlotGridY;\r |
6658905f |
37 | \r |
bd4cc2c9 |
38 | HPEN GreyPenLite, GreyPen, GreenPen, WhitePen, YellowPen;\r |
6658905f |
39 | HBRUSH GreenBrush, YellowBrush;\r |
40 | \r |
41 | static int GraphStart = 0;\r |
42 | static double GraphPixelsPerPoint = 1;\r |
43 | \r |
44 | static int CursorAPos;\r |
45 | static int CursorBPos;\r |
46 | double CursorScaleFactor = 1.0;\r |
47 | static HPEN CursorAPen;\r |
48 | static HPEN CursorBPen;\r |
49 | \r |
50 | static HWND CommandWindow;\r |
51 | static HWND GraphWindow;\r |
52 | static HWND ScrollbackEdit;\r |
53 | static HWND CommandEdit;\r |
54 | \r |
55 | #define COMMAND_HISTORY_MAX 16\r |
56 | static char CommandHistory[COMMAND_HISTORY_MAX][256];\r |
57 | static int CommandHistoryPos = -1;\r |
58 | static int CommandHistoryNext;\r |
59 | \r |
60 | static HFONT MyFixedFont;\r |
61 | #define FixedFont(x) SendMessage((x), WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)MyFixedFont, TRUE)\r |
62 | \r |
63 | void ExecCmd(char *cmd)\r |
64 | {\r |
6658905f |
65 | }\r |
bd4cc2c9 |
66 | \r |
6658905f |
67 | int CommandFinished;\r |
30f2a7d3 |
68 | int offset = 64;\r |
6658905f |
69 | \r |
70 | static void ResizeCommandWindow(void)\r |
71 | {\r |
72 | int w, h;\r |
73 | RECT r;\r |
74 | GetClientRect(CommandWindow, &r);\r |
75 | w = r.right - r.left;\r |
76 | h = r.bottom - r.top;\r |
77 | MoveWindow(ScrollbackEdit, 10, 10, w - 20, h - 50, TRUE);\r |
78 | MoveWindow(CommandEdit, 10, h - 29, w - 20, 22, TRUE);\r |
79 | }\r |
80 | \r |
81 | void RepaintGraphWindow(void)\r |
82 | {\r |
83 | InvalidateRect(GraphWindow, NULL, TRUE);\r |
84 | }\r |
85 | \r |
86 | static LRESULT CALLBACK\r |
87 | CommandWindowProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)\r |
88 | {\r |
89 | switch (msg) {\r |
90 | case WM_DESTROY:\r |
91 | case WM_QUIT:\r |
92 | exit(0);\r |
93 | return 0;\r |
94 | \r |
95 | case WM_SIZE:\r |
96 | ResizeCommandWindow();\r |
97 | return 0;\r |
98 | \r |
99 | case WM_SETFOCUS:\r |
100 | SetFocus(CommandEdit);\r |
101 | break;\r |
102 | \r |
103 | default:\r |
104 | return DefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam);\r |
105 | }\r |
106 | \r |
107 | return 1;\r |
108 | }\r |
109 | \r |
110 | static void PaintGraph(HDC hdc)\r |
111 | {\r |
bd4cc2c9 |
112 | RECT r;\r |
6658905f |
113 | HBRUSH brush;\r |
114 | HPEN pen;\r |
bd4cc2c9 |
115 | char str[250];\r |
116 | int yMin = INT_MAX;\r |
117 | int yMax = INT_MIN;\r |
118 | int yMean = 0;\r |
119 | int startMax = 0;\r |
120 | int absYMax = 1;\r |
121 | int n = 0, i = 0;\r |
6658905f |
122 | \r |
123 | brush = GreenBrush;\r |
124 | pen = GreenPen;\r |
125 | \r |
6658905f |
126 | GetClientRect(GraphWindow, &r);\r |
bd4cc2c9 |
127 | int zeroHeight = (r.top + r.bottom) >> 1;\r |
128 | \r |
129 | // plot X and Y grid lines\r |
130 | if ((PlotGridX > 0) && ((PlotGridX * GraphPixelsPerPoint) > 1)) {\r |
131 | for(i = offset; i < r.right; i += (int)(PlotGridX * GraphPixelsPerPoint)) {\r |
132 | SelectObject(hdc, GreyPenLite);\r |
133 | MoveToEx(hdc, r.left + i, r.top, NULL);\r |
134 | LineTo(hdc, r.left + i, r.bottom);\r |
135 | }\r |
136 | }\r |
137 | \r |
138 | if ((PlotGridY > 0) && ((PlotGridY * GraphPixelsPerPoint) > 1)){\r |
139 | for(i = 0; i < ((r.top + r.bottom)>>1); i += (int)(PlotGridY * GraphPixelsPerPoint)) {\r |
140 | SelectObject(hdc, GreyPenLite);\r |
141 | MoveToEx(hdc, r.left, zeroHeight + i, NULL);\r |
142 | LineTo(hdc, r.right, zeroHeight + i);\r |
143 | MoveToEx(hdc, r.left, zeroHeight - i, NULL);\r |
144 | LineTo(hdc, r.right, zeroHeight - i);\r |
145 | }\r |
146 | }\r |
6658905f |
147 | \r |
bd4cc2c9 |
148 | // print vertical separator white line on the left of the window\r |
6658905f |
149 | SelectObject(hdc, WhitePen);\r |
30f2a7d3 |
150 | MoveToEx(hdc, r.left + offset, r.top, NULL);\r |
151 | LineTo(hdc, r.left + offset, r.bottom);\r |
6658905f |
152 | \r |
bd4cc2c9 |
153 | // print horizontal grey zero axis line\r |
6658905f |
154 | SelectObject(hdc, GreyPen);\r |
155 | MoveToEx(hdc, r.left, zeroHeight, NULL);\r |
156 | LineTo(hdc, r.right, zeroHeight);\r |
157 | \r |
bd4cc2c9 |
158 | startMax = (GraphTraceLen - (int)((r.right - r.left - offset) / GraphPixelsPerPoint));\r |
159 | // check boundaries\r |
160 | if(startMax < 0) startMax = 0;\r |
161 | if(GraphStart > startMax) GraphStart = startMax;\r |
162 | if(GraphStart < 0) GraphStart = 0;\r |
6658905f |
163 | \r |
6658905f |
164 | \r |
165 | SelectObject(hdc, pen);\r |
166 | \r |
bd4cc2c9 |
167 | // go over the portion of the graph to be displayed and find the largest\r |
168 | // absolute value which will be used to auto scale the graph when displayed\r |
6658905f |
169 | for(i = GraphStart; ; i++) {\r |
170 | if(i >= GraphTraceLen) {\r |
171 | break;\r |
172 | }\r |
173 | if(fabs((double)GraphBuffer[i]) > absYMax) {\r |
174 | absYMax = (int)fabs((double)GraphBuffer[i]);\r |
175 | }\r |
30f2a7d3 |
176 | int x = offset + (int)((i - GraphStart)*GraphPixelsPerPoint);\r |
6658905f |
177 | if(x > r.right) {\r |
178 | break;\r |
179 | }\r |
180 | }\r |
181 | \r |
182 | absYMax = (int)(absYMax*1.2 + 1);\r |
183 | SelectObject(hdc, MyFixedFont);\r |
184 | SetTextColor(hdc, RGB(255, 255, 255));\r |
185 | SetBkColor(hdc, RGB(0, 0, 0));\r |
186 | \r |
187 | // number of points that will be plotted\r |
30f2a7d3 |
188 | double span = (int)((r.right - r.left) / GraphPixelsPerPoint);\r |
189 | \r |
190 | // one label every offset pixels, let us say\r |
191 | int labels = (r.right - r.left - offset) / offset;\r |
6658905f |
192 | if(labels <= 0) labels = 1;\r |
30f2a7d3 |
193 | // round to nearest power of 2\r |
194 | int pointsPerLabel = (int)(log(span / labels)/log(2.0));\r |
6658905f |
195 | if(pointsPerLabel <= 0) pointsPerLabel = 1;\r |
30f2a7d3 |
196 | pointsPerLabel = (int)pow(2.0,pointsPerLabel);\r |
6658905f |
197 | \r |
bd4cc2c9 |
198 | // go over the graph and plot samples and labels\r |
6658905f |
199 | for(i = GraphStart; ; i++) {\r |
200 | if(i >= GraphTraceLen) {\r |
201 | break;\r |
202 | }\r |
30f2a7d3 |
203 | int x = offset + (int)((i - GraphStart)*GraphPixelsPerPoint);\r |
6658905f |
204 | if(x > r.right + GraphPixelsPerPoint) {\r |
205 | break;\r |
206 | }\r |
207 | \r |
208 | int y = GraphBuffer[i];\r |
bd4cc2c9 |
209 | if(y < yMin) yMin = y;\r |
210 | if(y > yMax) yMax = y;\r |
6658905f |
211 | yMean += y;\r |
212 | n++;\r |
213 | \r |
214 | y = (y * (r.top - r.bottom) / (2*absYMax)) + zeroHeight;\r |
215 | if(i == GraphStart) {\r |
216 | MoveToEx(hdc, x, y, NULL);\r |
217 | } else {\r |
218 | LineTo(hdc, x, y);\r |
219 | }\r |
220 | \r |
221 | if(GraphPixelsPerPoint > 10) {\r |
222 | RECT f;\r |
223 | f.left = x - 3;\r |
224 | f.top = y - 3;\r |
225 | f.right = x + 3;\r |
226 | f.bottom = y + 3;\r |
227 | FillRect(hdc, &f, brush);\r |
228 | }\r |
229 | \r |
bd4cc2c9 |
230 | // plot labels\r |
6658905f |
231 | if(((i - GraphStart) % pointsPerLabel == 0) && i != GraphStart) {\r |
232 | SelectObject(hdc, WhitePen);\r |
30f2a7d3 |
233 | MoveToEx(hdc, x, zeroHeight - 8, NULL);\r |
234 | LineTo(hdc, x, zeroHeight + 8);\r |
6658905f |
235 | \r |
bd4cc2c9 |
236 | sprintf(str, "+%d", i);\r |
6658905f |
237 | SIZE size;\r |
238 | GetTextExtentPoint32(hdc, str, strlen(str), &size);\r |
239 | TextOut(hdc, x - size.cx, zeroHeight + 8, str, strlen(str));\r |
240 | \r |
241 | SelectObject(hdc, pen);\r |
242 | MoveToEx(hdc, x, y, NULL);\r |
243 | }\r |
244 | \r |
bd4cc2c9 |
245 | // plot measurement cursors\r |
6658905f |
246 | if(i == CursorAPos || i == CursorBPos) {\r |
247 | if(i == CursorAPos) {\r |
248 | SelectObject(hdc, CursorAPen);\r |
249 | } else {\r |
250 | SelectObject(hdc, CursorBPen);\r |
251 | }\r |
252 | MoveToEx(hdc, x, r.top, NULL);\r |
253 | LineTo(hdc, x, r.bottom);\r |
254 | \r |
255 | SelectObject(hdc, pen);\r |
256 | MoveToEx(hdc, x, y, NULL);\r |
257 | }\r |
258 | }\r |
259 | \r |
260 | if(n != 0) {\r |
261 | yMean /= n;\r |
262 | }\r |
263 | \r |
bd4cc2c9 |
264 | // print misc information at bottom of graph window\r |
67b9b62a |
265 | sprintf(str, "@%d max=%d min=%d mean=%d n=%d/%d dt=%d [%.3f] zoom=%.3f CursorA=%d [%d] CursorB=%d [%d]",\r |
6658905f |
266 | GraphStart, yMax, yMin, yMean, n, GraphTraceLen,\r |
48f8a3d6 |
267 | CursorBPos - CursorAPos, (CursorBPos - CursorAPos)/CursorScaleFactor, GraphPixelsPerPoint,\r |
268 | CursorAPos, GraphBuffer[CursorAPos], CursorBPos, GraphBuffer[CursorBPos]);\r |
6658905f |
269 | TextOut(hdc, 50, r.bottom - 20, str, strlen(str));\r |
270 | }\r |
271 | \r |
272 | static LRESULT CALLBACK\r |
273 | GraphWindowProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)\r |
274 | {\r |
275 | switch (msg) {\r |
276 | case WM_DESTROY:\r |
277 | case WM_QUIT:\r |
278 | GraphWindow = NULL;\r |
279 | return DefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam);\r |
280 | \r |
281 | case WM_SIZE:\r |
282 | RepaintGraphWindow();\r |
283 | return 0;\r |
284 | \r |
285 | case WM_PAINT: {\r |
286 | PAINTSTRUCT ps;\r |
287 | HDC hdc = BeginPaint(hwnd, &ps);\r |
288 | if(GraphStart < 0) {\r |
289 | GraphStart = 0;\r |
290 | }\r |
291 | // This draws the trace.\r |
292 | PaintGraph(hdc);\r |
293 | EndPaint(hwnd, &ps);\r |
294 | break;\r |
295 | }\r |
296 | case WM_KEYDOWN:\r |
297 | switch(wParam) {\r |
298 | case VK_DOWN:\r |
30f2a7d3 |
299 | if(GraphPixelsPerPoint <= 8) {\r |
6658905f |
300 | GraphPixelsPerPoint *= 2;\r |
301 | }\r |
302 | break;\r |
303 | \r |
304 | case VK_UP:\r |
30f2a7d3 |
305 | if(GraphPixelsPerPoint >= 0.01) {\r |
6658905f |
306 | GraphPixelsPerPoint /= 2;\r |
307 | }\r |
308 | break;\r |
309 | \r |
310 | case VK_RIGHT:\r |
30f2a7d3 |
311 | if(GraphPixelsPerPoint < 16) {\r |
312 | GraphStart += (int)(16 / GraphPixelsPerPoint);\r |
6658905f |
313 | } else {\r |
314 | GraphStart++;\r |
315 | }\r |
316 | break;\r |
317 | \r |
318 | case VK_LEFT:\r |
30f2a7d3 |
319 | if(GraphPixelsPerPoint < 16) {\r |
320 | GraphStart -= (int)(16 / GraphPixelsPerPoint);\r |
6658905f |
321 | } else {\r |
322 | GraphStart--;\r |
323 | }\r |
324 | break;\r |
325 | \r |
326 | default:\r |
327 | goto nopaint;\r |
328 | }\r |
329 | RepaintGraphWindow();\r |
330 | nopaint:\r |
331 | break;\r |
332 | \r |
333 | case WM_LBUTTONDOWN:\r |
334 | case WM_RBUTTONDOWN: {\r |
335 | int x = LOWORD(lParam);\r |
30f2a7d3 |
336 | x -= offset;\r |
6658905f |
337 | x = (int)(x / GraphPixelsPerPoint);\r |
338 | x += GraphStart;\r |
48f8a3d6 |
339 | \r |
6658905f |
340 | if(msg == WM_LBUTTONDOWN) {\r |
341 | CursorAPos = x;\r |
342 | } else {\r |
343 | CursorBPos = x;\r |
344 | }\r |
345 | RepaintGraphWindow();\r |
346 | break;\r |
347 | }\r |
348 | default:\r |
349 | return DefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam);\r |
350 | }\r |
351 | \r |
352 | return 1;\r |
353 | }\r |
354 | \r |
355 | void PrintToScrollback(char *fmt, ...)\r |
356 | {\r |
357 | va_list f;\r |
358 | char str[1024];\r |
359 | strcpy(str, "\r\n");\r |
360 | va_start(f, fmt);\r |
361 | vsprintf(str+2, fmt, f);\r |
362 | \r |
363 | static char TextBuf[1024*32];\r |
364 | SendMessage(ScrollbackEdit, WM_GETTEXT, (WPARAM)sizeof(TextBuf),\r |
365 | (LPARAM)TextBuf);\r |
366 | \r |
367 | if(strlen(TextBuf) + strlen(str) + 1 <= sizeof(TextBuf)) {\r |
368 | strcat(TextBuf, str);\r |
369 | } else {\r |
370 | lstrcpyn(TextBuf, str, sizeof(TextBuf));\r |
371 | }\r |
372 | \r |
373 | SendMessage(ScrollbackEdit, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)TextBuf);\r |
374 | SendMessage(ScrollbackEdit, EM_LINESCROLL, 0, (LPARAM)INT_MAX);\r |
375 | }\r |
376 | \r |
377 | void ShowGraphWindow(void)\r |
378 | {\r |
379 | if(GraphWindow) return;\r |
380 | \r |
381 | GraphWindow = CreateWindowEx(0, "Graph", "graphed",\r |
383 | WS_SIZEBOX | WS_VISIBLE, 200, 150, 600, 500, NULL, NULL, NULL,\r |
384 | NULL);\r |
385 | if(!GraphWindow) oops();\r |
386 | }\r |
387 | \r |
388 | void HideGraphWindow(void)\r |
389 | {\r |
390 | if(GraphWindow) {\r |
391 | DestroyWindow(GraphWindow);\r |
392 | GraphWindow = NULL;\r |
393 | }\r |
394 | }\r |
395 | \r |
396 | static void SetCommandEditTo(char *str)\r |
397 | {\r |
398 | SendMessage(CommandEdit, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)str);\r |
399 | SendMessage(CommandEdit, EM_SETSEL, strlen(str), strlen(str));\r |
400 | }\r |
401 | \r |
9760414b |
402 | void ShowGui()\r |
6658905f |
403 | {\r |
404 | WNDCLASSEX wc;\r |
405 | memset(&wc, 0, sizeof(wc));\r |
406 | wc.cbSize = sizeof(wc);\r |
407 | \r |
409 | wc.lpfnWndProc = (WNDPROC)CommandWindowProc;\r |
410 | wc.hInstance = NULL;\r |
411 | wc.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)(COLOR_BTNSHADOW);\r |
412 | wc.lpszClassName = "Command";\r |
413 | wc.lpszMenuName = NULL;\r |
414 | wc.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW);\r |
415 | \r |
416 | if(!RegisterClassEx(&wc)) oops();\r |
417 | \r |
418 | wc.lpszClassName = "Graph";\r |
419 | wc.lpfnWndProc = (WNDPROC)GraphWindowProc;\r |
420 | wc.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH);\r |
421 | \r |
422 | if(!RegisterClassEx(&wc)) oops();\r |
423 | \r |
424 | CommandWindow = CreateWindowEx(0, "Command", "prox",\r |
426 | WS_SIZEBOX | WS_VISIBLE, 20, 20, 500, 400, NULL, NULL, NULL,\r |
427 | NULL);\r |
428 | if(!CommandWindow) oops();\r |
429 | \r |
430 | ScrollbackEdit = CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, "edit", "",\r |
432 | ES_AUTOVSCROLL | WS_VSCROLL, 0, 0, 0, 0, CommandWindow, NULL,\r |
433 | NULL, NULL);\r |
434 | \r |
435 | CommandEdit = CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, "edit", "",\r |
437 | ES_AUTOHSCROLL, 0, 0, 0, 0, CommandWindow, NULL, NULL, NULL);\r |
438 | \r |
439 | MyFixedFont = CreateFont(14, 0, 0, 0, FW_REGULAR, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE,\r |
441 | FF_DONTCARE, "Lucida Console");\r |
442 | if(!MyFixedFont)\r |
443 | MyFixedFont = (HFONT)GetStockObject(SYSTEM_FONT);\r |
444 | \r |
445 | FixedFont(ScrollbackEdit);\r |
446 | FixedFont(CommandEdit);\r |
447 | \r |
448 | ResizeCommandWindow();\r |
449 | SetFocus(CommandEdit);\r |
450 | \r |
451 | PrintToScrollback(">> Started prox, built " __DATE__ " " __TIME__);\r |
452 | PrintToScrollback(">> Connected to device");\r |
453 | \r |
bd4cc2c9 |
454 | GreyPenLite = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, RGB(50, 50, 50));\r |
6658905f |
455 | GreyPen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, RGB(100, 100, 100));\r |
456 | GreenPen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, RGB(100, 255, 100));\r |
457 | YellowPen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, RGB(255, 255, 0));\r |
458 | GreenBrush = CreateSolidBrush(RGB(100, 255, 100));\r |
459 | YellowBrush = CreateSolidBrush(RGB(255, 255, 0));\r |
460 | WhitePen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, RGB(255, 255, 255));\r |
461 | \r |
462 | CursorAPen = CreatePen(PS_DASH, 1, RGB(255, 255, 0));\r |
463 | CursorBPen = CreatePen(PS_DASH, 1, RGB(255, 0, 255));\r |
464 | \r |
465 | MSG msg;\r |
466 | for(;;) {\r |
467 | if(PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) {\r |
468 | if(msg.message == WM_KEYDOWN && msg.wParam == VK_RETURN) {\r |
469 | char got[1024];\r |
470 | SendMessage(CommandEdit, WM_GETTEXT, (WPARAM)sizeof(got),\r |
471 | (LPARAM)got);\r |
472 | \r |
473 | if(strcmp(got, "cls")==0) {\r |
474 | SendMessage(ScrollbackEdit, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)"");\r |
475 | } else {\r |
476 | CommandReceived(got);\r |
477 | }\r |
478 | SendMessage(CommandEdit, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)"");\r |
479 | \r |
480 | // Insert it into the command history, unless it is\r |
481 | // identical to the previous command in the history.\r |
482 | int prev = CommandHistoryNext - 1;\r |
483 | if(prev < 0) prev += COMMAND_HISTORY_MAX;\r |
484 | if(strcmp(CommandHistory[prev], got) != 0) {\r |
485 | strcpy(CommandHistory[CommandHistoryNext], got);\r |
486 | CommandHistoryNext++;\r |
487 | if(CommandHistoryNext == COMMAND_HISTORY_MAX) {\r |
488 | CommandHistoryNext = 0;\r |
489 | }\r |
490 | }\r |
491 | CommandHistoryPos = -1;\r |
492 | } else if(msg.message == WM_KEYDOWN && msg.wParam == VK_UP &&\r |
493 | msg.hwnd == CommandEdit)\r |
494 | {\r |
495 | if(CommandHistoryPos == -1) {\r |
496 | CommandHistoryPos = CommandHistoryNext;\r |
497 | }\r |
498 | CommandHistoryPos--;\r |
499 | if(CommandHistoryPos < 0) {\r |
500 | CommandHistoryPos = COMMAND_HISTORY_MAX-1;\r |
501 | }\r |
502 | SetCommandEditTo(CommandHistory[CommandHistoryPos]);\r |
503 | } else if(msg.message == WM_KEYDOWN && msg.wParam == VK_DOWN &&\r |
504 | msg.hwnd == CommandEdit)\r |
505 | {\r |
506 | CommandHistoryPos++;\r |
507 | if(CommandHistoryPos >= COMMAND_HISTORY_MAX) {\r |
508 | CommandHistoryPos = 0;\r |
509 | }\r |
510 | SetCommandEditTo(CommandHistory[CommandHistoryPos]);\r |
511 | } else if(msg.message == WM_KEYDOWN && msg.wParam == VK_ESCAPE &&\r |
512 | msg.hwnd == CommandEdit)\r |
513 | {\r |
514 | SendMessage(CommandEdit, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)"");\r |
515 | } else {\r |
516 | if(msg.message == WM_KEYDOWN) {\r |
517 | CommandHistoryPos = -1;\r |
518 | }\r |
519 | TranslateMessage(&msg);\r |
520 | DispatchMessage(&msg);\r |
521 | }\r |
522 | }\r |
523 | \r |
9760414b |
524 | if (!offline)\r |
525 | {\r |
526 | UsbCommand c;\r |
527 | if(ReceiveCommandPoll(&c))\r |
528 | UsbCommandReceived(&c);\r |
6658905f |
529 | }\r |
530 | \r |
531 | Sleep(10);\r |
532 | }\r |
533 | }\r |