delay &= 0x07;
if (delay) {
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < delay; i++) {
- bitmask |= (0x01 << i);
+ bitmask |= (1 << i);
ToSend[++ToSendMax] = 0x00;
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < ToSendMax; i++) {
ToSend[++ToSendMax] = SEC_Y;
// Convert to length of command:
- ToSendMax++;
+ ++ToSendMax;
void CodeIso14443aAsReaderPar(const uint8_t *cmd, uint16_t len, const uint8_t *parity)
- CodeIso14443aBitsAsReaderPar(cmd, len*8, parity);
+ //CodeIso14443aBitsAsReaderPar(cmd, len*8, parity);
+ CodeIso14443aBitsAsReaderPar(cmd, len<<3, parity);
// Ensure that the FPGA Delay Queue is empty before we switch to TAGSIM_LISTEN again:
- uint8_t fpga_queued_bits = FpgaSendQueueDelay >> 3;
+ uint8_t fpga_queued_bits = FpgaSendQueueDelay >> 3; // twich /8 ?? >>3,
for (i = 0; i <= fpga_queued_bits/8 + 1; ) {
// Log reader command in trace buffer
- LogTrace(frame, nbytes(bits), LastTimeProxToAirStart*16 + DELAY_ARM2AIR_AS_READER, (LastTimeProxToAirStart + LastProxToAirDuration)*16 + DELAY_ARM2AIR_AS_READER, par, TRUE);
+ //LogTrace(frame, nbytes(bits), LastTimeProxToAirStart*16 + DELAY_ARM2AIR_AS_READER, (LastTimeProxToAirStart + LastProxToAirDuration)*16 + DELAY_ARM2AIR_AS_READER, par, TRUE);
+ LogTrace(frame, nbytes(bits), (LastTimeProxToAirStart<<4) + DELAY_ARM2AIR_AS_READER, ((LastTimeProxToAirStart + LastProxToAirDuration)<<4) + DELAY_ARM2AIR_AS_READER, par, TRUE);
void ReaderTransmitPar(uint8_t* frame, uint16_t len, uint8_t *par, uint32_t *timing)
- ReaderTransmitBitsPar(frame, len*8, par, timing);
+ //ReaderTransmitBitsPar(frame, len*8, par, timing);
+ ReaderTransmitBitsPar(frame, len<<3, par, timing);
void ReaderTransmitBits(uint8_t* frame, uint16_t len, uint32_t *timing)
// Generate parity and redirect
uint8_t par[MAX_PARITY_SIZE] = {0x00};
- GetParity(frame, len/8, par);
+ //GetParity(frame, len/8, par);
+ GetParity(frame, len >> 3, par);
ReaderTransmitBitsPar(frame, len, par, timing);
// Generate parity and redirect
uint8_t par[MAX_PARITY_SIZE] = {0x00};
GetParity(frame, len, par);
- ReaderTransmitBitsPar(frame, len*8, par, timing);
+ //ReaderTransmitBitsPar(frame, len*8, par, timing);
+ ReaderTransmitBitsPar(frame, len<<3, par, timing);
int ReaderReceiveOffset(uint8_t* receivedAnswer, uint16_t offset, uint8_t *parity)
if (!GetIso14443aAnswerFromTag(receivedAnswer, parity, offset))
return FALSE;
- LogTrace(receivedAnswer, Demod.len, Demod.startTime*16 - DELAY_AIR2ARM_AS_READER, Demod.endTime*16 - DELAY_AIR2ARM_AS_READER, parity, FALSE);
+ //LogTrace(receivedAnswer, Demod.len, Demod.startTime*16 - DELAY_AIR2ARM_AS_READER, Demod.endTime*16 - DELAY_AIR2ARM_AS_READER, parity, FALSE);
+ LogTrace(receivedAnswer, Demod.len, (Demod.startTime<<4) - DELAY_AIR2ARM_AS_READER, (Demod.endTime<<4) - DELAY_AIR2ARM_AS_READER, parity, FALSE);
return Demod.len;
if (!GetIso14443aAnswerFromTag(receivedAnswer, parity, 0))
return FALSE;
- LogTrace(receivedAnswer, Demod.len, Demod.startTime*16 - DELAY_AIR2ARM_AS_READER, Demod.endTime*16 - DELAY_AIR2ARM_AS_READER, parity, FALSE);
+ //LogTrace(receivedAnswer, Demod.len, Demod.startTime*16 - DELAY_AIR2ARM_AS_READER, Demod.endTime*16 - DELAY_AIR2ARM_AS_READER, parity, FALSE);
+ LogTrace(receivedAnswer, Demod.len, (Demod.startTime<<4) - DELAY_AIR2ARM_AS_READER, (Demod.endTime<<4) - DELAY_AIR2ARM_AS_READER, parity, FALSE);
return Demod.len;
int32_t dist_nt(uint32_t nt1, uint32_t nt2) {
if (nt1 == nt2) return 0;
- uint16_t i;
uint32_t nttmp1 = nt1;
uint32_t nttmp2 = nt2;
- for (i = 1; i < 0xFFFF; ++i) {
- nttmp1 = prng_successor(nttmp1, 1);
- if (nttmp1 == nt2) return i;
+ for (uint16_t i = 1; i < 0xFFFF; i += 8) {
+ nttmp1 = prng_successor(nttmp1, 1); if (nttmp1 == nt2) return i;
+ nttmp2 = prng_successor(nttmp2, 1); if (nttmp2 == nt1) return -i;
+ nttmp1 = prng_successor(nttmp1, 2); if (nttmp1 == nt2) return i+1;
+ nttmp2 = prng_successor(nttmp2, 2); if (nttmp2 == nt1) return -i-1;
+ nttmp1 = prng_successor(nttmp1, 3); if (nttmp1 == nt2) return i+2;
+ nttmp2 = prng_successor(nttmp2, 3); if (nttmp2 == nt1) return -i-2;
+ nttmp1 = prng_successor(nttmp1, 4); if (nttmp1 == nt2) return i+3;
+ nttmp2 = prng_successor(nttmp2, 4); if (nttmp2 == nt1) return -i-3;
- nttmp2 = prng_successor(nttmp2, 1);
- if (nttmp2 == nt1) return -i;
+ nttmp1 = prng_successor(nttmp1, 5); if (nttmp1 == nt2) return i+4;
+ nttmp2 = prng_successor(nttmp2, 5); if (nttmp2 == nt1) return -i-4;
+ nttmp1 = prng_successor(nttmp1, 6); if (nttmp1 == nt2) return i+5;
+ nttmp2 = prng_successor(nttmp2, 6); if (nttmp2 == nt1) return -i-5;
+ nttmp1 = prng_successor(nttmp1, 7); if (nttmp1 == nt2) return i+6;
+ nttmp2 = prng_successor(nttmp2, 7); if (nttmp2 == nt1) return -i-6;
+ nttmp1 = prng_successor(nttmp1, 8); if (nttmp1 == nt2) return i+7;
+ nttmp2 = prng_successor(nttmp2, 8); if (nttmp2 == nt1) return -i-7;
return(-99999); // either nt1 or nt2 are invalid nonces
byte_t nt_diff = 0;
uint8_t par[1] = {0}; // maximum 8 Bytes to be sent here, 1 byte parity is therefore enough
static byte_t par_low = 0;
- bool led_on = TRUE;
uint8_t uid[10] = {0};
- uint32_t cuid = 0;
+ //uint32_t cuid = 0;
uint32_t nt = 0;
uint32_t previous_nt = 0;
uint16_t unexpected_random = 0;
uint16_t sync_tries = 0;
- int16_t debug_info_nr = -1;
uint16_t strategy = 0;
- int32_t debug_info[MAX_STRATEGY+1][NUM_DEBUG_INFOS];
- uint32_t select_time = 0;
uint32_t halt_time = 0;
- //uint8_t caller[7] = {0};
- // init to zero.
- for (uint16_t i = 0; i < MAX_STRATEGY+1; ++i)
- for(uint16_t j = 0; j < NUM_DEBUG_INFOS; ++j)
- debug_info[i][j] = 0;
+ clear_trace();
+ set_tracing(TRUE);
// free eventually allocated BigBuf memory. We want all for tracing.
- clear_trace();
- set_tracing(TRUE);
if (first_try) {
sync_time = GetCountSspClk() & 0xfffffff8;
int len = mifare_sendcmd_short(NULL, false, 0x50, 0x00, receivedAnswer, receivedAnswerPar, &halt_time);
if (len && MF_DBGLEVEL >= 3)
- Dbprintf("Unexpected response of %d bytes to halt command (additional debugging).\n", len);
+ Dbprintf("Unexpected response of %d bytes to halt command.", len);
if (strategy == 3) {
- if (!iso14443a_select_card(uid, NULL, &cuid, true, 0)) {
+ if (!iso14443a_select_card(uid, NULL, NULL, true, 0)) {
if (MF_DBGLEVEL >= 1) Dbprintf("Mifare: Can't select card\n");
- select_time = GetCountSspClk() & 0xfffffff8;
- elapsed_prng_sequences = 1;
- if (debug_info_nr == -1) {
- sync_time = (sync_time & 0xfffffff8) + sync_cycles + catch_up_cycles;
- catch_up_cycles = 0;
- // if we missed the sync time already, advance to the next nonce repeat
- WDT_HIT();
- while(GetCountSspClk() > sync_time) {
- ++elapsed_prng_sequences;
- sync_time = (sync_time & 0xfffffff8) + sync_cycles;
- //sync_time += sync_cycles;
- //sync_time &= 0xfffffff8;
- }
- WDT_HIT();
- // Transmit MIFARE_CLASSIC_AUTH at synctime. Should result in returning the same tag nonce (== nt_attacked)
- ReaderTransmit(mf_auth, sizeof(mf_auth), &sync_time);
- if (MF_DBGLEVEL == 2) Dbprintf("sync_time %d \n", sync_time);
- } else {
- // collect some information on tag nonces for debugging:
- if (strategy == 0) {
- // nonce distances at fixed time after card select:
- sync_time = select_time + DEBUG_FIXED_SYNC_CYCLES;
- } else if (strategy == 1) {
- // nonce distances at fixed time between authentications:
- sync_time = sync_time + DEBUG_FIXED_SYNC_CYCLES;
- } else if (strategy == 2) {
- // nonce distances at fixed time after halt:
- sync_time = halt_time + DEBUG_FIXED_SYNC_CYCLES;
- } else {
- // nonce_distances at fixed time after power on
- }
- ReaderTransmit(mf_auth, sizeof(mf_auth), &sync_time);
- }
+ sync_time = (sync_time & 0xfffffff8) + sync_cycles + catch_up_cycles;
+ catch_up_cycles = 0;
+ // if we missed the sync time already, advance to the next nonce repeat
+ while(GetCountSspClk() > sync_time) {
+ ++elapsed_prng_sequences;
+ sync_time = (sync_time & 0xfffffff8) + sync_cycles;
+ }
+ // Transmit MIFARE_CLASSIC_AUTH at synctime. Should result in returning the same tag nonce (== nt_attacked)
+ ReaderTransmit(mf_auth, sizeof(mf_auth), &sync_time);
// Receive the (4 Byte) "random" nonce
if (!ReaderReceive(receivedAnswer, receivedAnswerPar))
- previous_nt = nt;
- nt = bytes_to_num(receivedAnswer, 4);
// Transmit reader nonce with fake par
ReaderTransmitPar(mf_nr_ar, sizeof(mf_nr_ar), par, NULL);
+ previous_nt = nt;
+ nt = bytes_to_num(receivedAnswer, 4);
if (first_try && previous_nt && !nt_attacked) { // we didn't calibrate our clock yet
int nt_distance = dist_nt(previous_nt, nt);
if (nt_distance == 0) {
if (strategy > MAX_STRATEGY || MF_DBGLEVEL < 3) {
isOK = -4; // Card's PRNG runs at an unexpected frequency or resets unexpectedly
- } else { // continue for a while, just to collect some debug info
- ++debug_info_nr;
- debug_info[strategy][debug_info_nr] = nt_distance;
- if (debug_info_nr == NUM_DEBUG_INFOS-1) {
- ++strategy;
- debug_info_nr = 0;
- }
+ } else {
- sync_cycles = (sync_cycles - nt_distance/elapsed_prng_sequences);
+ sync_cycles = (sync_cycles - nt_distance)/elapsed_prng_sequences;
if (sync_cycles <= 0)
sync_cycles += PRNG_SEQUENCE_LENGTH;
- if (MF_DBGLEVEL >= 2)
+ if (MF_DBGLEVEL >= 3)
Dbprintf("calibrating in cycle %d. nt_distance=%d, elapsed_prng_sequences=%d, new sync_cycles: %d\n", i, nt_distance, elapsed_prng_sequences, sync_cycles);
} else {
last_catch_up = catch_up_cycles;
consecutive_resyncs = 0;
- }
- sync_cycles += catch_up_cycles;
+ }
if (consecutive_resyncs < 3) {
if (MF_DBGLEVEL >= 3)
- consecutive_resyncs = 0;
// Receive answer. This will be a 4 Bit NACK when the 8 parity bits are OK after decoding
if (ReaderReceive(receivedAnswer, receivedAnswerPar)) {
catch_up_cycles = 8; // the PRNG is delayed by 8 cycles due to the NAC (4Bits = 0x05 encrypted) transfer
if (nt_diff == 0)
par_low = par[0] & 0xE0; // there is no need to check all parities for other nt_diff. Parity Bits for mf_nr_ar[0..2] won't change
- led_on = !led_on;
- if(led_on) LED_B_ON(); else LED_B_OFF();
par_list[nt_diff] = SwapBits(par[0], 8);
ks_list[nt_diff] = receivedAnswer[0] ^ 0x05;
nt_diff = (nt_diff + 1) & 0x07;
mf_nr_ar[3] = (mf_nr_ar[3] & 0x1F) | (nt_diff << 5);
par[0] = par_low;
} else {
if (nt_diff == 0 && first_try) {
par[0] = ((par[0] & 0x1F) + 1) | par_low;
+ consecutive_resyncs = 0;
mf_nr_ar[3] &= 0x1F;
- if (isOK == -4) {
- for (uint16_t i = 0; i < MAX_STRATEGY+1; ++i)
- for(uint16_t j = 0; j < NUM_DEBUG_INFOS; ++j)
- Dbprintf("info[%d][%d] = %d", i, j, debug_info[i][j]);
- }
// reset sync_time.
if ( isOK == 1) {