local getopt = require('getopt') local utils = require('utils') example = "script calculates many checksums (CRC) over the provided hex input" author = "Iceman" desc = [[ This script calculates many checksums (CRS) over the provided hex input. Arguments: -b data in hex -w width of the CRC algorithm. defaults to all known CRC presets. Examples : script run e -b 010203040506070809 script run e -b 010203040506070809 -w 16 ]] --- -- A debug printout-function function dbg(args) if DEBUG then print("###", args) end end --- -- This is only meant to be used when errors occur function oops(err) print("ERROR: ",err) return nil,err end --- -- Usage help function help() print(desc) print("Example usage") print(example) end --- -- The main entry point function main(args) local data = '01020304' local width = 0 -- Read the parameters for o, a in getopt.getopt(args, 'hb:w:') do if o == "h" then return help() end if o == "b" then data = utils.ConvertHexToa end if o == "w" then width = a end end print('Width of CRC: '..width..' bytes: '..data) print('') print('Model','CRC', 'CRC_Reverse') local lists = core.reveng_models(width) for _,i in pairs(lists) do local one = core.reveng_runmodel(i, data, 0,0) local two = core.reveng_runmodel(i, data, 1,0) print(i, one, two) end if 1 == 1 then return end end main(args)