PrintAndLog(" Options:");
PrintAndLog(" -s : select card");
PrintAndLog(" -a : show APDU reqests and responses\n");
PrintAndLog(" Options:");
PrintAndLog(" -s : select card");
PrintAndLog(" -a : show APDU reqests and responses\n");
PrintAndLog(" -v : transaction type - qVSDC or M/Chip.\n");
PrintAndLog(" -c : transaction type - qVSDC or M/Chip plus CDA (SDAD generation).\n");
PrintAndLog(" -x : transaction type - VSDC. For test only. Not a standart behavior.\n");
PrintAndLog(" -v : transaction type - qVSDC or M/Chip.\n");
PrintAndLog(" -c : transaction type - qVSDC or M/Chip plus CDA (SDAD generation).\n");
PrintAndLog(" -x : transaction type - VSDC. For test only. Not a standart behavior.\n");
- PrintAndLog(" hf emv pse -s -> select card");
- PrintAndLog(" hf emv pse -s -t -a -> select card, show responses in TLV, show APDU");
+ PrintAndLog(" hf emv exec -s -a -t -> execute MSD transaction");
+ PrintAndLog(" hf emv exec -s -a -t -c -> execute CDA transaction");
return 0;
#define TLV_ADD(tag, value)( tlvdb_add(tlvRoot, tlvdb_fixed(tag, sizeof(value) - 1, (const unsigned char *)value)) )
return 0;
#define TLV_ADD(tag, value)( tlvdb_add(tlvRoot, tlvdb_fixed(tag, sizeof(value) - 1, (const unsigned char *)value)) )
PrintAndLog("Unknown parameter '%c'", param_getchar_indx(cmd, 1, cmdp));
return 1;
PrintAndLog("Unknown parameter '%c'", param_getchar_indx(cmd, 1, cmdp));
return 1;
const char *al = "Applets list";
tlvSelect = tlvdb_fixed(1, strlen(al), (const unsigned char *)al);
const char *al = "Applets list";
tlvSelect = tlvdb_fixed(1, strlen(al), (const unsigned char *)al);
PrintAndLog("\n* Search AID in list.");
if (EMVSearch(activateField, true, decodeTLV, tlvSelect)) {
PrintAndLog("\n* Search AID in list.");
if (EMVSearch(activateField, true, decodeTLV, tlvSelect)) {
const char *alr = "Root terminal TLV tree";
tlvRoot = tlvdb_fixed(1, strlen(alr), (const unsigned char *)alr);
// check if we found EMV application on card
if (!AIDlen) {
PrintAndLog("Can't select AID. EMV AID not found");
const char *alr = "Root terminal TLV tree";
tlvRoot = tlvdb_fixed(1, strlen(alr), (const unsigned char *)alr);
// check if we found EMV application on card
if (!AIDlen) {
PrintAndLog("Can't select AID. EMV AID not found");
PrintAndLog("\n* Init transaction parameters.");
//9F66:(Terminal Transaction Qualifiers (TTQ)) len:4
PrintAndLog("\n* Init transaction parameters.");
//9F66:(Terminal Transaction Qualifiers (TTQ)) len:4
TLV_ADD(0x9F02, "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00");
//9F1A:(Terminal Country Code) len:2
TLV_ADD(0x9F1A, "ru");
TLV_ADD(0x9F02, "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00");
//9F1A:(Terminal Country Code) len:2
TLV_ADD(0x9F1A, "ru");
- struct tlv *pdol_data_tlv = dol_process(tlvdb_get(tlvRoot, 0x9f38, NULL), tlvRoot, 0x83);
+ pdol_data_tlv = dol_process(tlvdb_get(tlvRoot, 0x9f38, NULL), tlvRoot, 0x83);
size_t pdol_data_tlv_data_len;
unsigned char *pdol_data_tlv_data = tlv_encode(pdol_data_tlv, &pdol_data_tlv_data_len);
if (!pdol_data_tlv_data) {
PrintAndLog("ERROR: can't create PDOL data.");
size_t pdol_data_tlv_data_len;
unsigned char *pdol_data_tlv_data = tlv_encode(pdol_data_tlv, &pdol_data_tlv_data_len);
if (!pdol_data_tlv_data) {
PrintAndLog("ERROR: can't create PDOL data.");
PrintAndLog("PDOL data[%d]: %s", pdol_data_tlv_data_len, sprint_hex(pdol_data_tlv_data, pdol_data_tlv_data_len));
PrintAndLog("PDOL data[%d]: %s", pdol_data_tlv_data_len, sprint_hex(pdol_data_tlv_data, pdol_data_tlv_data_len));
res = EMVGPO(true, pdol_data_tlv_data, pdol_data_tlv_data_len, buf, sizeof(buf), &len, &sw, tlvRoot);
res = EMVGPO(true, pdol_data_tlv_data, pdol_data_tlv_data_len, buf, sizeof(buf), &len, &sw, tlvRoot);
- // here will be offline records storing...
- // dont foget: if (sfi < 11)
+ if (SFI < 11) {
+ const unsigned char *abuf = buf;
+ size_t elmlen = len;
+ struct tlv e;
+ if (tlv_parse_tl(&abuf, &elmlen, &e)) {
+ memcpy(&ODAiList[ODAiListLen], &buf[len - elmlen], elmlen);
+ ODAiListLen += elmlen;
+ } else {
+ PrintAndLog("ERROR SFI[%02x]. Creating input list for Offline Data Authentication error.", SFI);
+ }
+ } else {
+ memcpy(&ODAiList[ODAiListLen], buf, len);
+ ODAiListLen += len;
+ }
+ // copy Input list for Offline Data Authentication
+ if (ODAiListLen) {
+ struct tlvdb *oda = tlvdb_fixed(0x21, ODAiListLen, ODAiList); // not a standard tag
+ tlvdb_add(tlvRoot, oda);
+ PrintAndLog("* Input list for Offline Data Authentication added to TLV. len=%d \n", ODAiListLen);
+ }
// get AIP
const struct tlv *AIPtlv = tlvdb_get(tlvRoot, 0x82, NULL);
uint16_t AIP = AIPtlv->value[0] + AIPtlv->value[1] * 0x100;
// get AIP
const struct tlv *AIPtlv = tlvdb_get(tlvRoot, 0x82, NULL);
uint16_t AIP = AIPtlv->value[0] + AIPtlv->value[1] * 0x100;
res = EMVGenerateChallenge(true, buf, sizeof(buf), &len, &sw, tlvRoot);
if (res) {
PrintAndLog("ERROR GetChallenge. APDU error %4x", sw);
res = EMVGenerateChallenge(true, buf, sizeof(buf), &len, &sw, tlvRoot);
if (res) {
PrintAndLog("ERROR GetChallenge. APDU error %4x", sw);
struct tlv *cdol_data_tlv = dol_process(tlvdb_get(tlvRoot, 0x8c, NULL), tlvRoot, 0x01); // 0x01 - dummy tag
if (!cdol_data_tlv){
PrintAndLog("ERROR: can't create CDOL1 TLV.");
struct tlv *cdol_data_tlv = dol_process(tlvdb_get(tlvRoot, 0x8c, NULL), tlvRoot, 0x01); // 0x01 - dummy tag
if (!cdol_data_tlv){
PrintAndLog("ERROR: can't create CDOL1 TLV.");
PrintAndLog("CDOL1 data[%d]: %s", cdol_data_tlv->len, sprint_hex(cdol_data_tlv->value, cdol_data_tlv->len));
PrintAndLog("CDOL1 data[%d]: %s", cdol_data_tlv->len, sprint_hex(cdol_data_tlv->value, cdol_data_tlv->len));
res = EMVAC(true, (TrType == TT_CDA) ? EMVAC_TC + EMVAC_CDAREQ : EMVAC_TC, (uint8_t *)cdol_data_tlv->value, cdol_data_tlv->len, buf, sizeof(buf), &len, &sw, tlvRoot);
res = EMVAC(true, (TrType == TT_CDA) ? EMVAC_TC + EMVAC_CDAREQ : EMVAC_TC, (uint8_t *)cdol_data_tlv->value, cdol_data_tlv->len, buf, sizeof(buf), &len, &sw, tlvRoot);
- PrintAndLog("* M/Chip transaction result:");
+ // CDA
+ PrintAndLog("\n* CDA:");
+ struct tlvdb *ac_tlv = tlvdb_parse_multi(buf, len);
+ res = trCDA(tlvRoot, ac_tlv, pdol_data_tlv, cdol_data_tlv);
+ if (res) {
+ PrintAndLog("CDA error (%d)", res);
+ }
+ free(ac_tlv);
+ free(cdol_data_tlv);
+ PrintAndLog("\n* M/Chip transaction result:");
// 9F27: Cryptogram Information Data (CID)
const struct tlv *CID = tlvdb_get(tlvRoot, 0x9F27, NULL);
if (CID) {
// 9F27: Cryptogram Information Data (CID)
const struct tlv *CID = tlvdb_get(tlvRoot, 0x9F27, NULL);
if (CID) {
struct tlv *udol_data_tlv = dol_process(UDOL ? UDOL : &defUDOL, tlvRoot, 0x01); // 0x01 - dummy tag
if (!udol_data_tlv){
PrintAndLog("ERROR: can't create UDOL TLV.");
struct tlv *udol_data_tlv = dol_process(UDOL ? UDOL : &defUDOL, tlvRoot, 0x01); // 0x01 - dummy tag
if (!udol_data_tlv){
PrintAndLog("ERROR: can't create UDOL TLV.");
PrintAndLog("UDOL data[%d]: %s", udol_data_tlv->len, sprint_hex(udol_data_tlv->value, udol_data_tlv->len));
PrintAndLog("UDOL data[%d]: %s", udol_data_tlv->len, sprint_hex(udol_data_tlv->value, udol_data_tlv->len));
res = MSCComputeCryptoChecksum(true, (uint8_t *)udol_data_tlv->value, udol_data_tlv->len, buf, sizeof(buf), &len, &sw, tlvRoot);
if (res) {
PrintAndLog("ERROR Compute Crypto Checksum. APDU error %4x", sw);
res = MSCComputeCryptoChecksum(true, (uint8_t *)udol_data_tlv->value, udol_data_tlv->len, buf, sizeof(buf), &len, &sw, tlvRoot);
if (res) {
PrintAndLog("ERROR Compute Crypto Checksum. APDU error %4x", sw);
int CmdHelp(const char *Cmd);
static command_t CommandTable[] = {
{"help", CmdHelp, 1, "This help"},
int CmdHelp(const char *Cmd);
static command_t CommandTable[] = {
{"help", CmdHelp, 1, "This help"},
{"pse", CmdHFEMVPPSE, 0, "Execute PPSE. It selects 2PAY.SYS.DDF01 or 1PAY.SYS.DDF01 directory."},
{"search", CmdHFEMVSearch, 0, "Try to select all applets from applets list and print installed applets."},
{"select", CmdHFEMVSelect, 0, "Select applet."},
{"pse", CmdHFEMVPPSE, 0, "Execute PPSE. It selects 2PAY.SYS.DDF01 or 1PAY.SYS.DDF01 directory."},
{"search", CmdHFEMVSearch, 0, "Try to select all applets from applets list and print installed applets."},
{"select", CmdHFEMVSelect, 0, "Select applet."},