- setDemodBuf(BitStream,96,idx);
- size = removeParity(BitStream, idx+8, 4, 1, 88);
- if (size != 66){
- if (g_debugMode==1) PrintAndLog("DEBUG: Error - at parity check-tag size does not match AWID format");
- return 0;
- }
- // ok valid card found!
- // Index map
- // 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
- // | | | | | | |
- // 01234567 8 90123456 7890123456789012 3 456789012345678901234567890123456
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // 00011010 1 01110101 0000000010001110 1 000000000000000000000000000000000
- // bbbbbbbb w ffffffff cccccccccccccccc w xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- // |26 bit| |-117--| |-----142------|
- // b = format bit len, o = odd parity of last 3 bits
- // f = facility code, c = card number
- // w = wiegand parity
- // (26 bit format shown)
- uint32_t fc = 0;
- uint32_t cardnum = 0;
- uint32_t code1 = 0;
- uint32_t code2 = 0;
- uint8_t fmtLen = bytebits_to_byte(BitStream,8);
- if (fmtLen==26){
- fc = bytebits_to_byte(BitStream+9, 8);
- cardnum = bytebits_to_byte(BitStream+17, 16);
- code1 = bytebits_to_byte(BitStream+8,fmtLen);
- PrintAndLog("AWID Found - BitLength: %d, FC: %d, Card: %d - Wiegand: %x, Raw: %08x%08x%08x", fmtLen, fc, cardnum, code1, rawHi2, rawHi, rawLo);
- } else {
- cardnum = bytebits_to_byte(BitStream+8+(fmtLen-17), 16);
- if (fmtLen>32){
- code1 = bytebits_to_byte(BitStream+8,fmtLen-32);
- code2 = bytebits_to_byte(BitStream+8+(fmtLen-32),32);
- PrintAndLog("AWID Found - BitLength: %d -unknown BitLength- (%d) - Wiegand: %x%08x, Raw: %08x%08x%08x", fmtLen, cardnum, code1, code2, rawHi2, rawHi, rawLo);
- } else{
- code1 = bytebits_to_byte(BitStream+8,fmtLen);
- PrintAndLog("AWID Found - BitLength: %d -unknown BitLength- (%d) - Wiegand: %x, Raw: %08x%08x%08x", fmtLen, cardnum, code1, rawHi2, rawHi, rawLo);
- }
- }
- if (g_debugMode){
- PrintAndLog("DEBUG: idx: %d, Len: %d Printing Demod Buffer:", idx, 96);
- printDemodBuff();
- }
- //todo - convert hi2, hi, lo to demodbuffer for future sim/clone commands
- return 1;
-//by marshmellow
-//Pyramid Prox demod - FSK RF/50 with preamble of 0000000000000001 (always a 128 bit data stream)
-//print full Farpointe Data/Pyramid Prox ID and some bit format details if found
-int CmdFSKdemodPyramid(const char *Cmd)
- //raw fsk demod no manchester decoding no start bit finding just get binary from wave
- uint8_t BitStream[MAX_GRAPH_TRACE_LEN]={0};
- size_t size = getFromGraphBuf(BitStream);
- if (size==0) return 0;
- //get binary from fsk wave
- int idx = PyramiddemodFSK(BitStream, &size);
- if (idx < 0){
- if (g_debugMode==1){
- if (idx == -5)
- PrintAndLog("DEBUG: Error - not enough samples");
- else if (idx == -1)
- PrintAndLog("DEBUG: Error - only noise found");
- else if (idx == -2)
- PrintAndLog("DEBUG: Error - problem during FSK demod");
- else if (idx == -3)
- PrintAndLog("DEBUG: Error - Size not correct: %d", size);
- else if (idx == -4)
- PrintAndLog("DEBUG: Error - Pyramid preamble not found");
- else
- PrintAndLog("DEBUG: Error - idx: %d",idx);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- // Index map
- // 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
- // | | | | | | |
- // 0123456 7 8901234 5 6789012 3 4567890 1 2345678 9 0123456 7 8901234 5 6789012 3
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // 0000000 0 0000000 1 0000000 1 0000000 1 0000000 1 0000000 1 0000000 1 0000000 1
- // premable xxxxxxx o xxxxxxx o xxxxxxx o xxxxxxx o xxxxxxx o xxxxxxx o xxxxxxx o
- // 64 70 80 90 100 110 120
- // | | | | | | |
- // 4567890 1 2345678 9 0123456 7 8901234 5 6789012 3 4567890 1 2345678 9 0123456 7
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // 0000000 1 0000000 1 0000000 1 0110111 0 0011000 1 0000001 0 0001100 1 1001010 0
- // xxxxxxx o xxxxxxx o xxxxxxx o xswffff o ffffccc o ccccccc o ccccccw o ppppppp o
- // |---115---||---------71---------|
- // s = format start bit, o = odd parity of last 7 bits
- // f = facility code, c = card number
- // w = wiegand parity, x = extra space for other formats
- // p = unknown checksum
- // (26 bit format shown)
- //get bytes for checksum calc
- uint8_t checksum = bytebits_to_byte(BitStream + idx + 120, 8);
- uint8_t csBuff[14] = {0x00};
- for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 13; i++){
- csBuff[i] = bytebits_to_byte(BitStream + idx + 16 + (i*8), 8);
- }
- //check checksum calc
- //checksum calc thanks to ICEMAN!!
- uint32_t checkCS = CRC8Maxim(csBuff,13);
- //get raw ID before removing parities
- uint32_t rawLo = bytebits_to_byte(BitStream+idx+96,32);
- uint32_t rawHi = bytebits_to_byte(BitStream+idx+64,32);
- uint32_t rawHi2 = bytebits_to_byte(BitStream+idx+32,32);
- uint32_t rawHi3 = bytebits_to_byte(BitStream+idx,32);
- setDemodBuf(BitStream,128,idx);
- size = removeParity(BitStream, idx+8, 8, 1, 120);
- if (size != 105){
- if (g_debugMode==1)
- PrintAndLog("DEBUG: Error at parity check - tag size does not match Pyramid format, SIZE: %d, IDX: %d, hi3: %x",size, idx, rawHi3);
- return 0;
- }
- // ok valid card found!
- // Index map
- // 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
- // | | | | | | | |
- // 01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
- // xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- // 71 80 90 100
- // | | | |
- // 1 2 34567890 1234567890123456 7 8901234
- // ---------------------------------------
- // 1 1 01110011 0000000001000110 0 1001010
- // s w ffffffff cccccccccccccccc w ppppppp
- // |--115-| |------71------|
- // s = format start bit, o = odd parity of last 7 bits
- // f = facility code, c = card number
- // w = wiegand parity, x = extra space for other formats
- // p = unknown checksum
- // (26 bit format shown)
- //find start bit to get fmtLen
- int j;
- for (j=0; j<size; j++){
- if(BitStream[j]) break;
- }
- uint8_t fmtLen = size-j-8;
- uint32_t fc = 0;
- uint32_t cardnum = 0;
- uint32_t code1 = 0;
- //uint32_t code2 = 0;
- if (fmtLen==26){
- fc = bytebits_to_byte(BitStream+73, 8);
- cardnum = bytebits_to_byte(BitStream+81, 16);
- code1 = bytebits_to_byte(BitStream+72,fmtLen);
- PrintAndLog("Pyramid ID Found - BitLength: %d, FC: %d, Card: %d - Wiegand: %x, Raw: %08x%08x%08x%08x", fmtLen, fc, cardnum, code1, rawHi3, rawHi2, rawHi, rawLo);
- } else if (fmtLen==45){
- fmtLen=42; //end = 10 bits not 7 like 26 bit fmt
- fc = bytebits_to_byte(BitStream+53, 10);
- cardnum = bytebits_to_byte(BitStream+63, 32);
- PrintAndLog("Pyramid ID Found - BitLength: %d, FC: %d, Card: %d - Raw: %08x%08x%08x%08x", fmtLen, fc, cardnum, rawHi3, rawHi2, rawHi, rawLo);
- } else {
- cardnum = bytebits_to_byte(BitStream+81, 16);
- if (fmtLen>32){
- //code1 = bytebits_to_byte(BitStream+(size-fmtLen),fmtLen-32);
- //code2 = bytebits_to_byte(BitStream+(size-32),32);
- PrintAndLog("Pyramid ID Found - BitLength: %d -unknown BitLength- (%d), Raw: %08x%08x%08x%08x", fmtLen, cardnum, rawHi3, rawHi2, rawHi, rawLo);
- } else{
- //code1 = bytebits_to_byte(BitStream+(size-fmtLen),fmtLen);
- PrintAndLog("Pyramid ID Found - BitLength: %d -unknown BitLength- (%d), Raw: %08x%08x%08x%08x", fmtLen, cardnum, rawHi3, rawHi2, rawHi, rawLo);
- }
- }
- if (checksum == checkCS)
- PrintAndLog("Checksum %02x passed", checksum);
- else
- PrintAndLog("Checksum %02x failed - should have been %02x", checksum, checkCS);