#include <inttypes.h>
-#define llx PRIx64
-#define lli PRIi64
-// Test-file: test2.c
#include "crapto1.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#define llx PRIx64
+#define lli PRIi64
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
struct Crypto1State *s,*t;
uint64_t key; // recovered key
uint32_t ks2; // keystream used to encrypt reader response
printf("MIFARE Classic key recovery - based 32 bits of keystream VERSION2\n");
- printf("Recover key from two 32-bit reader authentication answers only");
+ printf("Recover key from two 32-bit reader authentication answers only\n");
printf("This version implements Moebius two different nonce solution (like the supercard)\n\n");
if (argc < 8) {
- printf(" syntax: %s <uid> <nt> <{nr_0}> <{ar_0}> <nt1> <{nr_1}> <{ar_1}>\n\n",argv[0]);
+ printf("syntax: %s <uid> <nt> <nr_0> <ar_0> <nt1> <nr_1> <ar_1>\n\n", argv[0]);
return 1;
printf("\nLFSR succesors of the tag challenge:\n");
printf(" nt': %08x\n",prng_successor(nt0, 64));
printf(" nt'': %08x\n",prng_successor(nt0, 96));
+ clock_t t1 = clock();
// Extract the keystream from the messages
printf("\nKeystream used to generate {ar} and {at}:\n");
+ t1 = clock() - t1;
+ if ( t1 > 0 ) printf("Time : %.0f ticks \n", (float)t1 );
return 0;