-#in the next section to remove that particular feature from compilation
-APP_CFLAGS = -DWITH_ISO14443a_StandAlone -DWITH_LF \
- -fno-strict-aliasing -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections
-#SRC_LCD = fonts.c LCD.c
-SRC_LF = lfops.c hitag2.c hitagS.c lfsampling.c pcf7931.c lfdemod.c protocols.c
+#in the next section to remove that particular feature from compilation.
+# NO space,TABs after the "\" sign.
+ -DWITH_ISO15693 \
+ -DWITH_ISO14443b \
+ -DWITH_ISO14443a \
+ -DWITH_ISO14443a_StandAlone \
+ -fno-strict-aliasing -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections
+### IMPORTANT - move the commented variable below this line
+SRC_LCD = fonts.c LCD.c
+SRC_LF = lfops.c hitag2.c hitagS.c lfsampling.c pcf7931.c lfdemod.c