- //int m=0, i=0; //enio adjustment 12/10/14
- uint32_t m=0, i=0;
- FpgaDownloadAndGo(FPGA_BITSTREAM_LF);
- m = BigBuf_max_traceLen();
- // Clear destination buffer before sending the command
- memset(dest, 128, m);
- // Connect the A/D to the peak-detected low-frequency path.
- // Now set up the SSC to get the ADC samples that are now streaming at us.
- FpgaSetupSsc();
- LED_D_ON();
- FpgaSendCommand(FPGA_CMD_SET_DIVISOR, 95); //125Khz
- // Give it a bit of time for the resonant antenna to settle.
- // And for the tag to fully power up
- SpinDelay(150);
- // Now start writting
+ //uint16_t bufferlength = BigBuf_max_traceLen();
+ uint16_t bufferlength = T55xx_SAMPLES_SIZE;
+ uint32_t i = 0;
+ // Clear destination buffer before sending the command 0x80 = average.
+ memset(dest, 0x80, bufferlength);
+ // Set up FPGA, 125kHz
+ // Wait for config.. (192+8190xPOW)x8 == 67ms
+ LFSetupFPGAForADC(0, true);