6658905f |
1 | This is a bare minimum compile environment for the proxmark3 sources. \r |
2 | \r |
3 | CONTENTS\r |
4 | \r |
5 | This bundle contains the ARM cross compiler in devkitARM and a _tiny_ subset\r |
6 | of the Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition in devkitWIN which is the bare minimum\r |
7 | required for compilation of this current source.\r |
8 | \r |
9 | If you plan on further source code development you are strongly encouraged\r |
10 | to download the full Visual C++ 2008 available for free download from\r |
11 | http://www.microsoft.com/express/download/\r |
12 | \r |
13 | CAVEATS\r |
14 | \r |
15 | There is no provision in this environment for compiling the FPGA source. To\r |
16 | do that you need to download the free (registration required) ISE WebPack\r |
17 | from Xilinx at http://www.xilinx.com/ise/logic_design_prod/webpack.htm\r |
18 | Be warned, the pack is huge, 2Gb download and >4Gb installed.\r |
19 | \r |
20 | USAGE\r |
21 | \r |
22 | First of all run the .msi file in devkitWIN\vcredist_x86 to install the VC++\r |
23 | redistributables, without these, nmake, cl and link won't run.\r |
24 | \r |
25 | Get a command prompts in the cockpit directory and pretty much run the batch\r |
26 | files in the order they appear:\r |
27 | \r |
28 | 0setpath.bat - sets the environment vars for the compile environment\r |
29 | 1makearm.bat - compiles the files in armsrc, output files in armsrc\obj\r |
30 | 2makeboot.bat - compiles the files in bootrom, output files in bootrom\obj\r |
31 | 3makewin.bat - compiles the files in winsrc, output files in winsrc\obj\r |
32 | 4flashos.bat - attempts to upload the OS image to the proxmark3 board\r |
33 | \r |
35 | \r |
36 | Thanks to J Westhues for the original proxmark, Roel and the proxmark.org\r |
37 | community. This pack may contain F/OSS or free but copyrighted software\r |
38 | from Xilinx, Microsoft and others. All trademarks are the property of\r |
39 | their respective owners. All rights reserved.\r |