} \r
+ // error\r
+ if (isOK != 1) return 1;\r
- // par == 0, and -4\r
- if (isOK == -4 && par_list == 0) {\r
+ if (par_list == 0 && ks_list != 0) {\r
// this special attack when parities is zero, uses checkkeys. Which now with block/keytype option also needs. \r
// but it uses 0|1 instead of 0x60|0x61...\r
if (nonce2key_ex(blockNo, keytype - 0x60 , uid, nt, nr, ks_list, &r_key) ){\r
- PrintAndLog("Key not found (lfsr_common_prefix list is null)."); \r
- PrintAndLog("Failing is expected to happen in 25%% of all cases. Trying again with a different reader nonce...");\r
+ PrintAndLog("Trying again with a different reader nonce...");\r
c.arg[0] = false;\r
goto start;\r
} else {\r
goto END;\r
- \r
- // error\r
- if (isOK != 1) return 1;\r
- \r
// execute original function from util nonce2key\r
if (nonce2key(uid, nt, nr, par_list, ks_list, &r_key)) {\r
isOK = 2;\r