X-Git-Url: https://git.zerfleddert.de/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi/proxmark3-svn/blobdiff_plain/3d93d4f940e3251b3d18dfb1aa0839aa784cd573..de39bf505ab3a2f4166e858cc448e3ef45b7092f:/client/cmdhfmfdes.h?ds=sidebyside

diff --git a/client/cmdhfmfdes.h b/client/cmdhfmfdes.h
index 15bb9a23..5979113d 100644
--- a/client/cmdhfmfdes.h
+++ b/client/cmdhfmfdes.h
@@ -14,18 +14,27 @@ int CmdHF14ADesRb(const char* cmd);
 int CmdHF14ADesWb(const char* cmd);
 int CmdHF14ADesInfo(const char *Cmd);
 int CmdHF14ADesEnumApplications(const char *Cmd);
-int CmdHF14ADesNonces(const char *Cmd);
 char * GetCardSizeStr( uint8_t fsize );
-char * GetVendorStr( uint8_t id);
-char * GetProtocolStr(uint8_t id);
+char * GetProtocolStr( uint8_t id );
+char * GetVersionStr( uint8_t major, uint8_t minor );
+void GetKeySettings( uint8_t * aid );
+// Command options for Desfire behavior.
+enum  {
+ NONE		= 	0x00,
+ INIT 		=	0x01,
+ DISCONNECT =	0x02,
+ CLEARTRACE	= 	0x04,
+ BAR		= 	0x08,
+} CmdOptions ;
-#define  CREATE_APPLICATION 			0xca
-#define  DELETE_APPLICATION 			0xda
-#define  GET_APPLICATION_IDS 			0x6a
-#define      SELECT_APPLICATION 		0x5a
-#define      FORMAT_PICC 				0xfc
+#define  CREATE_APPLICATION 			 0xca
+#define  DELETE_APPLICATION 			 0xda
+#define  GET_APPLICATION_IDS 			 0x6a
+#define      SELECT_APPLICATION 		 0x5a
+#define      FORMAT_PICC 				 0xfc
 #define      GET_VERSION 				 0x60
 #define      READ_DATA 					 0xbd
 #define      WRITE_DATA					 0x3d
@@ -40,6 +49,7 @@ char * GetProtocolStr(uint8_t id);
 #define      ABORT_TRANSACTION 			 0xa7
 #define      GET_FREE_MEMORY             0x6e
 #define  	GET_FILE_IDS 				 0x6f
+#define  	GET_ISOFILE_IDS 			 0x61
 #define     GET_FILE_SETTINGS 			 0xf5
 #define     CHANGE_FILE_SETTINGS 		 0x5f
 #define     CREATE_STD_DATA_FILE 		 0xcd
@@ -57,9 +67,62 @@ char * GetProtocolStr(uint8_t id);
 #define     GET_KEY_VERSION 			 0x64
+#define MAX_NUM_KEYS 0x0F
-#define MAX_FILE_COUNT 16
+#define MAX_FILE_COUNT 32
 #define MAX_FRAME_SIZE 60
\ No newline at end of file
+// status- and error codes                                                     |
+#define OPERATION_OK			0x00		// Successful operation
+#define NO_CHANGES				0x0C		//  No changes done to backup files
+											//  ,CommitTransaction/
+											//  AbortTransaction not necessary
+#define OUT_OF_EEPROM_ERROR		0x0E		// Insufficient NV-Memory to 
+											//  complete command
+#define ILLEGAL_COMMAND_CODE	0x1C		// Command code not supported
+#define INTEGRITY_ERROR			0x1E		// CRC or MAC does not match data
+											//  Padding bytes not valid
+#define NO_SUCH_KEY				0x40		// Invalid key number specified
+#define LENGTH_ERROR			0x7E		// Length of command string invalid
+#define PERMISSION_DENIED		0x9D		// Current configuration status
+											//  does not allow the requested
+											//  command
+#define PARAMETER_ERROR			0x9E		// Value of the parameter(s) inval.
+#define APPLICATION_NOT_FOUND	0xA0		// Requested AID not present on PIC
+#define APPL_INTEGRITY_ERROR	0xA1 // [1] // Unrecoverable error within app-
+											//  lication, app will be disabled
+#define AUTHENTICATION_ERROR	0xAE		// Current authentication status
+											//  does not allow the requested
+											//  command
+#define ADDITIONAL_FRAME		0xAF		// Additional data frame is
+											//  expected to be sent
+#define BOUNDARY_ERROR			0xBE		// Attempt to read/write data from/
+											//  to beyond the file's/record's
+											//  limits. Attempt to exceed the
+											//  limits of a value file.
+#define PICC_INTEGRITY_ERROR	0xC1 // [1] // Unrecoverable error within PICC
+											//  ,PICC will be disabled
+#define COMMAND_ABORTED			0xCA		// Previous Command was not fully
+											//  completed Not all Frames were
+											//  requested or provided by PCD
+#define PICC_DISABLED_ERROR		0xCD // [1] // PICC was disabled by an unre-
+											//  coverable error
+#define COUNT_ERROR				0xCE		// Number of Applications limited
+											//  to 28, no additional
+											//  CreateApplication possible
+#define DUPLICATE_ERROR			0xDE		// Creation of file/application
+											//  failed because file/application
+											//  with same number already exists
+#define EEPROM_ERROR			0xEE // [1]	// Could not complete NV-write
+											//  operation due to loss of power,
+											//  internal backup/rollback 
+											//  mechanism activated
+#define FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERROR	0xF0		// Specified file number does not
+											//  exist
+#define FILE_INTEGRITY_ERROR	0xF1 // [1]	// Unrecoverable error within file,
+											//  file will be disabled
+// [1] These errors are not expected to appear during normal operation.        |
\ No newline at end of file