-- A debug printout-function
function dbg(args)
- if not DEBUG then
- return
- end
+ if not DEBUG then return end
if type(args) == "table" then
local i = 1
-- This is only meant to be used when errors occur
function oops(err)
print("ERROR: ",err)
+ return nil,err
-- Usage help
local block0, err = waitCmd()
if err then return oops(err) end
+ core.clearCommandBuffer()
-- Read block 1
cmd = Command:new{cmd = cmds.CMD_MIFARE_READBL, arg1 = 1,arg2 = 0,arg3 = 0, data = keyA}
err = core.SendCommand(cmd:getBytes())
local block1, err = waitCmd()
if err then return oops(err) end
+ core.clearCommandBuffer()
local tmpHash = block0..block1..'%02x'..RANDOM
local key
local pos = 0
local blockNo
local blocks = {}
- print('Reading card data')
- core.clearCommandBuffer()
-- main loop
io.write('Reading blocks > ')
for blockNo = 0, numBlocks-1, 1 do
+ core.clearCommandBuffer()
pos = (math.floor( blockNo / 4 ) * 12)+1
key = akeys:sub(pos, pos + 11 )
cmd = Command:new{cmd = cmds.CMD_MIFARE_READBL, arg1 = blockNo ,arg2 = 0,arg3 = 0, data = key}
local baseStr = utils.ConvertHexToAscii(tmpHash:format(blockNo))
local key = md5.sumhexa(baseStr)
local aestest = core.aes128_decrypt(key, blockdata)
- local hex = utils.ConvertAsciiToBytes(aestest)
- hex = utils.ConvertBytesToHex(hex)
+ local hex = ConvertAsciiToHex(aestest)
blocks[blockNo+1] = ('%02d :: %s'):format(blockNo,hex)
for _,s in pairs(blocks) do
local slice = s:sub(8,#s)
- local str = utils.ConvertBytesToAscii(
- utils.ConvertHexToBytes(slice)
- )
+ local str = utils.ConvertHexToAscii(slice)
emldata = emldata..slice..'\n'
for c in (str):gmatch('.') do
bindata[#bindata+1] = c