QTINCLUDES = $(shell pkg-config --cflags Qt5Core Qt5Widgets 2>/dev/null)
QTLDLIBS = $(shell pkg-config --libs Qt5Core Qt5Widgets 2>/dev/null)
MOC = $(shell pkg-config --variable=host_bins Qt5Core)/moc
+UIC = $(shell pkg-config --variable=host_bins Qt5Core)/uic
ifeq ($(QTINCLUDES), )
# if Qt5 not found Check for correctly configured Qt4
QTINCLUDES = $(shell pkg-config --cflags QtCore QtGui 2>/dev/null)
QTLDLIBS = $(shell pkg-config --libs QtCore QtGui 2>/dev/null)
MOC = $(shell pkg-config --variable=moc_location QtCore)
+ UIC = $(shell pkg-config --variable=uic_location QtCore)
ifeq ($(QTINCLUDES), )
# if both pkg-config commands failed, search in common places
QTLDLIBS = -L$(QTDIR)/lib -lQt5Widgets -lQt5Gui -lQt5Core
MOC = $(QTDIR)/bin/moc
+ UIC = $(QTDIR)/bin/uic
BINS = proxmark3 flasher fpga_compress
WINBINS = $(patsubst %, %.exe, $(BINS))
+CLEAN = $(BINS) $(WINBINS) $(COREOBJS) $(CMDOBJS) $(ZLIBOBJS) $(QTGUIOBJS) $(OBJDIR)/*.o *.moc.cpp ui/ui_overlays.h
-all: lua_build $(BINS)
+# need to assign dependancies to build these first...
+all: ui/ui_overlays.h lua_build $(BINS)
all-static: LDLIBS:=-static $(LDLIBS)
all-static: proxmark3 flasher fpga_compress
proxguiqt.moc.cpp: proxguiqt.h
$(MOC) -o$@ $^
+ui/ui_overlays.h: ui/overlays.ui
+ $(UIC) $^ > $@
lualibs/usb_cmd.lua: ../include/usb_cmd.h
awk -f usb_cmd_h2lua.awk $^ > $@