// Data and Graph commands
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <limits.h>
-#include "proxmark3.h"
-#include "data.h"
-#include "ui.h"
-#include "graph.h"
-#include "cmdparser.h"
+#include <stdio.h> // also included in util.h
+#include <string.h> // also included in util.h
+#include <inttypes.h>
+#include <limits.h> // for CmdNorm INT_MIN && INT_MAX
+#include "data.h" // also included in util.h
+#include "cmddata.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "cmdmain.h"
-#include "cmddata.h"
-#include "lfdemod.h"
-#include "usb_cmd.h"
-#include "crc.h"
-#include "crc16.h"
-#include "loclass/cipherutils.h"
+#include "proxmark3.h"
+#include "ui.h" // for show graph controls
+#include "graph.h" // for graph data
+#include "cmdparser.h"// already included in cmdmain.h
+#include "usb_cmd.h" // already included in cmdmain.h and proxmark3.h
+#include "lfdemod.h" // for demod code
+#include "crc.h" // for pyramid checksum maxim
+#include "crc16.h" // for FDXB demod checksum
+#include "loclass/cipherutils.h" // for decimating samples in getsamples
uint8_t DemodBuffer[MAX_DEMOD_BUF_LEN];
uint8_t g_debugMode=0;
if (hi){
//output 88 bit em id
- PrintAndLog("\nEM TAG ID : %06X%016llX", hi, id);
+ PrintAndLog("\nEM TAG ID : %06X%016" PRIX64, hi, id);
} else{
//output 40 bit em id
- PrintAndLog("\nEM TAG ID : %010llX", id);
- PrintAndLog("Unique TAG ID : %010llX", id2lo);
+ PrintAndLog("\nEM TAG ID : %010" PRIX64, id);
+ PrintAndLog("Unique TAG ID : %010" PRIX64, id2lo);
PrintAndLog("\nPossible de-scramble patterns");
PrintAndLog("HoneyWell IdentKey {");
- PrintAndLog("DEZ 8 : %08lld",id & 0xFFFFFF);
- PrintAndLog("DEZ 10 : %010lld",id & 0xFFFFFFFF);
- PrintAndLog("DEZ 5.5 : %05lld.%05lld",(id>>16LL) & 0xFFFF,(id & 0xFFFF));
- PrintAndLog("DEZ 3.5A : %03lld.%05lld",(id>>32ll),(id & 0xFFFF));
- PrintAndLog("DEZ 3.5B : %03lld.%05lld",(id & 0xFF000000) >> 24,(id & 0xFFFF));
- PrintAndLog("DEZ 3.5C : %03lld.%05lld",(id & 0xFF0000) >> 16,(id & 0xFFFF));
- PrintAndLog("DEZ 14/IK2 : %014lld",id);
- PrintAndLog("DEZ 15/IK3 : %015lld",id2lo);
- PrintAndLog("DEZ 20/ZK : %02lld%02lld%02lld%02lld%02lld%02lld%02lld%02lld%02lld%02lld",
+ PrintAndLog("DEZ 8 : %08" PRIu64,id & 0xFFFFFF);
+ PrintAndLog("DEZ 10 : %010" PRIu64,id & 0xFFFFFFFF);
+ PrintAndLog("DEZ 5.5 : %05lld.%05" PRIu64,(id>>16LL) & 0xFFFF,(id & 0xFFFF));
+ PrintAndLog("DEZ 3.5A : %03lld.%05" PRIu64,(id>>32ll),(id & 0xFFFF));
+ PrintAndLog("DEZ 3.5B : %03lld.%05" PRIu64,(id & 0xFF000000) >> 24,(id & 0xFFFF));
+ PrintAndLog("DEZ 3.5C : %03lld.%05" PRIu64,(id & 0xFF0000) >> 16,(id & 0xFFFF));
+ PrintAndLog("DEZ 14/IK2 : %014" PRIu64,id);
+ PrintAndLog("DEZ 15/IK3 : %015" PRIu64,id2lo);
+ PrintAndLog("DEZ 20/ZK : %02" PRIu64 "%02" PRIu64 "%02" PRIu64 "%02" PRIu64 "%02" PRIu64 "%02" PRIu64 "%02" PRIu64 "%02" PRIu64 "%02" PRIu64 "%02" PRIu64,
(id2lo & 0xf000000000) >> 36,
(id2lo & 0x0f00000000) >> 32,
(id2lo & 0x00f0000000) >> 28,
(id2lo & 0x000000000f)
uint64_t paxton = (((id>>32) << 24) | (id & 0xffffff)) + 0x143e00;
- PrintAndLog("}\nOther : %05lld_%03lld_%08lld",(id&0xFFFF),((id>>16LL) & 0xFF),(id & 0xFFFFFF));
- PrintAndLog("Pattern Paxton : %lld [0x%llX]", paxton, paxton);
+ PrintAndLog("}\nOther : %05" PRIu64 "_%03" PRIu64 "_%08" PRIu64 "",(id&0xFFFF),((id>>16LL) & 0xFF),(id & 0xFFFFFF));
+ PrintAndLog("Pattern Paxton : %" PRIu64 " [0x%" PRIX64 "]", paxton, paxton);
uint32_t p1id = (id & 0xFFFFFF);
uint8_t arr[32] = {0x00};
int clk=0;
int maxErr=100;
int maxLen=0;
- uint8_t askAmp = 0;
+ uint8_t askamp = 0;
char amp = param_getchar(Cmd, 0);
uint8_t BitStream[MAX_GRAPH_TRACE_LEN]={0};
sscanf(Cmd, "%i %i %i %i %c", &clk, &invert, &maxErr, &maxLen, &);
- if (amp == 'a' || amp == 'A') askAmp=1;
size_t BitLen = getFromGraphBuf(BitStream);
if (g_debugMode) PrintAndLog("DEBUG: Bitlen from grphbuff: %d",BitLen);
if (BitLen < 255) return 0;
if (maxLen < BitLen && maxLen != 0) BitLen = maxLen;
int foundclk = 0;
+ //amp before ST check
+ if (amp == 'a' || amp == 'A') {
+ askAmp(BitStream, BitLen);
+ }
bool st = false;
if (*stCheck) st = DetectST(BitStream, &BitLen, &foundclk);
if (st) {
clk = (clk == 0) ? foundclk : clk;
if (verbose || g_debugMode) PrintAndLog("\nFound Sequence Terminator");
- int errCnt = askdemod(BitStream, &BitLen, &clk, &invert, maxErr, askAmp, askType);
+ int errCnt = askdemod(BitStream, &BitLen, &clk, &invert, maxErr, askamp, askType);
if (errCnt<0 || BitLen<16){ //if fatal error (or -1)
if (g_debugMode) PrintAndLog("DEBUG: no data found %d, errors:%d, bitlen:%d, clock:%d",errCnt,invert,BitLen,clk);
return 0;
int Cmdaskmandemod(const char *Cmd)
char cmdp = param_getchar(Cmd, 0);
- if (strlen(Cmd) > 25 || cmdp == 'h' || cmdp == 'H') {
+ if (strlen(Cmd) > 45 || cmdp == 'h' || cmdp == 'H') {
PrintAndLog("Usage: data rawdemod am <s> [clock] <invert> [maxError] [maxLen] [amplify]");
PrintAndLog(" ['s'] optional, check for Sequence Terminator");
PrintAndLog(" [set clock as integer] optional, if not set, autodetect");
int CmdG_Prox_II_Demod(const char *Cmd)
if (!ASKbiphaseDemod(Cmd, FALSE)){
- if (g_debugMode) PrintAndLog("ASKbiphaseDemod failed 1st try");
+ if (g_debugMode) PrintAndLog("Error gProxII: ASKbiphaseDemod failed 1st try");
return 0;
size_t size = DemodBufferLen;
if (g_debugMode) PrintAndLog("Error gProxII_Demod");
return 0;
- //got a good demod
- uint32_t ByteStream[65] = {0x00};
+ //got a good demod of 96 bits
+ uint8_t ByteStream[8] = {0x00};
uint8_t xorKey=0;
- uint8_t keyCnt=0;
- uint8_t bitCnt=0;
- uint8_t ByteCnt=0;
- size_t startIdx = ans + 6; //start after preamble
- for (size_t idx = 0; idx<size-6; idx++){
- if ((idx+1) % 5 == 0){
- //spacer bit - should be 0
- if (DemodBuffer[startIdx+idx] != 0) {
- if (g_debugMode) PrintAndLog("Error spacer not 0: %u, pos: %u", (unsigned int)DemodBuffer[startIdx+idx],(unsigned int)(startIdx+idx));
- return 0;
- }
- continue;
- }
- if (keyCnt<8){ //lsb first
- xorKey = xorKey | (DemodBuffer[startIdx+idx]<<keyCnt);
- keyCnt++;
- if (keyCnt==8 && g_debugMode) PrintAndLog("xorKey Found: %02x", (unsigned int)xorKey);
- continue;
- }
- //lsb first
- ByteStream[ByteCnt] = ByteStream[ByteCnt] | (DemodBuffer[startIdx+idx]<<bitCnt);
- bitCnt++;
- if (bitCnt % 8 == 0){
- if (g_debugMode) PrintAndLog("byte %u: %02x", (unsigned int)ByteCnt, ByteStream[ByteCnt]);
- bitCnt=0;
- ByteCnt++;
- }
+ size_t startIdx = ans + 6; //start after 6 bit preamble
+ uint8_t bits_no_spacer[90];
+ //so as to not mess with raw DemodBuffer copy to a new sample array
+ memcpy(bits_no_spacer, DemodBuffer + startIdx, 90);
+ // remove the 18 (90/5=18) parity bits (down to 72 bits (96-6-18=72))
+ size_t bitLen = removeParity(bits_no_spacer, 0, 5, 3, 90); //source, startloc, paritylen, ptype, length_to_run
+ if (bitLen != 72) {
+ if (g_debugMode) PrintAndLog("Error gProxII: spacer removal did not produce 72 bits: %u, start: %u", bitLen, startIdx);
+ return 0;
- for (uint8_t i = 0; i < ByteCnt; i++){
- ByteStream[i] ^= xorKey; //xor
- if (g_debugMode) PrintAndLog("byte %u after xor: %02x", (unsigned int)i, ByteStream[i]);
+ // get key and then get all 8 bytes of payload decoded
+ xorKey = (uint8_t)bytebits_to_byteLSBF(bits_no_spacer, 8);
+ for (size_t idx = 0; idx < 8; idx++) {
+ ByteStream[idx] = ((uint8_t)bytebits_to_byteLSBF(bits_no_spacer+8 + (idx*8),8)) ^ xorKey;
+ if (g_debugMode) PrintAndLog("byte %u after xor: %02x", (unsigned int)idx, ByteStream[idx]);
- //now ByteStream contains 64 bytes of decrypted raw tag data
+ //now ByteStream contains 8 Bytes (64 bits) of decrypted raw tag data
uint8_t fmtLen = ByteStream[0]>>2;
uint32_t FC = 0;
uint32_t Card = 0;
+ //get raw 96 bits to print
uint32_t raw1 = bytebits_to_byte(DemodBuffer+ans,32);
uint32_t raw2 = bytebits_to_byte(DemodBuffer+ans+32, 32);
uint32_t raw3 = bytebits_to_byte(DemodBuffer+ans+64, 32);
if (fmtLen==36){
FC = ((ByteStream[3] & 0x7F)<<7) | (ByteStream[4]>>1);
Card = ((ByteStream[4]&1)<<19) | (ByteStream[5]<<11) | (ByteStream[6]<<3) | (ByteStream[7]>>5);
- PrintAndLog("G-Prox-II Found: FmtLen %d, FC %d, Card %d", fmtLen, FC, Card);
+ PrintAndLog("G-Prox-II Found: FmtLen %d, FC %u, Card %u", (int)fmtLen, FC, Card);
} else if(fmtLen==26){
FC = ((ByteStream[3] & 0x7F)<<1) | (ByteStream[4]>>7);
Card = ((ByteStream[4]&0x7F)<<9) | (ByteStream[5]<<1) | (ByteStream[6]>>7);
- PrintAndLog("G-Prox-II Found: FmtLen %d, FC %d, Card %d",(unsigned int)fmtLen,FC,Card);
+ PrintAndLog("G-Prox-II Found: FmtLen %d, FC %u, Card %u", (int)fmtLen, FC, Card);
} else {
PrintAndLog("Unknown G-Prox-II Fmt Found: FmtLen %d",(int)fmtLen);
+ PrintAndLog("Decoded Raw: %s", sprint_hex(ByteStream, 8));
PrintAndLog("Raw: %08x%08x%08x", raw1,raw2,raw3);
setDemodBuf(DemodBuffer+ans, 96, 0);
int Cmdaskrawdemod(const char *Cmd)
char cmdp = param_getchar(Cmd, 0);
- if (strlen(Cmd) > 25 || cmdp == 'h' || cmdp == 'H') {
+ if (strlen(Cmd) > 35 || cmdp == 'h' || cmdp == 'H') {
PrintAndLog("Usage: data rawdemod ar [clock] <invert> [maxError] [maxLen] [amplify]");
PrintAndLog(" [set clock as integer] optional, if not set, autodetect");
PrintAndLog(" <invert>, 1 to invert output");
uint8_t factor = param_get8ex(Cmd, 0,2, 10);
//We have memory, don't we?
int swap[MAX_GRAPH_TRACE_LEN] = { 0 };
- uint32_t g_index = 0 ,s_index = 0;
- while(g_index < GraphTraceLen && s_index < MAX_GRAPH_TRACE_LEN)
+ uint32_t g_index = 0, s_index = 0;
+ while(g_index < GraphTraceLen && s_index + factor < MAX_GRAPH_TRACE_LEN)
int count = 0;
- for(count = 0; count < factor && s_index+count < MAX_GRAPH_TRACE_LEN; count ++)
+ for(count = 0; count < factor && s_index + count < MAX_GRAPH_TRACE_LEN; count++)
swap[s_index+count] = GraphBuffer[g_index];
- s_index+=count;
+ s_index += count;
+ g_index++;
- memcpy(GraphBuffer,swap, s_index * sizeof(int));
+ memcpy(GraphBuffer, swap, s_index * sizeof(int));
GraphTraceLen = s_index;
return 0;
int CmdAskEdgeDetect(const char *Cmd)
int thresLen = 25;
+ int Last = 0;
sscanf(Cmd, "%i", &thresLen);
for(int i = 1; i<GraphTraceLen; i++){
if (GraphBuffer[i]-GraphBuffer[i-1]>=thresLen) //large jump up
- GraphBuffer[i-1] = 127;
+ Last = 127;
else if(GraphBuffer[i]-GraphBuffer[i-1]<=-1*thresLen) //large jump down
- GraphBuffer[i-1] = -127;
+ Last = -127;
+ GraphBuffer[i-1] = Last;
return 0;
int CmdFSKrawdemod(const char *Cmd)
char cmdp = param_getchar(Cmd, 0);
- if (strlen(Cmd) > 10 || cmdp == 'h' || cmdp == 'H') {
+ if (strlen(Cmd) > 20 || cmdp == 'h' || cmdp == 'H') {
PrintAndLog("Usage: data rawdemod fs [clock] <invert> [fchigh] [fclow]");
PrintAndLog(" [set clock as integer] optional, omit for autodetect.");
PrintAndLog(" <invert>, 1 for invert output, can be used even if the clock is omitted");
//get binary from fsk wave
int idx = AWIDdemodFSK(BitStream, &size);
if (idx<=0){
- if (g_debugMode==1){
+ if (g_debugMode){
if (idx == -1)
PrintAndLog("DEBUG: Error - not enough samples");
else if (idx == -2)
size = removeParity(BitStream, idx+8, 4, 1, 88);
if (size != 66){
- if (g_debugMode==1) PrintAndLog("DEBUG: Error - at parity check-tag size does not match AWID format");
+ if (g_debugMode) PrintAndLog("DEBUG: Error - at parity check-tag size does not match AWID format");
return 0;
// ok valid card found!
//get binary from fsk wave
int idx = PyramiddemodFSK(BitStream, &size);
if (idx < 0){
- if (g_debugMode==1){
+ if (g_debugMode){
if (idx == -5)
PrintAndLog("DEBUG: Error - not enough samples");
else if (idx == -1)
size = removeParity(BitStream, idx+8, 8, 1, 120);
if (size != 105){
- if (g_debugMode==1)
+ if (g_debugMode)
PrintAndLog("DEBUG: Error at parity check - tag size does not match Pyramid format, SIZE: %d, IDX: %d, hi3: %x",size, idx, rawHi3);
return 0;
if (g_debugMode) PrintAndLog("Raw ID Hex: %s", sprint_hex(raw,8));
uint16_t calcCrc = crc16_ccitt_kermit(raw, 8);
- PrintAndLog("Animal ID: %04u-%012llu", countryCode, NationalCode);
- PrintAndLog("National Code: %012llu", NationalCode);
+ PrintAndLog("Animal ID: %04u-%012" PRIu64, countryCode, NationalCode);
+ PrintAndLog("National Code: %012" PRIu64, NationalCode);
PrintAndLog("CountryCode: %04u", countryCode);
PrintAndLog("Extended Data: %s", dataBlockBit ? "True" : "False");
PrintAndLog("reserved Code: %u", reservedCode);
if (!ans){
- if (g_debugMode==1)
+ if (g_debugMode)
PrintAndLog("Error1: %d",ans);
return 0;
uint8_t invert=0;
size_t size = DemodBufferLen;
- size_t startIdx = indala26decode(DemodBuffer, &size, &invert);
- if (startIdx < 1 || size > 224) {
- if (g_debugMode==1)
+ int startIdx = indala26decode(DemodBuffer, &size, &invert);
+ if (startIdx < 0 || size > 224) {
+ if (g_debugMode)
PrintAndLog("Error2: %d",ans);
return -1;
- setDemodBuf(DemodBuffer, size, startIdx);
+ setDemodBuf(DemodBuffer, size, (size_t)startIdx);
if (invert)
- if (g_debugMode==1)
+ if (g_debugMode)
PrintAndLog("Had to invert bits");
PrintAndLog("BitLen: %d",DemodBufferLen);
int CmdNRZrawDemod(const char *Cmd)
char cmdp = param_getchar(Cmd, 0);
- if (strlen(Cmd) > 10 || cmdp == 'h' || cmdp == 'H') {
+ if (strlen(Cmd) > 16 || cmdp == 'h' || cmdp == 'H') {
PrintAndLog("Usage: data rawdemod nr [clock] <0|1> [maxError]");
PrintAndLog(" [set clock as integer] optional, if not set, autodetect.");
PrintAndLog(" <invert>, 1 for invert output");
int ans;
char cmdp = param_getchar(Cmd, 0);
- if (strlen(Cmd) > 10 || cmdp == 'h' || cmdp == 'H') {
+ if (strlen(Cmd) > 16 || cmdp == 'h' || cmdp == 'H') {
PrintAndLog("Usage: data rawdemod p1 [clock] <0|1> [maxError]");
PrintAndLog(" [set clock as integer] optional, if not set, autodetect.");
PrintAndLog(" <invert>, 1 for invert output");
int ans=0;
char cmdp = param_getchar(Cmd, 0);
- if (strlen(Cmd) > 10 || cmdp == 'h' || cmdp == 'H') {
+ if (strlen(Cmd) > 16 || cmdp == 'h' || cmdp == 'H') {
PrintAndLog("Usage: data rawdemod p2 [clock] <0|1> [maxError]");
PrintAndLog(" [set clock as integer] optional, if not set, autodetect.");
PrintAndLog(" <invert>, 1 for invert output");
char cmdp = Cmd[0]; //param_getchar(Cmd, 0);
- if (strlen(Cmd) > 20 || cmdp == 'h' || cmdp == 'H' || strlen(Cmd)<2) {
+ if (strlen(Cmd) > 35 || cmdp == 'h' || cmdp == 'H' || strlen(Cmd)<2) {
PrintAndLog("Usage: data rawdemod [modulation] <help>|<options>");
PrintAndLog(" [modulation] as 2 char, 'ab' for ask/biphase, 'am' for ask/manchester, 'ar' for ask/raw, 'fs' for fsk, ...");
PrintAndLog(" 'nr' for nrz/direct, 'p1' for psk1, 'p2' for psk2");
return 0;
-int usage_data_hex2bin(){
- PrintAndLog("Usage: data bin2hex <binary_digits>");
+int usage_data_hex2bin() {
+ PrintAndLog("Usage: data hex2bin <hex_digits>");
PrintAndLog(" This function will ignore all non-hexadecimal characters (but stop reading on whitespace)");
return 0;