if (have_debit_key) memcpy(tag_data+(3*8),div_key,8);
if (have_credit_key) memcpy(tag_data+(4*8),c_div_key,8);
- printf("Num of bytes: %u\n", gotBytes);
+ printf("Num of bytes: %zu\n", gotBytes);
// print the dump
return 0;
-uint64_t xorcheck(uint64_t sdiv,uint64_t hdiv) {
- uint64_t new_div = 0x00;
- new_div ^= sdiv;
- new_div ^= hdiv;
- return new_div;
-uint64_t hexarray_to_uint64(uint8_t *key) {
- char temp[17];
- uint64_t uint_key;
- for (int i = 0;i < 8;i++)
- sprintf(&temp[(i *2)],"%02X",key[i]);
- temp[16] = '\0';
- if (sscanf(temp,"%016"llX,&uint_key) < 1)
- return 0;
- return uint_key;
void HFiClassCalcDivKey(uint8_t *CSN, uint8_t *KEY, uint8_t *div_key, bool elite){
uint8_t keytable[128] = {0};
uint8_t key_index[8] = {0};