 This code is licensed to you under the terms of the GNU GPL, version 2 or,
 at your option, any later version. See the LICENSE.txt file for the text of
 the license.
 Bootrom linker script

INCLUDE ../common/ldscript.common

    . = 0;
    .bootphase1 : {
    	/* It seems to be impossible to flush align a section at the
    	   end of a memory segment. Instead, we'll put the version_information
    	   wherever the linker wants it, and then put a pointer to the start
    	   of the version information at the end of the section.
    	   -- Henryk Plötz <henryk@ploetzli.ch> 2009-08-28 */
    	_version_information_start = ABSOLUTE(.);
	/* Why doesn't this work even though _bootphase1_version_pointer = 0x1001fc?
	  . = _bootphase1_version_pointer - ORIGIN(bootphase1); */
	/* This works, apparently it fools the linker into accepting an absolute address */
	. = _bootphase1_version_pointer - ORIGIN(bootphase1) + ORIGIN(bootphase1);
    } >bootphase1
    __bootphase2_src_start__ = ORIGIN(bootphase2);
    .bootphase2 : {
    	__bootphase2_start__ = .;
    	. = ALIGN( 32 / 8 );
    	__bootphase2_end__ = .;
    } >ram AT>bootphase2
    .bss : {
    	__bss_start__ = .; 
    } >ram
    . = ALIGN( 32 / 8 );
    __bss_end__ = .;
    .commonarea (NOLOAD) : {
    } >commonarea