local cmds = require('commands') local getopt = require('getopt') local lib14a = require('read14a') local utils = require('utils') local pre = require('precalc') local lsh = bit32.lshift local rsh = bit32.rshift local bor = bit32.bor local band = bit32.band example =[[ script run tnp3dump script run tnp3dump -h script run tnp3dump -t aa00 ]] author = "Iceman" usage = "script run tnp3clone -t " desc =[[ This script will try making a barebone clone of a tnp3 tag on to a magic generation1 card. Arguments: -h : this help -k : toytype id, 4 hex symbols. ]] -- This is only meant to be used when errors occur function oops(err) print("ERROR: ",err) end -- Usage help function help() print(desc) print("Example usage") print(example) end local function waitCmd() local response = core.WaitForResponseTimeout(cmds.CMD_ACK,2000) if response then local count,cmd,arg0 = bin.unpack('LL',response) if(arg0==1) then local count,arg1,arg2,data = bin.unpack('LLH511',response,count) return data:sub(1,32) else return nil, "Couldn't read block." end end return nil, "No response from device" end local function readblock( keyA ) -- Read block 0 cmd = Command:new{cmd = cmds.CMD_MIFARE_READBL, arg1 = 0,arg2 = 0,arg3 = 0, data = keyA} err = core.SendCommand(cmd:getBytes()) if err then return oops(err) end local block0, err = waitCmd() if err then return oops(err) end return block0 end local function main(args) local numBlocks = 64 local cset = 'hf mf csetbl' local empty = '00000000000000000000000000000000' local AccAndKeyB = '7F078869000000000000' -- Defaults to Gusto local toytype = 'C201' -- Arguments for the script for o, a in getopt.getopt(args, 'ht:') do if o == "h" then return help() end if o == "t" then toytype = a end end if #toytype ~= 4 then return oops('Wrong size in toytype. (4hex symbols)') end -- find tag result, err = lib14a.read1443a(false) if not result then return oops(err) end -- Show tag info print((' Found tag %s'):format(result.name)) -- load keys local akeys = pre.GetAll(result.uid) local keyA = akeys:sub(1, 12 ) local b0 = readblock(keyA) local b1 = toytype..'000000000000000000000000' local calc = utils.Crc16(b0..b1) local calcEndian = bor(rsh(calc,8), lsh(band(calc, 0xff), 8)) local cmd = ('hf mf csetbl 1 %s%04x'):format( b1, calcEndian) core.console( cmd) local pos, key for blockNo = 2, numBlocks-1, 1 do pos = (math.floor( blockNo / 4 ) * 12)+1 key = akeys:sub(pos, pos + 11 ) if blockNo%4 ~= 3 then cmd = ('%s %d %s'):format(cset,blockNo,empty) else cmd = ('%s %d %s%s'):format(cset,blockNo,key,AccAndKeyB) end core.console(cmd) end end main(args)