#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This code is licensed to you under the terms of the GNU GPL, version 2 or, # at your option, any later version. See the LICENSE.txt file for the text of # the license. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Makefile for armsrc, see ../common/Makefile.common for common settings #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- APP_INCLUDES = apps.h #remove one of the following defines and comment out the relevant line #in the next section to remove that particular feature from compilation APP_CFLAGS = -DWITH_ISO14443a_StandAlone -DWITH_LF \ -DWITH_ISO15693 -DWITH_ISO14443a -DWITH_ISO14443b -DWITH_ICLASS \ -DWITH_LEGICRF -DWITH_HITAG -DWITH_CRC -DON_DEVICE -DWITH_HFSNOOP \ -fno-strict-aliasing -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections #-DWITH_LCD #SRC_LCD = fonts.c LCD.c SRC_LF = lfops.c hitag2.c hitagS.c lfsampling.c pcf7931.c lfdemod.c protocols.c SRC_ISO15693 = iso15693.c iso15693tools.c SRC_ISO14443a = iso14443a.c mifareutil.c mifarecmd.c mifaresniff.c epa.c SRC_ISO14443b = iso14443b.c SRC_CRAPTO1 = crapto1.c crypto1.c des.c aes.c desfire_key.c desfire_crypto.c mifaredesfire.c SRC_CRC = iso14443crc.c crc.c crc16.c crc32.c SRC_EMV = tlv.c emvdataels.c emvutil.c emvcmd.c SRC_ICLASS = iclass.c optimized_cipher.c SRC_LEGIC = legicrf.c legic_prng.c #the FPGA bitstream files. Note: order matters! FPGA_BITSTREAMS = fpga_lf.bit fpga_hf.bit #the zlib source files required for decompressing the fpga config at run time SRC_ZLIB = inflate.c inffast.c inftrees.c adler32.c zutil.c #additional defines required to compile zlib ZLIB_CFLAGS = -DZ_SOLO -DZ_PREFIX -DNO_GZIP -DZLIB_PM3_TUNED APP_CFLAGS += $(ZLIB_CFLAGS) # zlib includes: APP_CFLAGS += -I../zlib # stdint.h provided locally until GCC 4.5 becomes C99 compliant APP_CFLAGS += -I. # Compile these in thumb mode (small size) THUMBSRC = start.c \ $(SRC_LCD) \ $(SRC_ISO15693) \ $(SRC_LF) \ $(SRC_ZLIB) \ $(SRC_LEGIC) \ appmain.c \ printf.c \ util.c \ string.c \ BigBuf.c \ ticks.c \ hfsnoop.c # These are to be compiled in ARM mode ARMSRC = fpgaloader.c \ $(SRC_ISO14443a) \ $(SRC_ISO14443b) \ $(SRC_CRAPTO1) \ $(SRC_CRC) \ $(SRC_ICLASS) \ usb_cdc.c \ cmd.c \ parity.c # $(SRC_EMV) \ #BigBuf.c \ # Do not move this inclusion before the definition of {THUMB,ASM,ARM}SRC include ../common/Makefile.common OBJS = $(OBJDIR)/fullimage.s19 FPGA_COMPRESSOR = ../client/fpga_compress all: $(OBJS) .DELETE_ON_ERROR: $(OBJDIR)/fpga_all.o: $(OBJDIR)/fpga_all.bit.z $(OBJCOPY) -O elf32-littlearm -I binary -B arm --prefix-sections=fpga_all_bit $^ $@ $(OBJDIR)/fpga_all.bit.z: $(FPGA_BITSTREAMS) $(FPGA_COMPRESSOR) $(FPGA_COMPRESSOR) $(filter %.bit,$^) $@ $(FPGA_COMPRESSOR): make -C ../client $(notdir $(FPGA_COMPRESSOR)) $(OBJDIR)/fullimage.stage1.elf: $(VERSIONOBJ) $(OBJDIR)/fpga_all.o $(THUMBOBJ) $(ARMOBJ) $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -Wl,-T,ldscript,-Map,$(patsubst %.elf,%.map,$@) -o $@ $^ $(LIBS) $(OBJDIR)/fullimage.nodata.bin: $(OBJDIR)/fullimage.stage1.elf $(OBJCOPY) -O binary -I elf32-littlearm --remove-section .data $^ $@ $(OBJDIR)/fullimage.nodata.o: $(OBJDIR)/fullimage.nodata.bin $(OBJCOPY) -O elf32-littlearm -I binary -B arm --rename-section .data=stage1_image $^ $@ $(OBJDIR)/fullimage.data.bin: $(OBJDIR)/fullimage.stage1.elf $(OBJCOPY) -O binary -I elf32-littlearm --only-section .data $^ $@ $(OBJDIR)/fullimage.data.bin.z: $(OBJDIR)/fullimage.data.bin $(FPGA_COMPRESSOR) $(FPGA_COMPRESSOR) $(filter %.bin,$^) $@ $(OBJDIR)/fullimage.data.o: $(OBJDIR)/fullimage.data.bin.z $(OBJCOPY) -O elf32-littlearm -I binary -B arm --rename-section .data=compressed_data $^ $@ $(OBJDIR)/fullimage.elf: $(OBJDIR)/fullimage.nodata.o $(OBJDIR)/fullimage.data.o $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -Wl,-T,ldscript,-Map,$(patsubst %.elf,%.map,$@) -o $@ $^ tarbin: $(OBJS) $(TAR) $(TARFLAGS) ../proxmark3-$(platform)-bin.tar $(OBJS:%=armsrc/%) $(OBJS:%.s19=armsrc/%.elf) clean: $(DELETE) $(OBJDIR)$(PATHSEP)*.o $(DELETE) $(OBJDIR)$(PATHSEP)*.elf $(DELETE) $(OBJDIR)$(PATHSEP)*.s19 $(DELETE) $(OBJDIR)$(PATHSEP)*.map $(DELETE) $(OBJDIR)$(PATHSEP)*.d $(DELETE) $(OBJDIR)$(PATHSEP)*.z $(DELETE) $(OBJDIR)$(PATHSEP)*.bin $(DELETE) version.c .PHONY: all clean help help: @echo Multi-OS Makefile, you are running on $(DETECTED_OS) @echo Possible targets: @echo + all - Build the full image $(OBJDIR)/fullimage.s19 @echo + clean - Clean $(OBJDIR)