+# This code is licensed to you under the terms of the GNU GPL, version 2 or,
+# at your option, any later version. See the LICENSE.txt file for the text of
+# the license.
+include ../common/Makefile.common
+CC = gcc
+CXX = g++
+COMMON_FLAGS = -std=c99 -O3 -mpopcnt -march=native -g
+#VPATH = ../common ../zlib
+OBJDIR = obj
+LDLIBS = -L/opt/local/lib -L/usr/local/lib -lreadline -lpthread -lm
+LUALIB = ../liblua/liblua.a
+CFLAGS = $(COMMON_FLAGS) -I. -I../include -I../common -I../zlib -I/opt/local/include -I../liblua -Wall
+LUAPLATFORM = generic
+ifneq (,$(findstring MINGW,$(platform)))
+ LDLIBS += -L/mingw/lib -lgdi32
+ CFLAGS += -I/mingw/include
+ CXXFLAGS = -I$(QTDIR)/include -I$(QTDIR)/include/QtCore -I$(QTDIR)/include/QtGui
+ MOC = $(QTDIR)/bin/moc
+ ifneq ($(wildcard $(QTDIR)/include/QtWidgets),)
+ CXXFLAGS += -I$(QTDIR)/include/QtWidgets
+ QTLDLIBS = -L$(QTDIR)/lib -lQt5Core -lQt5Gui -lQt5Widgets
+ else
+ QTLDLIBS = -L$(QTDIR)/lib -lQtCore4 -lQtGui4
+ endif
+ # QT version, 4 or 5
+ qtplatform = $(shell $(MOC) -v)
+ ifneq (, $(findstring moc 5,$(qtplatform)))
+ CXXFLAGS = -I$(QTDIR)/include -I$(QTDIR)/include/QtCore -I$(QTDIR)/include/QtGui -I$(QTDIR)/include/QtWidgets -I/mingw/include
+ QTLDLIBS = -L$(QTDIR)/lib -lQt5Core -lQt5Gui -lQt5Widgets
+ else
+ CXXFLAGS = -I$(QTDIR)/include -I$(QTDIR)/include/QtCore -I$(QTDIR)/include/QtGui
+ QTLDLIBS = -L$(QTDIR)/lib -lQtCore4 -lQtGui4
+ endif
+else ifeq ($(platform),Darwin)