-//demodulates strong heavily clipped samples
-int cleanAskRawDemod(uint8_t *BinStream, size_t *size, int clk, int invert, int high, int low, int *startIdx)
- *startIdx=0;
- size_t bitCnt=0, smplCnt=1, errCnt=0;
- bool waveHigh = (BinStream[0] >= high);
- for (size_t i=1; i < *size; i++){
- if (BinStream[i] >= high && waveHigh){
- smplCnt++;
- } else if (BinStream[i] <= low && !waveHigh){
- smplCnt++;
- } else { //transition
- if ((BinStream[i] >= high && !waveHigh) || (BinStream[i] <= low && waveHigh)){
- if (smplCnt > clk-(clk/4)-1) { //full clock
- if (smplCnt > clk + (clk/4)+1) { //too many samples
- errCnt++;
- if (g_debugMode==2) prnt("DEBUG ASK: Modulation Error at: %u", i);
- BinStream[bitCnt++] = 7;
- } else if (waveHigh) {
- BinStream[bitCnt++] = invert;
- BinStream[bitCnt++] = invert;
- } else if (!waveHigh) {
- BinStream[bitCnt++] = invert ^ 1;
- BinStream[bitCnt++] = invert ^ 1;
- }
- if (*startIdx==0) *startIdx = i-clk;
- waveHigh = !waveHigh;
- smplCnt = 0;
- } else if (smplCnt > (clk/2) - (clk/4)-1) { //half clock
- if (waveHigh) {
- BinStream[bitCnt++] = invert;
- } else if (!waveHigh) {
- BinStream[bitCnt++] = invert ^ 1;
+//detect psk clock by reading each phase shift
+// a phase shift is determined by measuring the sample length of each wave
+int DetectPSKClock(uint8_t dest[], size_t size, int clock, size_t *firstPhaseShift, uint8_t *curPhase, uint8_t *fc) {
+ uint8_t clk[]={255,16,32,40,50,64,100,128,255}; //255 is not a valid clock
+ uint16_t loopCnt = 4096; //don't need to loop through entire array...
+ if (size == 0) return 0;
+ if (size+3<loopCnt) loopCnt = size-20;
+ uint16_t fcs = countFC(dest, size, 0);
+ *fc = fcs & 0xFF;
+ if (g_debugMode==2) prnt("DEBUG PSK: FC: %d, FC2: %d",*fc, fcs>>8);
+ if ((fcs>>8) == 10 && *fc == 8) return 0;
+ if (*fc!=2 && *fc!=4 && *fc!=8) return 0;
+ //if we already have a valid clock quit
+ size_t i=1;
+ for (; i < 8; ++i)
+ if (clk[i] == clock) return clock;
+ size_t waveStart=0, waveEnd=0, firstFullWave=0, lastClkBit=0;
+ uint8_t clkCnt, tol=1;
+ uint16_t peakcnt=0, errCnt=0, waveLenCnt=0, fullWaveLen=0;
+ uint16_t bestErr[]={1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000};
+ uint16_t peaksdet[]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
+ //find start of modulating data in trace
+ i = findModStart(dest, size, *fc);
+ firstFullWave = pskFindFirstPhaseShift(dest, size, curPhase, i, *fc, &fullWaveLen);
+ if (firstFullWave == 0) {
+ // no phase shift detected - could be all 1's or 0's - doesn't matter where we start
+ // so skip a little to ensure we are past any Start Signal
+ firstFullWave = 160;
+ fullWaveLen = 0;
+ }
+ *firstPhaseShift = firstFullWave;
+ if (g_debugMode ==2) prnt("DEBUG PSK: firstFullWave: %d, waveLen: %d",firstFullWave,fullWaveLen);
+ //test each valid clock from greatest to smallest to see which lines up
+ for(clkCnt=7; clkCnt >= 1 ; clkCnt--) {
+ tol = *fc/2;
+ lastClkBit = firstFullWave; //set end of wave as clock align
+ waveStart = 0;
+ errCnt=0;
+ peakcnt=0;
+ if (g_debugMode == 2) prnt("DEBUG PSK: clk: %d, lastClkBit: %d",clk[clkCnt],lastClkBit);
+ for (i = firstFullWave+fullWaveLen-1; i < loopCnt-2; i++){
+ //top edge of wave = start of new wave
+ if (dest[i] < dest[i+1] && dest[i+1] >= dest[i+2]){
+ if (waveStart == 0) {
+ waveStart = i+1;
+ waveLenCnt=0;
+ } else { //waveEnd
+ waveEnd = i+1;
+ waveLenCnt = waveEnd-waveStart;
+ if (waveLenCnt > *fc){
+ //if this wave is a phase shift
+ if (g_debugMode == 2) prnt("DEBUG PSK: phase shift at: %d, len: %d, nextClk: %d, i: %d, fc: %d",waveStart,waveLenCnt,lastClkBit+clk[clkCnt]-tol,i+1,*fc);
+ if (i+1 >= lastClkBit + clk[clkCnt] - tol){ //should be a clock bit
+ peakcnt++;
+ lastClkBit+=clk[clkCnt];
+ } else if (i<lastClkBit+8){
+ //noise after a phase shift - ignore
+ } else { //phase shift before supposed to based on clock
+ errCnt++;
+ }
+ } else if (i+1 > lastClkBit + clk[clkCnt] + tol + *fc){
+ lastClkBit+=clk[clkCnt]; //no phase shift but clock bit