+// This code is licensed to you under the terms of the GNU GPL, version 2 or,
+// at your option, any later version. See the LICENSE.txt file for the text of
+// the license.
+// Low frequency ioProx commands
+// FSK2a, rf/64, 64 bits (complete)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <limits.h>
-//#include "proxusb.h"
+#include "cmdlfio.h"
#include "proxmark3.h"
#include "data.h"
#include "graph.h"
#include "cmdmain.h"
#include "cmddata.h"
#include "cmdlf.h"
+#include "lfdemod.h" //for IOdemodFSK + bytebits_to_byte
+#include "util.h" //for sprint_bin_break
static int CmdHelp(const char *Cmd);
-int CmdIODemodFSK(const char *Cmd)
+int CmdIOReadFSK(const char *Cmd)
+ int findone=0;
+ if(Cmd[0]=='1') findone=1;
UsbCommand c={CMD_IO_DEMOD_FSK};
+ c.arg[0]=findone;
return 0;
-int CmdIOProxDemod(const char *Cmd){
- if (GraphTraceLen < 4800) {
- PrintAndLog("too short; need at least 4800 samples");
+//by marshmellow
+//IO-Prox demod - FSK RF/64 with preamble of 000000001
+//print ioprox ID and some format details
+int CmdFSKdemodIO(const char *Cmd)
+ int idx=0;
+ //something in graphbuffer?
+ if (GraphTraceLen < 65) {
+ if (g_debugMode)PrintAndLog("DEBUG: not enough samples in GraphBuffer");
return 0;
+ uint8_t BitStream[MAX_GRAPH_TRACE_LEN]={0};
+ size_t BitLen = getFromGraphBuf(BitStream);
+ if (BitLen==0) return 0;
- GraphTraceLen = 4800;
- for (int i = 0; i < GraphTraceLen; ++i) {
- if (GraphBuffer[i] < 0) {
- GraphBuffer[i] = 0;
- } else {
- GraphBuffer[i] = 1;
+ //get binary from fsk wave
+ idx = IOdemodFSK(BitStream,BitLen);
+ if (idx<0){
+ if (g_debugMode){
+ if (idx==-1){
+ PrintAndLog("DEBUG: Just Noise Detected");
+ } else if (idx == -2) {
+ PrintAndLog("DEBUG: not enough samples");
+ } else if (idx == -3) {
+ PrintAndLog("DEBUG: error during fskdemod");
+ } else if (idx == -4) {
+ PrintAndLog("DEBUG: Preamble not found");
+ } else if (idx == -5) {
+ PrintAndLog("DEBUG: Separator bits not found");
+ } else {
+ PrintAndLog("DEBUG: Error demoding fsk %d", idx);
+ }
+ return 0;
- RepaintGraphWindow();
- return 0;
+ if (idx==0){
+ if (g_debugMode){
+ PrintAndLog("DEBUG: IO Prox Data not found - FSK Bits: %d",BitLen);
+ if (BitLen > 92) PrintAndLog("%s", sprint_bin_break(BitStream,92,16));
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ //Index map
+ //0 10 20 30 40 50 60
+ //| | | | | | |
+ //01234567 8 90123456 7 89012345 6 78901234 5 67890123 4 56789012 3 45678901 23
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //00000000 0 11110000 1 facility 1 version* 1 code*one 1 code*two 1 ???????? 11
+ //
+ //XSF(version)facility:codeone+codetwo (raw)
+ //Handle the data
+ if (idx+64>BitLen) {
+ if (g_debugMode) PrintAndLog("not enough bits found - bitlen: %d",BitLen);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ PrintAndLog("%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d %d",BitStream[idx], BitStream[idx+1], BitStream[idx+2], BitStream[idx+3], BitStream[idx+4], BitStream[idx+5], BitStream[idx+6], BitStream[idx+7], BitStream[idx+8]);
+ PrintAndLog("%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d %d",BitStream[idx+9], BitStream[idx+10], BitStream[idx+11],BitStream[idx+12],BitStream[idx+13],BitStream[idx+14],BitStream[idx+15],BitStream[idx+16],BitStream[idx+17]);
+ PrintAndLog("%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d %d facility",BitStream[idx+18], BitStream[idx+19], BitStream[idx+20],BitStream[idx+21],BitStream[idx+22],BitStream[idx+23],BitStream[idx+24],BitStream[idx+25],BitStream[idx+26]);
+ PrintAndLog("%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d %d version",BitStream[idx+27], BitStream[idx+28], BitStream[idx+29],BitStream[idx+30],BitStream[idx+31],BitStream[idx+32],BitStream[idx+33],BitStream[idx+34],BitStream[idx+35]);
+ PrintAndLog("%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d %d code1",BitStream[idx+36], BitStream[idx+37], BitStream[idx+38],BitStream[idx+39],BitStream[idx+40],BitStream[idx+41],BitStream[idx+42],BitStream[idx+43],BitStream[idx+44]);
+ PrintAndLog("%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d %d code2",BitStream[idx+45], BitStream[idx+46], BitStream[idx+47],BitStream[idx+48],BitStream[idx+49],BitStream[idx+50],BitStream[idx+51],BitStream[idx+52],BitStream[idx+53]);
+ PrintAndLog("%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d %d%d checksum",BitStream[idx+54],BitStream[idx+55],BitStream[idx+56],BitStream[idx+57],BitStream[idx+58],BitStream[idx+59],BitStream[idx+60],BitStream[idx+61],BitStream[idx+62],BitStream[idx+63]);
+ uint32_t code = bytebits_to_byte(BitStream+idx,32);
+ uint32_t code2 = bytebits_to_byte(BitStream+idx+32,32);
+ uint8_t version = bytebits_to_byte(BitStream+idx+27,8); //14,4
+ uint8_t facilitycode = bytebits_to_byte(BitStream+idx+18,8) ;
+ uint16_t number = (bytebits_to_byte(BitStream+idx+36,8)<<8)|(bytebits_to_byte(BitStream+idx+45,8)); //36,9
+ uint8_t crc = bytebits_to_byte(BitStream+idx+54,8);
+ uint16_t calccrc = 0;
+ for (uint8_t i=1; i<6; ++i){
+ calccrc += bytebits_to_byte(BitStream+idx+9*i,8);
+ }
+ calccrc &= 0xff;
+ calccrc = 0xff - calccrc;
+ char *crcStr = (crc == calccrc) ? "crc ok": "!crc";
+ PrintAndLog("IO Prox XSF(%02d)%02x:%05d (%08x%08x) [%02x %s]",version,facilitycode,number,code,code2, crc, crcStr);
+ setDemodBuf(BitStream,64,idx);
+ setClockGrid(g_DemodClock, g_DemodStartIdx + (idx*g_DemodClock));
+ if (g_debugMode){
+ PrintAndLog("DEBUG: idx: %d, Len: %d, Printing demod buffer:",idx,64);
+ printDemodBuff();
+ }
+ return 1;
int CmdIOClone(const char *Cmd)
PrintAndLog("Cloning tag with ID %08x %08x", hi, lo);
+ PrintAndLog("Press pm3-button to abort simulation");
c.arg[0] = hi;
c.arg[1] = lo;
static command_t CommandTable[] =
{"help", CmdHelp, 1, "This help"},
- {"demod", CmdIOProxDemod, 1, "Demodulate Stream"},
- {"fskdemod", CmdIODemodFSK, 1, "Demodulate ioProx Tag"},
- {"clone", CmdIOClone, 1, "Clone ioProx Tag"},
+ {"demod", CmdFSKdemodIO, 1, "Demodulate IO Prox tag from the GraphBuffer"},
+ {"read", CmdIOReadFSK, 0, "['1'] Realtime IO FSK demodulate from antenna (option '1' for one tag only)"},
+ {"clone", CmdIOClone, 0, "Clone ioProx Tag"},
return 0;
\ No newline at end of file