local cmds = require('commands') local getopt = require('getopt') local lib14a = require('read14a') example = "script run 14araw -x 6000F57b" author = "Martin Holst Swende" desc = [[ This is a script to allow raw 1444a commands to be sent and received. Arguments: -o do not connect - use this only if you previously used -p to stay connected -r do not read response -c calculate and append CRC -p stay connected - dont inactivate the field -x <payload> Data to send (NO SPACES!) -d Debug flag Examples : # 1. Connect and don't disconnect script run 14araw -p # 2. Send mf auth, read response (nonce) script run 14araw -o -x 6000F57b -p # 3. disconnect script run 14araw -o # All three steps in one go: script run 14araw -x 6000F57b ]] --[[ This script communicates with /armsrc/iso14443a.c, specifically ReaderIso14443a() at around line 1779 and onwards. Check there for details about data format and how commands are interpreted on the device-side. ]] -- Some globals local TIMEOUT = 2000 -- Shouldn't take longer than 2 seconds local DEBUG = false -- the debug flag ------------------------------- -- Some utilities ------------------------------- --- -- A debug printout-function function dbg(args) if DEBUG then print("###", args) end end --- -- This is only meant to be used when errors occur function oops(err) print("ERROR: ",err) end --- -- Usage help function help() print(desc) print("Example usage") print(example) end --- -- The main entry point function main(args) if args == nil or #args == 0 then return help() end local ignore_response = false local appendcrc = false local stayconnected = false local payload = nil local doconnect = true -- Read the parameters for o, a in getopt.getopt(args, 'corcpx:') do if o == "o" then doconnect = false end if o == "r" then ignore_response = true end if o == "c" then appendcrc = true end if o == "p" then stayconnected = true end if o == "x" then payload = a end if o == "d" then DEBUG = true end end -- First of all, connect if doconnect then dbg("doconnect") -- We reuse the connect functionality from a -- common library info, err = lib14a.read1443a(true) if err then return oops(err) end print(("Connected to card, uid = %s"):format(info.uid)) end -- The actual raw payload, if any if payload then res,err = sendRaw(payload,{ignore_response = ignore_response}) if err then return oops(err) end if not ignoreresponse then -- Display the returned data showdata(res) end end -- And, perhaps disconnect? if not stayconnected then disconnect() end end --- Picks out and displays the data read from a tag -- Specifically, takes a usb packet, converts to a Command -- (as in commands.lua), takes the data-array and -- reads the number of bytes specified in arg1 (arg0 in c-struct) -- and displays the data -- @param usbpacket the data received from the device function showdata(usbpacket) local cmd_response = Command.parse(usbpacket) local len = tonumber(cmd_response.arg1) *2 --print("data length:",len) local data = string.sub(tostring(cmd_response.data), 0, len); print("<< ",data) --print("----------------") end function sendRaw(rawdata, options) print(">> ", rawdata) local flags = lib14a.ISO14A_COMMAND.ISO14A_NO_DISCONNECT + lib14a.ISO14A_COMMAND.ISO14A_RAW local command = Command:new{cmd = cmds.CMD_READER_ISO_14443a, arg1 = flags, -- Send raw -- arg2 contains the length, which is half the length -- of the ASCII-string rawdata arg2 = string.len(rawdata)/2, data = rawdata} return lib14a.sendToDevice(command, options.ignore_response) end -- Sends an instruction to do nothing, only disconnect function disconnect() local command = Command:new{cmd = cmds.CMD_READER_ISO_14443a, arg1 = 0, } -- We can ignore the response here, no ACK is returned for this command -- Check /armsrc/iso14443a.c, ReaderIso14443a() for details return lib14a.sendToDevice(command,true) end ------------------------- -- Testing ------------------------- function selftest() DEBUG = true dbg("Performing test") main() main("-p") main(" -o -x 6000F57b -p") main("-o") main("-x 6000F57b") dbg("Tests done") end -- Flip the switch here to perform a sanity check. -- It read a nonce in two different ways, as specified in the usage-section if "--test"==args then selftest() else -- Call the main main(args) end