- if(mifare_classic_auth(pcs, cuid, sectorNo * 4, keyType, ui64Key, AUTH_FIRST)) {
- if (MF_DBGLEVEL >= 1) Dbprintf("Auth error");
- break;
- };
- if(mifare_classic_readblock(pcs, cuid, sectorNo * 4 + 0, dataoutbuf + 16 * 0)) {
- if (MF_DBGLEVEL >= 1) Dbprintf("Read block 0 error");
- break;
- };
- if(mifare_classic_readblock(pcs, cuid, sectorNo * 4 + 1, dataoutbuf + 16 * 1)) {
- if (MF_DBGLEVEL >= 1) Dbprintf("Read block 1 error");
- break;
- };
- if(mifare_classic_readblock(pcs, cuid, sectorNo * 4 + 2, dataoutbuf + 16 * 2)) {
- if (MF_DBGLEVEL >= 1) Dbprintf("Read block 2 error");
- break;
- };
- if(mifare_classic_readblock(pcs, cuid, sectorNo * 4 + 3, dataoutbuf + 16 * 3)) {
- if (MF_DBGLEVEL >= 1) Dbprintf("Read block 3 error");
- break;
- };
- if(mifare_classic_halt(pcs, cuid)) {
- if (MF_DBGLEVEL >= 1) Dbprintf("Halt error");
- break;
- };
- isOK = 1;
- break;
- }
- // ----------------------------- crypto1 destroy
- crypto1_destroy(pcs);
- // add trace trailer
- uid[0] = 0xff;
- uid[1] = 0xff;
- uid[2] = 0xff;
- uid[3] = 0xff;
- LogTrace(uid, 4, 0, 0, TRUE);
- UsbCommand ack = {CMD_ACK, {isOK, 0, 0}};
- memcpy(ack.d.asBytes, dataoutbuf, 16 * 2);
- LED_B_ON();
- UsbSendPacket((uint8_t *)&ack, sizeof(UsbCommand));
- SpinDelay(100);
- memcpy(ack.d.asBytes, dataoutbuf + 16 * 2, 16 * 2);
- UsbSendPacket((uint8_t *)&ack, sizeof(UsbCommand));
- LED_B_OFF();
- // Thats it...
- FpgaWriteConfWord(FPGA_MAJOR_MODE_OFF);
- LEDsoff();
-// tracing = TRUE;
-// Select, Authenticaate, Read an MIFARE tag.
-// read block
-void MifareWriteBlock(uint8_t arg0, uint8_t arg1, uint8_t arg2, uint8_t *datain)
- // params
- uint8_t blockNo = arg0;
- uint8_t keyType = arg1;
- uint64_t ui64Key = 0;
- byte_t blockdata[16];
- ui64Key = bytes_to_num(datain, 6);
- memcpy(blockdata, datain + 10, 16);
- // variables
- byte_t isOK = 0;
- uint8_t uid[8];
- uint32_t cuid;
- struct Crypto1State mpcs = {0, 0};
- struct Crypto1State *pcs;
- pcs = &mpcs;
- // clear trace
- traceLen = 0;
-// tracing = false;
- iso14443a_setup();
- LED_A_ON();
- LED_B_OFF();
- LED_C_OFF();
- while (true) {
- if(!iso14443a_select_card(uid, NULL, &cuid)) {
- if (MF_DBGLEVEL >= 1) Dbprintf("Can't select card");
- break;
- };
- if(mifare_classic_auth(pcs, cuid, blockNo, keyType, ui64Key, AUTH_FIRST)) {
- if (MF_DBGLEVEL >= 1) Dbprintf("Auth error");
- break;
- };
- if(mifare_classic_writeblock(pcs, cuid, blockNo, blockdata)) {
- if (MF_DBGLEVEL >= 1) Dbprintf("Write block error");
- break;
- };
- if(mifare_classic_halt(pcs, cuid)) {
- if (MF_DBGLEVEL >= 1) Dbprintf("Halt error");
- break;
- };
- isOK = 1;
- break;
- }
- // ----------------------------- crypto1 destroy
- crypto1_destroy(pcs);
- // add trace trailer
- uid[0] = 0xff;
- uid[1] = 0xff;
- uid[2] = 0xff;
- uid[3] = 0xff;
- LogTrace(uid, 4, 0, 0, TRUE);
- UsbCommand ack = {CMD_ACK, {isOK, 0, 0}};
- LED_B_ON();
- UsbSendPacket((uint8_t *)&ack, sizeof(UsbCommand));
- LED_B_OFF();
- // Thats it...
- FpgaWriteConfWord(FPGA_MAJOR_MODE_OFF);
- LEDsoff();
-// tracing = TRUE;
-// Return 1 if the nonce is invalid else return 0
-int valid_nonce(uint32_t Nt, uint32_t NtEnc, uint32_t Ks1, byte_t * parity) {
- return ((oddparity((Nt >> 24) & 0xFF) == ((parity[0]) ^ oddparity((NtEnc >> 24) & 0xFF) ^ BIT(Ks1,16))) & \
- (oddparity((Nt >> 16) & 0xFF) == ((parity[1]) ^ oddparity((NtEnc >> 16) & 0xFF) ^ BIT(Ks1,8))) & \
- (oddparity((Nt >> 8) & 0xFF) == ((parity[2]) ^ oddparity((NtEnc >> 8) & 0xFF) ^ BIT(Ks1,0)))) ? 1 : 0;
-// MIFARE nested authentication.
-void MifareNested(uint32_t arg0, uint32_t arg1, uint32_t arg2, uint8_t *datain)
- // params
- uint8_t blockNo = arg0;
- uint8_t keyType = arg1;
- uint8_t targetBlockNo = arg2 & 0xff;
- uint8_t targetKeyType = (arg2 >> 8) & 0xff;
- uint64_t ui64Key = 0;
- ui64Key = bytes_to_num(datain, 6);
- // variables
- int rtr, i, j, m, len;
- int davg, dmin, dmax;
- uint8_t uid[8];
- uint32_t cuid, nt1, nt2, nttmp, nttest, par, ks1;
- uint8_t par_array[4];
- nestedVector nvector[NES_MAX_INFO + 1][10];
- int nvectorcount[NES_MAX_INFO + 1];
- int ncount = 0;
- UsbCommand ack = {CMD_ACK, {0, 0, 0}};
- struct Crypto1State mpcs = {0, 0};
- struct Crypto1State *pcs;
- pcs = &mpcs;
- uint8_t* receivedAnswer = mifare_get_bigbufptr();
- //init
- for (i = 0; i < NES_MAX_INFO + 1; i++) nvectorcount[i] = 11; // 11 - empty block;
- // clear trace
- traceLen = 0;
- tracing = false;
- iso14443a_setup();
- LED_A_ON();
- LED_B_ON();
- LED_C_OFF();
- FpgaWriteConfWord(FPGA_MAJOR_MODE_OFF);
- SpinDelay(200);
- davg = dmax = 0;
- dmin = 2000;
- // test nonce distance
- for (rtr = 0; rtr < 10; rtr++) {
- FpgaWriteConfWord(FPGA_MAJOR_MODE_OFF);
- SpinDelay(100);
- // Test if the action was cancelled
- if(BUTTON_PRESS()) {
- break;
- }
- if(!iso14443a_select_card(uid, NULL, &cuid)) {
- if (MF_DBGLEVEL >= 1) Dbprintf("Can't select card");
- break;
- };
- if(mifare_classic_authex(pcs, cuid, blockNo, keyType, ui64Key, AUTH_FIRST, &nt1)) {
- if (MF_DBGLEVEL >= 1) Dbprintf("Auth1 error");
- break;
- };
- if(mifare_classic_authex(pcs, cuid, blockNo, keyType, ui64Key, AUTH_NESTED, &nt2)) {
- if (MF_DBGLEVEL >= 1) Dbprintf("Auth2 error");
- break;
- };
- nttmp = prng_successor(nt1, 500);
- for (i = 501; i < 2000; i++) {
- nttmp = prng_successor(nttmp, 1);
- if (nttmp == nt2) break;
- }
- if (i != 2000) {
- davg += i;
- if (dmin > i) dmin = i;
- if (dmax < i) dmax = i;
- if (MF_DBGLEVEL >= 4) Dbprintf("r=%d nt1=%08x nt2=%08x distance=%d", rtr, nt1, nt2, i);
- }
- }
- if (rtr == 0) return;
- davg = davg / rtr;
- if (MF_DBGLEVEL >= 3) Dbprintf("distance: min=%d max=%d avg=%d", dmin, dmax, davg);
- LED_B_OFF();
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- LED_C_ON();
- // get crypted nonces for target sector
- for (rtr = 0; rtr < NS_RETRIES_GETNONCE; rtr++) {
- if (MF_DBGLEVEL >= 4) Dbprintf("------------------------------");
- FpgaWriteConfWord(FPGA_MAJOR_MODE_OFF);
- SpinDelay(100);
- // Test if the action was cancelled
- if(BUTTON_PRESS()) {
- break;
- }
- if(!iso14443a_select_card(uid, NULL, &cuid)) {
- if (MF_DBGLEVEL >= 1) Dbprintf("Can't select card");
- break;
- };
- if(mifare_classic_authex(pcs, cuid, blockNo, keyType, ui64Key, AUTH_FIRST, &nt1)) {
- if (MF_DBGLEVEL >= 1) Dbprintf("Auth1 error");
- break;
- };
- // nested authentication
- len = mifare_sendcmd_shortex(pcs, AUTH_NESTED, 0x60 + (targetKeyType & 0x01), targetBlockNo, receivedAnswer, &par);
- if (len != 4) {
- if (MF_DBGLEVEL >= 1) Dbprintf("Auth2 error len=%d", len);