+- Added `hf 14a info` and moved there functionality from `hf 14a reader` (Merlok)
+- Added to `hf 14a info` detection of weak prng from Iceman1001 fork (Merlok)
+- Added to `hf 14a apdu` - exchange apdu via iso1443-4 (Merlok)
+- Added to `hf 14a apdu` - apdu and tlv results parser (Merlok)
+- Added `hf emv` group of commands (Merlok)
+- Added `hf emv search` `hf emv pse` - commands for selection of EMV application (Merlok)
+- Added `hf emv select` - command for select EMV application (Merlok)
+- Added `hf emv exec` - command for execute EMV transaction (Merlok)
+- Added to `hf emv exec` MSD path for VISA and Mastercard and some other compatible EMV cards (Merlok)