static command_t CommandTable[] =
- {"help", CmdHelp, 1, "This help"},
+ {"help", CmdHelp, 1, "This help"},
{"awid", CmdLFAWID, 1, "{ AWID RFIDs... }"},
- {"em4x", CmdLFEM4X, 1, "{ EM4X RFIDs... }"},
- {"hid", CmdLFHID, 1, "{ HID RFIDs... }"},
- {"hitag", CmdLFHitag, 1, "{ HITAG RFIDs... }"},
- {"io", CmdLFIO, 1, "{ IOPROX RFIDs... }"},
- {"pcf7931", CmdLFPCF7931, 1, "{ PCF7931 RFIDs... }"},
- {"ti", CmdLFTI, 1, "{ TI RFIDs... }"},
- {"t55xx", CmdLFT55XX, 1, "{ T55X7 RFIDs... }"},
- {"viking", CmdLFViking, 1, "{ Viking RFIDs... }"},
- {"config", CmdLFSetConfig, 0, "Set config for LF sampling, bit/sample, decimation, frequency"},
- {"cmdread", CmdLFCommandRead, 0, "<off period> <'0' period> <'1' period> <command> ['h' 134] \n\t\t-- Modulate LF reader field to send command before read (all periods in microseconds)"},
- {"flexdemod", CmdFlexdemod, 1, "Demodulate samples for FlexPass"},
- {"indalademod", CmdIndalaDemod, 1, "['224'] -- Demodulate samples for Indala 64 bit UID (option '224' for 224 bit)"},
- {"indalaclone", CmdIndalaClone, 0, "<UID> ['l']-- Clone Indala to T55x7 (tag must be in antenna)(UID in HEX)(option 'l' for 224 UID"},
- {"read", CmdLFRead, 0, "['s' silent] Read 125/134 kHz LF ID-only tag. Do 'lf read h' for help"},
- {"search", CmdLFfind, 1, "[offline] ['u'] Read and Search for valid known tag (in offline mode it you can load first then search) \n\t\t-- 'u' to search for unknown tags"},
- {"sim", CmdLFSim, 0, "[GAP] -- Simulate LF tag from buffer with optional GAP (in microseconds)"},
- {"simask", CmdLFaskSim, 0, "[clock] [invert <1|0>] [biphase/manchester/raw <'b'|'m'|'r'>] [msg separator 's'] [d <hexdata>] \n\t\t-- Simulate LF ASK tag from demodbuffer or input"},
- {"simfsk", CmdLFfskSim, 0, "[c <clock>] [i] [H <fcHigh>] [L <fcLow>] [d <hexdata>] \n\t\t-- Simulate LF FSK tag from demodbuffer or input"},
- {"simpsk", CmdLFpskSim, 0, "[1|2|3] [c <clock>] [i] [r <carrier>] [d <raw hex to sim>] \n\t\t-- Simulate LF PSK tag from demodbuffer or input"},
- {"simbidir", CmdLFSimBidir, 0, "Simulate LF tag (with bidirectional data transmission between reader and tag)"},
- {"snoop", CmdLFSnoop, 0, "['l'|'h'|<divisor>] [trigger threshold] -- Snoop LF (l:125khz, h:134khz)"},
- {"vchdemod", CmdVchDemod, 1, "['clone'] -- Demodulate samples for VeriChip"},
+ {"em4x", CmdLFEM4X, 1, "{ EM4X RFIDs... }"},
+ {"hid", CmdLFHID, 1, "{ HID RFIDs... }"},
+ {"hitag", CmdLFHitag, 1, "{ HITAG RFIDs... }"},
+ {"io", CmdLFIO, 1, "{ IOPROX RFIDs... }"},
+ {"pcf7931", CmdLFPCF7931, 1, "{ PCF7931 RFIDs... }"},
+ {"ti", CmdLFTI, 1, "{ TI RFIDs... }"},
+ {"t55xx", CmdLFT55XX, 1, "{ T55X7 RFIDs... }"},
+ {"viking", CmdLFViking, 1, "{ Viking RFIDs... }"},
+ {"config", CmdLFSetConfig, 0, "Set config for LF sampling, bit/sample, decimation, frequency"},
+ {"cmdread", CmdLFCommandRead, 0, "<off period> <'0' period> <'1' period> <command> ['h' 134] \n\t\t-- Modulate LF reader field to send command before read (all periods in microseconds)"},
+ {"flexdemod", CmdFlexdemod, 1, "Demodulate samples for FlexPass"},
+ {"indalademod", CmdIndalaDemod, 1, "['224'] -- Demodulate samples for Indala 64 bit UID (option '224' for 224 bit)"},
+ {"indalaclone", CmdIndalaClone, 0, "<UID> ['l']-- Clone Indala to T55x7 (tag must be in antenna)(UID in HEX)(option 'l' for 224 UID"},
+ {"read", CmdLFRead, 0, "['s' silent] Read 125/134 kHz LF ID-only tag. Do 'lf read h' for help"},
+ {"search", CmdLFfind, 1, "[offline] ['u'] Read and Search for valid known tag (in offline mode it you can load first then search) \n\t\t-- 'u' to search for unknown tags"},
+ {"sim", CmdLFSim, 0, "[GAP] -- Simulate LF tag from buffer with optional GAP (in microseconds)"},
+ {"simask", CmdLFaskSim, 0, "[clock] [invert <1|0>] [biphase/manchester/raw <'b'|'m'|'r'>] [msg separator 's'] [d <hexdata>] \n\t\t-- Simulate LF ASK tag from demodbuffer or input"},
+ {"simfsk", CmdLFfskSim, 0, "[c <clock>] [i] [H <fcHigh>] [L <fcLow>] [d <hexdata>] \n\t\t-- Simulate LF FSK tag from demodbuffer or input"},
+ {"simpsk", CmdLFpskSim, 0, "[1|2|3] [c <clock>] [i] [r <carrier>] [d <raw hex to sim>] \n\t\t-- Simulate LF PSK tag from demodbuffer or input"},
+ {"simbidir", CmdLFSimBidir, 0, "Simulate LF tag (with bidirectional data transmission between reader and tag)"},
+ {"snoop", CmdLFSnoop, 0, "Snoop LF"},
+ {"vchdemod", CmdVchDemod, 1, "['clone'] -- Demodulate samples for VeriChip"},
int CmdLF(const char *Cmd)