-function mfcrack()
- core.clearCommandBuffer()
- -- Build the mifare-command
- local cmd = Command:new{cmd = cmds.CMD_READER_MIFARE, arg1 = 1}
- local retry = true
- while retry do
- core.SendCommand(cmd:getBytes())
- local key, errormessage = mfcrack_inner()
- -- Success?
- if key then return key end
- -- Failure?
- if errormessage then return nil, errormessage end
- -- Try again..set arg1 to 0 this time.
- cmd = Command:new{cmd = cmds.CMD_READER_MIFARE, arg1 = 0}
- end
- return nil, "Aborted by user"
-function mfcrack_inner()
- while not core.ukbhit() do
- local result = core.WaitForResponseTimeout(cmds.CMD_ACK,1000)
- if result then
- -- Unpacking the three arg-parameters
- local count,cmd,isOK = bin.unpack('LL',result)
- if isOK ~= 1 then return nil, "Error occurred" end
- -- The data-part is left
- -- Starts 32 bytes in, at byte 33
- local data = result:sub(33)
- -- A little helper
- local get = function(num)
- local x = data:sub(1,num)
- data = data:sub(num+1)
- return x
- end
- local uid,nt,pl = get(4),get(4),get(8)
- local ks,nr = get(8),get(4)
- local status, key = core.nonce2key(uid,nt, nr, pl,ks)
- if not status then return status,key end
- if status > 0 then
- print("Key not found (lfsr_common_prefix problem)")
- -- try again
- return nil,nil
- else
- return key
- end
- end
+function nested(key,sak)
+ local typ = 1
+ if 0x18 == sak then --NXP MIFARE Classic 4k | Plus 4k
+ typ = 4
+ elseif 0x08 == sak then -- NXP MIFARE CLASSIC 1k | Plus 2k
+ typ= 1
+ elseif 0x09 == sak then -- NXP MIFARE Mini 0.3k
+ typ = 0
+ elseif 0x10 == sak then-- "NXP MIFARE Plus 2k"
+ typ = 2
+ elseif 0x01 == sak then-- "NXP MIFARE TNP3xxx 1K"
+ typ = 1
+ else
+ print("I don't know how many sectors there are on this type of card, defaulting to 16")