#remove one of the following defines and comment out the relevant line
#in the next section to remove that particular feature from compilation
#SRC_LCD = fonts.c LCD.c
SRC_LF = lfops.c hitag2.c
SRC_ISO15693 = iso15693.c iso15693tools.c
-SRC_ISO14443a = iso14443a.c mifareutil.c mifarecmd.c
+SRC_ISO14443a = epa.c iso14443a.c mifareutil.c mifarecmd.c mifaresniff.c
SRC_ISO14443b = iso14443.c
SRC_CRAPTO1 = crapto1.c crypto1.c
appmain.c printf.c \
util.c \
string.c \
- usb.c
+ usb_cdc.c \
+ cmd.c
# These are to be compiled in ARM mode
ARMSRC = fpgaloader.c \
legicrf.c \
iso14443crc.c \
crc16.c \
+ lfdemod.c \
$(SRC_ISO14443a) \
$(SRC_ISO14443b) \
all: $(OBJS)
-$(OBJDIR)/fpga.o: fpga.bit
- $(OBJCOPY) -O elf32-littlearm -I binary -B arm --redefine-sym _binary____fpga_fpga_bit_start=_binary_fpga_bit_start --redefine-sym _binary____fpga_fpga_bit_end=_binary_fpga_bit_end --prefix-sections=fpga_bit $^ $@
+$(OBJDIR)/fpga_lf.o: fpga_lf.bit
+ $(OBJCOPY) -O elf32-littlearm -I binary -B arm --redefine-sym _binary____fpga_fpga_lf_bit_start=_binary_fpga_lf_bit_start --redefine-sym _binary____fpga_fpga_lf_bit_end=_binary_fpga_lf_bit_end --prefix-sections=fpga_lf_bit $^ $@
-$(OBJDIR)/fullimage.elf: $(VERSIONOBJ) $(OBJDIR)/fpga.o $(THUMBOBJ) $(ARMOBJ)
+$(OBJDIR)/fpga_hf.o: fpga_hf.bit
+ $(OBJCOPY) -O elf32-littlearm -I binary -B arm --redefine-sym _binary____fpga_fpga_hf_bit_start=_binary_fpga_hf_bit_start --redefine-sym _binary____fpga_fpga_hf_bit_end=_binary_fpga_hf_bit_end --prefix-sections=fpga_hf_bit $^ $@
+$(OBJDIR)/fullimage.elf: $(VERSIONOBJ) $(OBJDIR)/fpga_lf.o $(OBJDIR)/fpga_hf.o $(THUMBOBJ) $(ARMOBJ)
$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -Wl,-T,ldscript,-Map,$(patsubst %.elf,%.map,$@) -o $@ $^ $(LIBS)
$(OBJDIR)/fpgaimage.elf: $(OBJDIR)/fullimage.elf