UsbCommand resp;\r
if (WaitForResponseTimeout(CMD_ACK, &resp, 1500)) {\r
isOK = resp.arg[0];\r
- uid = (uint32_t)bytes_to_num(resp.d.asBytes + 0, 4);\r
- nt = (uint32_t)bytes_to_num(resp.d.asBytes + 4, 4);\r
- par_list = bytes_to_num(resp.d.asBytes + 8, 8);\r
- ks_list = bytes_to_num(resp.d.asBytes + 16, 8);\r
- nr = bytes_to_num(resp.d.asBytes + 24, 4);\r
switch (isOK) {\r
case -1 : PrintAndLog("Button pressed. Aborted.\n"); break;\r
PrintAndLog("generating polynomial with 16 effective bits only, but shows unexpected behaviour.\n"); break;\r
default: ;\r
+ uid = (uint32_t)bytes_to_num(resp.d.asBytes + 0, 4);\r
+ nt = (uint32_t)bytes_to_num(resp.d.asBytes + 4, 4);\r
+ par_list = bytes_to_num(resp.d.asBytes + 8, 8);\r
+ ks_list = bytes_to_num(resp.d.asBytes + 16, 8);\r
+ nr = bytes_to_num(resp.d.asBytes + 24, 4);\r
} \r
t1 = clock() - t1;\r
if ( t1 > 0 )\r
- PrintAndLog("Time in darkside: %.0f ticks - %4.2f sec\n", (float)t1, ((float)t1)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC);\r
+ PrintAndLog("Time in darkside: %.0f ticks\n", (float)t1);\r
return 0;\r
PrintAndLog("t - transfer keys into emulator memory");\r
PrintAndLog("d - write keys to binary file");\r
PrintAndLog(" ");\r
- PrintAndLog(" sample1: hf mf nested 1 0 A FFFFFFFFFFFF ");\r
- PrintAndLog(" sample2: hf mf nested 1 0 A FFFFFFFFFFFF t ");\r
- PrintAndLog(" sample3: hf mf nested 1 0 A FFFFFFFFFFFF d ");\r
- PrintAndLog(" sample4: hf mf nested o 0 A FFFFFFFFFFFF 4 A");\r
+ PrintAndLog(" samples:");\r
+ PrintAndLog(" hf mf nested 1 0 A FFFFFFFFFFFF ");\r
+ PrintAndLog(" hf mf nested 1 0 A FFFFFFFFFFFF t ");\r
+ PrintAndLog(" hf mf nested 1 0 A FFFFFFFFFFFF d ");\r
+ PrintAndLog(" hf mf nested o 0 A FFFFFFFFFFFF 4 A");\r
return 0;\r
} \r
clock_t t2 = clock() - t1;\r
if ( t2 > 0 )\r
- PrintAndLog("Time to check 6 known keys: %.0f ticks %4.2f sec", (float)t2, ((float)t2)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC);\r
- \r
+ PrintAndLog("Time to check 6 known keys: %.0f ticks", (float)t2 );\r
+ PrintAndLog("enter nested..."); \r
// nested sectors\r
iterations = 0;\r
- PrintAndLog("enter nested...");\r
bool calibrate = true;\r
for (i = 0; i < NESTED_SECTOR_RETRY; i++) {\r
for (uint8_t sectorNo = 0; sectorNo < SectorsCnt; ++sectorNo) {\r
for (trgKeyType = 0; trgKeyType < 2; ++trgKeyType) { \r
+ \r
+ t1 = clock() - t1;\r
+ if ( t1 > 0 )\r
+ PrintAndLog("Time in nested: %.0f ticks \n", (float)t1);\r
// 20160116 If Sector A is found, but not Sector B, try just reading it of the tag?\r
PrintAndLog("trying to read key B...");\r
key64 = bytes_to_num(data+10, 6);\r
if (key64) {\r
PrintAndLog("Data:%s", sprint_hex(data+10, 6));\r
- e_sector[i].foundKey[1] = 1;\r
+ e_sector[i].foundKey[1] = TRUE;\r
e_sector[i].Key[1] = key64;\r
- \r
- t1 = clock() - t1;\r
- if ( t1 > 0 )\r
- PrintAndLog("Time in nested: %.0f ticks %4.2f sec (%4.2f sec per key)\n", (float)t1, ((float)t1)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC, ((float)t1)/iterations/CLOCKS_PER_SEC);\r
//print them\r
printKeyTable( SectorsCnt, e_sector );\r
keyBlock = p;\r
- PrintAndLog("check key[%2d] %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x", keycnt,\r
+ PrintAndLog("key[%2d] %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x", keycnt,\r
(keyBlock + 6*keycnt)[0],(keyBlock + 6*keycnt)[1], (keyBlock + 6*keycnt)[2],\r
(keyBlock + 6*keycnt)[3], (keyBlock + 6*keycnt)[4], (keyBlock + 6*keycnt)[5], 6);\r
memset(keyBlock + 6 * keycnt, 0, 6);\r
num_to_bytes(strtoll(buf, NULL, 16), 6, keyBlock + 6*keycnt);\r
- PrintAndLog("check custom key[%2d] %012"llx, keycnt, bytes_to_num(keyBlock + 6*keycnt, 6));\r
+ PrintAndLog("check key[%2d] %012"llx, keycnt, bytes_to_num(keyBlock + 6*keycnt, 6));\r
memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));\r
if (keycnt == 0) {\r
PrintAndLog("No key specified, trying default keys");\r
for (;keycnt < defaultKeysSize; keycnt++)\r
- PrintAndLog("check default key[%2d] %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x", keycnt,\r
+ PrintAndLog("key[%2d] %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x", keycnt,\r
(keyBlock + 6*keycnt)[0],(keyBlock + 6*keycnt)[1], (keyBlock + 6*keycnt)[2],\r
(keyBlock + 6*keycnt)[3], (keyBlock + 6*keycnt)[4], (keyBlock + 6*keycnt)[5], 6);\r
uint8_t trgKeyType = 0;\r
+ uint32_t max_keys = keycnt > (USB_CMD_DATA_SIZE/6) ? (USB_CMD_DATA_SIZE/6) : keycnt;\r
// time\r
clock_t t1 = clock();\r
// check keys.\r
- for (trgKeyType = 0; trgKeyType < 2; ++trgKeyType) {\r
+ for (trgKeyType = !keyType; trgKeyType < 2; (keyType==2) ? (++trgKeyType) : (trgKeyType=2) ) {\r
int b = blockNo;\r
for (int i = 0; i < SectorsCnt; ++i) {\r
// skip already found keys.\r
if (e_sector[i].foundKey[trgKeyType]) continue;\r
- uint32_t max_keys = keycnt > (USB_CMD_DATA_SIZE/6) ? (USB_CMD_DATA_SIZE/6) : keycnt;\r
for (uint32_t c = 0; c < keycnt; c += max_keys) {\r
res = mfCheckKeys(b, trgKeyType, true, size, &keyBlock[6*c], &key64);\r
if (!res) {\r
- PrintAndLog("Sector:%3d Block:%3d, key type: %C -- Found key [%012"llx"]", i, b, trgKeyType ? 'B':'A', key64);\r
+ //PrintAndLog("Sector:%3d Block:%3d, key type: %C -- Found key [%012"llx"]", i, b, trgKeyType ? 'B':'A', key64);\r
e_sector[i].Key[trgKeyType] = key64;\r
e_sector[i].foundKey[trgKeyType] = TRUE;\r
e_sector[i].Key[trgKeyType] = 0xffffffffffff;\r
e_sector[i].foundKey[trgKeyType] = FALSE;\r
+ printf(".");\r
b < 127 ? ( b +=4 ) : ( b += 16 ); \r
+ t1 = clock() - t1;\r
+ if ( t1 > 0 )\r
+ printf("\nTime in checkkeys: %.0f ticks\n", (float)t1);\r
// 20160116 If Sector A is found, but not Sector B, try just reading it of the tag?\r
PrintAndLog("testing to read B...");\r
for (i = 0; i < SectorsCnt; i++) {\r
- \r
- t1 = clock() - t1;\r
- if ( t1 > 0 )\r
- printf("Time in checkkeys: %.0f ticks %1.2f sec (%1.2f sec per key)\n\n", (float)t1, ((float)t1)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC, ((float)t1)/keycnt/CLOCKS_PER_SEC);\r
//print them\r
printKeyTable( SectorsCnt, e_sector );\r
int argi=0;\r
if (strlen(Cmd) < 1 || param_getchar(Cmd, argi) == 'h') {\r
- PrintAndLog("Usage: hf mf csetuid <UID 8 hex symbols> [ATQA 4 hex symbols SAK 2 hex symbols] [w]");\r
- PrintAndLog("sample: hf mf csetuid 01020304");\r
- PrintAndLog("sample: hf mf csetuid 01020304 0004 08 w");\r
PrintAndLog("Set UID, ATQA, and SAK for magic Chinese card (only works with such cards)");\r
PrintAndLog("If you also want to wipe the card then add 'w' at the end of the command line.");\r
+ PrintAndLog("");\r
+ PrintAndLog("Usage: hf mf csetuid <UID 8 hex symbols> [ATQA 4 hex symbols SAK 2 hex symbols] [w]");\r
+ PrintAndLog("");\r
+ PrintAndLog("sample: hf mf csetuid 01020304");\r
+ PrintAndLog(" hf mf csetuid 01020304 0004 08 w");\r
return 0;\r
PrintAndLog("--wipe card:%s uid:%s", (wipeCard)?"YES":"NO", sprint_hex(uid, 4));\r
- res = mfCSetUID(uid, (atqaPresent)?atqa:NULL, (atqaPresent)?sak:NULL, oldUid, wipeCard);\r
+ res = mfCSetUID(uid, (atqaPresent) ? atqa : NULL, (atqaPresent) ? sak : NULL, oldUid, wipeCard);\r
if (res) {\r
PrintAndLog("Can't set UID. error=%d", res);\r
return 1;\r