+// MIFARE check keys\r
+// one key check\r
+static int MifareChkBlockKey(uint8_t *uid, uint32_t *cuid, uint8_t *cascade_levels, uint8_t *key, uint8_t blockNo, uint8_t keyType, uint32_t *auth_timeout, uint8_t debugLevel, bool fixed_nonce) {\r
+ struct Crypto1State mpcs = {0, 0};\r
+ struct Crypto1State *pcs;\r
+ pcs = &mpcs;\r
+ if (*cascade_levels == 0) { // need a full select cycle to get the uid first\r
+ iso14a_card_select_t card_info;\r
+ if (!iso14443a_select_card(uid, &card_info, cuid, true, 0, true)) {\r
+ if (debugLevel >= 1) Dbprintf("ChkKeys: Can't select card");\r
+ return -1;\r
+ }\r
+ switch (card_info.uidlen) {\r
+ case 4 : *cascade_levels = 1; break;\r
+ case 7 : *cascade_levels = 2; break;\r
+ case 10: *cascade_levels = 3; break;\r
+ default: break;\r
+ }\r
+ } else { // no need for anticollision. We can directly select the card\r
+ if (!iso14443a_select_card(uid, NULL, NULL, false, *cascade_levels, true)) {\r
+ if (debugLevel >= 1) Dbprintf("ChkKeys: Can't select card (UID) lvl=%d", *cascade_levels);\r
+ return -1;\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ if (!fixed_nonce) {\r
+ uint64_t ui64Key = bytes_to_num(key, 6);\r
+ if (mifare_classic_auth(pcs, *cuid, blockNo, keyType, ui64Key, AUTH_FIRST, auth_timeout)) { // authentication failed\r
+ return -2;\r
+ } else {\r
+ mifare_classic_halt(pcs, *cuid);\r
+ }\r
+ } else {\r
+ uint8_t receivedAnswer[MAX_MIFARE_FRAME_SIZE];\r
+ uint8_t receivedAnswerPar[MAX_MIFARE_PARITY_SIZE];\r
+ int len = mifare_sendcmd_short(pcs, false, keyType & 0x01 ? MIFARE_AUTH_KEYB : MIFARE_AUTH_KEYA, blockNo, receivedAnswer, receivedAnswerPar, NULL);\r
+ if (len != 4) return -2;\r
+ // Transmit encrypted reader nonce and reader answer\r
+ uint8_t mf_nr_ar[8] = NESTED_FIXED_NR_ENC;\r
+ memcpy(mf_nr_ar + 4, key, 4);\r
+ ReaderTransmitPar(mf_nr_ar, sizeof(mf_nr_ar), key + 4, NULL);\r
+ uint32_t save_timeout = iso14a_get_timeout(); // save standard timeout\r
+ iso14a_set_timeout(*auth_timeout); // set timeout for authentication response\r
+ len = ReaderReceive(receivedAnswer, receivedAnswerPar);\r
+ iso14a_set_timeout(save_timeout); // restore standard timeout\r
+ if (!len) return -2;\r
+ }\r
+ return 0; // success\r
+// multi key check\r
+static int MifareChkBlockKeysEx(uint8_t *keys, uint8_t keyCount, uint8_t blockNo, uint8_t keyType, uint32_t *auth_timeout, uint8_t debugLevel, bool fixed_nonce) {\r
+ uint8_t uid[10];\r
+ uint32_t cuid = 0;\r
+ uint8_t cascade_levels = 0;\r
+ int retryCount = 0;\r
+ for (uint8_t i = 0; i < keyCount; i++) {\r
+ uint8_t bytes_per_key = fixed_nonce ? 5 : 6;\r
+ int res = MifareChkBlockKey(uid, &cuid, &cascade_levels, keys + i*bytes_per_key, blockNo, keyType, auth_timeout, debugLevel, fixed_nonce);\r
+ if (res == -1) { // couldn't select\r
+ retryCount++;\r
+ if (retryCount >= 5) {\r
+ Dbprintf("ChkKeys: block=%d key=%d. Couldn't select. Exit...", blockNo, keyType);\r
+ return -1;\r
+ } else {\r
+ --i; // try the same key once again\r
+ SpinDelay(20);\r
+ // Dbprintf("ChkKeys: block=%d key=%d. Try the same key once again...", blockNo, keyType);\r
+ continue;\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ if (res == -2) { // couldn't authenticate with this key\r
+ retryCount = 0;\r
+ continue;\r
+ }\r
+ return i + 1; // successful authentication\r
+ }\r
+ if (BUTTON_PRESS()) {\r
+ return -2;\r
+ }\r
+ return 0; // couldn't authenticate with any key\r
+int MifareChkBlockKeys(uint8_t *keys, uint8_t keyCount, uint8_t blockNo, uint8_t keyType, uint32_t *auth_timeout, uint8_t debugLevel) {\r
+ return MifareChkBlockKeysEx(keys, keyCount, blockNo, keyType, auth_timeout, debugLevel, false);\r
+// fixed nonce check\r
+int MifareChkBlockKeysFixedNonce(uint8_t *ar_par, uint8_t ar_par_cnt, uint8_t blockNo, uint8_t keyType, uint32_t *auth_timeout, uint8_t debugLevel) {\r
+ return MifareChkBlockKeysEx(ar_par, ar_par_cnt, blockNo, keyType, auth_timeout, debugLevel, true);\r
+// multisector multikey check\r
+int MifareMultisectorChk(uint8_t *keys, uint8_t keyCount, uint8_t SectorCount, uint8_t keyType, uint32_t *auth_timeout, uint8_t debugLevel, TKeyIndex *keyIndex) {\r
+ int res = 0;\r
+// int clk = GetCountSspClk();\r
+ for(int sc = 0; sc < SectorCount; sc++){\r
+ WDT_HIT();\r
+ int keyAB = keyType;\r
+ do {\r
+ res = MifareChkBlockKeys(keys, keyCount, FirstBlockOfSector(sc), keyAB & 0x01, auth_timeout, debugLevel);\r
+ if (res < 0) {\r
+ return res;\r
+ }\r
+ if (res > 0) {\r
+ (*keyIndex)[keyAB & 0x01][sc] = res;\r
+ }\r
+ } while(--keyAB > 0);\r
+ }\r
+// Dbprintf("%d %d", GetCountSspClk() - clk, (GetCountSspClk() - clk)/(SectorCount*keyCount*(keyType==2?2:1)));\r
+ return 1;\r