-//------------------------------Modulation Demods &/or Decoding Section------------------------------------------------------
-// look for Sequence Terminator - should be pulses of clk*(1 or 2), clk*2, clk*(1.5 or 2), by idx we mean graph position index...
-bool findST(int *stStopLoc, int *stStartIdx, int lowToLowWaveLen[], int highToLowWaveLen[], int clk, int tol, int buffSize, int i) {
- for (; i < buffSize - 4; ++i) {
- *stStartIdx += lowToLowWaveLen[i]; //caution part of this wave may be data and part may be ST.... to be accounted for in main function for now...
- if (lowToLowWaveLen[i] >= clk*1-tol && lowToLowWaveLen[i] <= (clk*2)+tol && highToLowWaveLen[i] < clk+tol) { //1 to 2 clocks depending on 2 bits prior
- if (lowToLowWaveLen[i+1] >= clk*2-tol && lowToLowWaveLen[i+1] <= clk*2+tol && highToLowWaveLen[i+1] > clk*3/2-tol) { //2 clocks and wave size is 1 1/2
- if (lowToLowWaveLen[i+2] >= (clk*3)/2-tol && lowToLowWaveLen[i+2] <= clk*2+tol && highToLowWaveLen[i+2] > clk-tol) { //1 1/2 to 2 clocks and at least one full clock wave
- if (lowToLowWaveLen[i+3] >= clk*1-tol && lowToLowWaveLen[i+3] <= clk*2+tol) { //1 to 2 clocks for end of ST + first bit
- *stStopLoc = i + 3;
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
-//by marshmellow
-//attempt to identify a Sequence Terminator in ASK modulated raw wave
-bool DetectST_ext(uint8_t buffer[], size_t *size, int *foundclock, size_t *ststart, size_t *stend) {
- size_t bufsize = *size;
- //need to loop through all samples and identify our clock, look for the ST pattern
- uint8_t fndClk[] = {8,16,32,40,50,64,128};
- int clk = 0;
- int tol = 0;
- int i, j, skip, start, end, low, high, minClk, waveStart;
- //probably should malloc... || test if memory is available ... handle device side? memory danger!!! [marshmellow]
- int tmpbuff[bufsize / 32]; // low to low wave count //guess rf/32 clock, if click is smaller we will only have room for a fraction of the samples captured
- int waveLen[bufsize / 32]; // high to low wave count //if clock is larger then we waste memory in array size that is not needed...
- size_t testsize = (bufsize < 512) ? bufsize : 512;
- int phaseoff = 0;
- high = low = 128;
- memset(tmpbuff, 0, sizeof(tmpbuff));
- if ( getHiLo(buffer, testsize, &high, &low, 80, 80) == -1 ) {
- if (g_debugMode==2) prnt("DEBUG STT: just noise detected - quitting");
- return false; //just noise
- }
- i = 0;
- j = 0;
- minClk = 255;
- // get to first full low to prime loop and skip incomplete first pulse
- while ((buffer[i] < high) && (i < bufsize))
- ++i;
- while ((buffer[i] > low) && (i < bufsize))
- ++i;
- skip = i;
- // populate tmpbuff buffer with pulse lengths
- while (i < bufsize) {
- // measure from low to low
- while ((buffer[i] > low) && (i < bufsize))
- ++i;
- start= i;
- while ((buffer[i] < high) && (i < bufsize))
- ++i;
- //first high point for this wave
- waveStart = i;
- while ((buffer[i] > low) && (i < bufsize))
- ++i;
- if (j >= (bufsize/32)) {
- break;
- }
- waveLen[j] = i - waveStart; //first high to first low
- tmpbuff[j++] = i - start;
- if (i-start < minClk && i < bufsize) {
- minClk = i - start;
- }
- }
- // set clock - might be able to get this externally and remove this work...
- if (!clk) {
- for (uint8_t clkCnt = 0; clkCnt<7; clkCnt++) {
- tol = fndClk[clkCnt]/8;
- if (minClk >= fndClk[clkCnt]-tol && minClk <= fndClk[clkCnt]+1) {
- clk=fndClk[clkCnt];
- break;
- }
- }
- // clock not found - ERROR
- if (!clk) {
- if (g_debugMode==2) prnt("DEBUG STT: clock not found - quitting");
- return false;
- }
- } else tol = clk/8;
- *foundclock = clk;
- i=0;
- if (!findST(&start, &skip, tmpbuff, waveLen, clk, tol, j, i)) {
- // first ST not found - ERROR
- if (g_debugMode==2) prnt("DEBUG STT: first STT not found - quitting");
- return false;
- } else {
- if (g_debugMode==2) prnt("DEBUG STT: first STT found at: %d, j=%d",start, j);
- }
- if (waveLen[i+2] > clk*1+tol)
- phaseoff = 0;
- else
- phaseoff = clk/2;
- // skip over the remainder of ST
- skip += clk*7/2; //3.5 clocks from tmpbuff[i] = end of st - also aligns for ending point
- // now do it again to find the end
- int dummy1 = 0;
- end = skip;
- if (!findST(&dummy1, &end, tmpbuff, waveLen, clk, tol, j, i+3)) {
- //didn't find second ST - ERROR
- if (g_debugMode==2) prnt("DEBUG STT: second STT not found - quitting");
- return false;
- }
- end -= phaseoff;
- if (g_debugMode==2) prnt("DEBUG STT: start of data: %d end of data: %d, datalen: %d, clk: %d, bits: %d, phaseoff: %d", skip, end, end-skip, clk, (end-skip)/clk, phaseoff);
- //now begin to trim out ST so we can use normal demod cmds
- start = skip;
- size_t datalen = end - start;
- // check validity of datalen (should be even clock increments) - use a tolerance of up to 1/8th a clock
- if ( clk - (datalen % clk) <= clk/8) {
- // padd the amount off - could be problematic... but shouldn't happen often
- datalen += clk - (datalen % clk);
- } else if ( (datalen % clk) <= clk/8 ) {
- // padd the amount off - could be problematic... but shouldn't happen often
- datalen -= datalen % clk;
- } else {
- if (g_debugMode==2) prnt("DEBUG STT: datalen not divisible by clk: %u %% %d = %d - quitting", datalen, clk, datalen % clk);
- return false;
- }
- // if datalen is less than one t55xx block - ERROR
- if (datalen/clk < 8*4) {
- if (g_debugMode==2) prnt("DEBUG STT: datalen is less than 1 full t55xx block - quitting");
- return false;
- }
- size_t dataloc = start;
- if (buffer[dataloc-(clk*4)-(clk/8)] <= low && buffer[dataloc] <= low && buffer[dataloc-(clk*4)] >= high) {
- //we have low drift (and a low just before the ST and a low just after the ST) - compensate by backing up the start
- for ( i=0; i <= (clk/8); ++i ) {
- if ( buffer[dataloc - (clk*4) - i] <= low ) {
- dataloc -= i;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- size_t newloc = 0;
- i=0;
- if (g_debugMode==2) prnt("DEBUG STT: Starting STT trim - start: %d, datalen: %d ",dataloc, datalen);
- bool firstrun = true;
- // warning - overwriting buffer given with raw wave data with ST removed...
- while ( dataloc < bufsize-(clk/2) ) {
- //compensate for long high at end of ST not being high due to signal loss... (and we cut out the start of wave high part)
- if (buffer[dataloc]<high && buffer[dataloc]>low && buffer[dataloc+3]<high && buffer[dataloc+3]>low) {
- for(i=0; i < clk/2-tol; ++i) {
- buffer[dataloc+i] = high+5;
- }
- } //test for single sample outlier (high between two lows) in the case of very strong waves
- if (buffer[dataloc] >= high && buffer[dataloc+2] <= low) {
- buffer[dataloc] = buffer[dataloc+2];
- buffer[dataloc+1] = buffer[dataloc+2];
- }
- if (firstrun) {
- *stend = dataloc;
- *ststart = dataloc-(clk*4);
- firstrun=false;
- }
- for (i=0; i<datalen; ++i) {
- if (i+newloc < bufsize) {
- if (i+newloc < dataloc)
- buffer[i+newloc] = buffer[dataloc];
- dataloc++;
- }
- }
- newloc += i;
- //skip next ST - we just assume it will be there from now on...
- if (g_debugMode==2) prnt("DEBUG STT: skipping STT at %d to %d", dataloc, dataloc+(clk*4));
- dataloc += clk*4;
- }
- *size = newloc;
- return true;
-bool DetectST(uint8_t buffer[], size_t *size, int *foundclock) {
- size_t ststart = 0, stend = 0;
- return DetectST_ext(buffer, size, foundclock, &ststart, &stend);
-//by marshmellow
-//take 01 or 10 = 1 and 11 or 00 = 0
-//check for phase errors - should never have 111 or 000 should be 01001011 or 10110100 for 1010
-//decodes biphase or if inverted it is AKA conditional dephase encoding AKA differential manchester encoding
-int BiphaseRawDecode(uint8_t *BitStream, size_t *size, int offset, int invert) {
- uint16_t bitnum = 0;
- uint16_t errCnt = 0;
- size_t i = offset;
- uint16_t MaxBits=512;
- //if not enough samples - error
- if (*size < 51) return -1;
- //check for phase change faults - skip one sample if faulty
- uint8_t offsetA = 1, offsetB = 1;
- for (; i<48; i+=2){
- if (BitStream[i+1]==BitStream[i+2]) offsetA=0;
- if (BitStream[i+2]==BitStream[i+3]) offsetB=0;
- }
- if (!offsetA && offsetB) offset++;
- for (i=offset; i<*size-3; i+=2){
- //check for phase error
- if (BitStream[i+1]==BitStream[i+2]) {
- BitStream[bitnum++]=7;
- errCnt++;
- }
- if((BitStream[i]==1 && BitStream[i+1]==0) || (BitStream[i]==0 && BitStream[i+1]==1)){
- BitStream[bitnum++]=1^invert;
- } else if((BitStream[i]==0 && BitStream[i+1]==0) || (BitStream[i]==1 && BitStream[i+1]==1)){
- BitStream[bitnum++]=invert;
- } else {
- BitStream[bitnum++]=7;
- errCnt++;
- }
- if(bitnum>MaxBits) break;
- }
- *size=bitnum;
- return errCnt;
-//by marshmellow
-//take 10 and 01 and manchester decode
-//run through 2 times and take least errCnt
-int manrawdecode(uint8_t * BitStream, size_t *size, uint8_t invert, uint8_t *alignPos) {
- uint16_t bitnum=0, MaxBits = 512, errCnt = 0;
- size_t i, ii;
- uint16_t bestErr = 1000, bestRun = 0;
- if (*size < 16) return -1;
- //find correct start position [alignment]
- for (ii=0;ii<2;++ii){
- for (i=ii; i<*size-3; i+=2)
- if (BitStream[i]==BitStream[i+1])
- errCnt++;
- if (bestErr>errCnt){
- bestErr=errCnt;
- bestRun=ii;
- }
- errCnt=0;
- }
- *alignPos=bestRun;
- //decode
- for (i=bestRun; i < *size-3; i+=2){
- if(BitStream[i] == 1 && (BitStream[i+1] == 0)){
- BitStream[bitnum++]=invert;
- } else if((BitStream[i] == 0) && BitStream[i+1] == 1){
- BitStream[bitnum++]=invert^1;
- } else {
- BitStream[bitnum++]=7;
- }
- if(bitnum>MaxBits) break;
- }
- *size=bitnum;
- return bestErr;