+int CmdAnalyseTEASelfTest(const char *Cmd){
+ uint8_t v[8], v_le[8];
+ memset(v, 0x00, sizeof(v));
+ memset(v_le, 0x00, sizeof(v_le));
+ uint8_t* v_ptr = v_le;
+ uint8_t cmdlen = strlen(Cmd);
+ cmdlen = ( sizeof(v)<<2 < cmdlen ) ? sizeof(v)<<2 : cmdlen;
+ if ( param_gethex(Cmd, 0, v, cmdlen) > 0 ){
+ PrintAndLog("can't read hex chars, uneven? :: %u", cmdlen);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ SwapEndian64ex(v , 8, 4, v_ptr);
+ uint8_t key[16] = {0x55,0xFE,0xF6,0x30,0x62,0xBF,0x0B,0xC1,0xC9,0xB3,0x7C,0x34,0x97,0x3E,0x29,0xFB };
+ uint8_t keyle[16];
+ uint8_t* key_ptr = keyle;
+ SwapEndian64ex(key , sizeof(key), 4, key_ptr);
+ PrintAndLog("TEST LE enc| %s", sprint_hex(v_ptr, 8));
+ tea_decrypt(v_ptr, key_ptr);
+ PrintAndLog("TEST LE dec | %s", sprint_hex_ascii(v_ptr, 8));
+ tea_encrypt(v_ptr, key_ptr);
+ tea_encrypt(v_ptr, key_ptr);
+ PrintAndLog("TEST enc2 | %s", sprint_hex_ascii(v_ptr, 8));
+ return 0;
+int CmdAnalyseA(const char *Cmd){
+// uid(2e086b1a) nt(230736f6) ks(0b0008000804000e) nr(000000000)
+// uid(2e086b1a) nt(230736f6) ks(0e0b0e0b090c0d02) nr(000000001)
+// uid(2e086b1a) nt(230736f6) ks(0e05060e01080b08) nr(000000002)
+uint64_t d1[] = {0x2e086b1a, 0x230736f6, 0x0000001, 0x0e0b0e0b090c0d02};
+uint64_t d2[] = {0x2e086b1a, 0x230736f6, 0x0000002, 0x0e05060e01080b08};
+// uid(17758822) nt(c0c69e59) ks(080105020705040e) nr(00000001)
+// uid(17758822) nt(c0c69e59) ks(01070a05050c0705) nr(00000002)
+uint64_t d1[] = {0x17758822, 0xc0c69e59, 0x0000001, 0x080105020705040e};
+uint64_t d2[] = {0x17758822, 0xc0c69e59, 0x0000002, 0x01070a05050c0705};
+// uid(6e442129) nt(8f699195) ks(090d0b0305020f02) nr(00000001)
+// uid(6e442129) nt(8f699195) ks(03030508030b0c0e) nr(00000002)
+// uid(6e442129) nt(8f699195) ks(02010f030c0d050d) nr(00000003)
+// uid(6e442129) nt(8f699195) ks(00040f0f0305030e) nr(00000004)
+uint64_t d1[] = {0x6e442129, 0x8f699195, 0x0000001, 0x090d0b0305020f02};
+uint64_t d2[] = {0x6e442129, 0x8f699195, 0x0000004, 0x00040f0f0305030e};
+uid(3e172b29) nt(039b7bd2) ks(0c0e0f0505080800) nr(00000001)
+uid(3e172b29) nt(039b7bd2) ks(0e06090d03000b0f) nr(00000002)
+ uint64_t key = 0;
+ uint64_t d1[] = {0x3e172b29, 0x039b7bd2, 0x0000001, 0x0c0e0f0505080800};
+ uint64_t d2[] = {0x3e172b29, 0x039b7bd2, 0x0000002, 0x0e06090d03000b0f};
+ nonce2key_ex(0, 0 , d1[0], d1[1], d1[2], d1[3], &key);
+ nonce2key_ex(0, 0 , d2[0], d2[1], d2[2], d2[3], &key);
+ return 0;
+static void permute(uint8_t *data, uint8_t len, uint8_t *output){
+#define KEY_SIZE 8
+ if ( len > KEY_SIZE ) {
+ for(uint8_t m = 0; m < len; m += KEY_SIZE){
+ permute(data+m, KEY_SIZE, output+m);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( len != KEY_SIZE ) {
+ printf("wrong key size\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ uint8_t i,j,p, mask;
+ for( i=0; i < KEY_SIZE; ++i){
+ p = 0;
+ mask = 0x80 >> i;
+ for( j=0; j < KEY_SIZE; ++j){
+ p >>= 1;
+ if (data[j] & mask)
+ p |= 0x80;
+ }
+ output[i] = p;
+ }
+static void permute_rev(uint8_t *data, uint8_t len, uint8_t *output){
+ permute(data, len, output);
+ permute(output, len, data);
+ permute(data, len, output);
+static void simple_crc(uint8_t *data, uint8_t len, uint8_t *output){
+ uint8_t crc = 0;
+ for( uint8_t i=0; i < len; ++i){
+ // seventh byte contains the crc.
+ if ( (i & 0x7) == 0x7 ) {
+ output[i] = crc ^ 0xFF;
+ crc = 0;
+ } else {
+ output[i] = data[i];
+ crc ^= data[i];
+ }
+ }
+// DES doesn't use the MSB.
+static void shave(uint8_t *data, uint8_t len){
+ for (uint8_t i=0; i<len; ++i)
+ data[i] &= 0xFE;
+static void generate_rev(uint8_t *data, uint8_t len) {
+ uint8_t *key = calloc(len,1);
+ printf("input permuted key | %s \n", sprint_hex(data, len));
+ permute_rev(data, len, key);
+ printf(" unpermuted key | %s \n", sprint_hex(key, len));
+ shave(key, len);
+ printf(" key | %s \n", sprint_hex(key, len));
+ free(key);
+static void generate(uint8_t *data, uint8_t len) {
+ uint8_t *key = calloc(len,1);
+ uint8_t *pkey = calloc(len,1);
+ printf(" input key | %s \n", sprint_hex(data, len));
+ permute(data, len, pkey);
+ printf(" permuted key | %s \n", sprint_hex(pkey, len));
+ simple_crc(pkey, len, key );
+ printf(" CRC'ed key | %s \n", sprint_hex(key, len));
+ free(key);
+ free(pkey);
+int CmdAnalyseHid(const char *Cmd){
+ uint8_t key[8] = {0};
+ uint8_t key_std_format[8] = {0};
+ uint8_t key_iclass_format[8] = {0};
+ uint8_t data[16] = {0};
+ bool isReverse = FALSE;
+ int len = 0;
+ char cmdp = param_getchar(Cmd, 0);
+ if (strlen(Cmd) == 0|| cmdp == 'h' || cmdp == 'H') return usage_analyse_hid();
+ if ( cmdp == 'r' || cmdp == 'R' )
+ isReverse = TRUE;
+ param_gethex_ex(Cmd, 1, data, &len);
+ if ( len%2 ) return usage_analyse_hid();
+ len >>= 1;
+ memcpy(key, data, 8);
+ if ( isReverse ) {
+ generate_rev(data, len);
+ permutekey_rev(key, key_std_format);
+ printf(" holiman iclass key | %s \n", sprint_hex(key_std_format, 8));
+ }
+ else {
+ generate(data, len);
+ permutekey(key, key_iclass_format);
+ printf(" holiman std key | %s \n", sprint_hex(key_iclass_format, 8));
+ }
+ return 0;