X-Git-Url: https://git.zerfleddert.de/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi/proxmark3-svn/blobdiff_plain/e6ee6c4cd135c29fcd3812e0ceea8fe17497700d..dc873169cfaa03aaec2637c0cc8f4a70907d856d:/client/lualibs/utils.lua?ds=inline

diff --git a/client/lualibs/utils.lua b/client/lualibs/utils.lua
index 3d27d5b6..9dcb49c7 100644
--- a/client/lualibs/utils.lua
+++ b/client/lualibs/utils.lua
@@ -33,25 +33,362 @@ local Utils =
 		return answer
+	------------ FILE READING
+	ReadDumpFile = function (filename)
+		filename = filename or 'dumpdata.bin'
+		if #filename == 0 then
+			return nil, 'Filename length is zero'
+		end
+		infile = io.open(filename, "rb")
+		if infile == nil then 
+			return nil, string.format("Could not read file %s",filename)
+		end
+		local t = infile:read("*all")
+		len = string.len(t)
+		local  _,hex = bin.unpack(("H%d"):format(len),t)
+		io.close(infile)
+		return hex
+	end,
+	------------ FILE WRITING (EML)
+	--- Writes an eml-file.
+	-- @param uid - the uid of the tag. Used in filename
+	-- @param blockData. Assumed to be on the format {'\0\1\2\3,'\b\e\e\f' ..., 
+	-- that is, blockData[row] contains a string with the actual data, not ascii hex representation 
+	-- return filename if all went well, 
+	-- @reurn nil, error message if unsuccessfulls	
+	WriteDumpFile = function(uid, blockData)
+		local destination = string.format("%s.eml", uid)
+		local file = io.open(destination, "w")
+		if file == nil then 
+			return nil, string.format("Could not write to file %s", destination)
+		end
+		local rowlen = string.len(blockData[1])
+		for i,block in ipairs(blockData) do
+			if rowlen ~= string.len(block) then
+				prlog(string.format("WARNING: Dumpdata seems corrupted, line %d was not the same length as line 1",i))
+			end
+			local formatString = string.format("H%d", string.len(block))
+			local _,hex = bin.unpack(formatString,block)
+			file:write(hex.."\n")
+		end
+		file:close()	
+		return destination
+	end,
+	------------ string split function
+	Split = function( inSplitPattern, outResults )
+		if not outResults then
+			outResults = {}
+		end
+		local start = 1
+		local splitStart, splitEnd = string.find( self, inSplitPattern, start )
+		while splitStart do
+			table.insert( outResults, string.sub( self, start, splitStart-1 ) )
+			start = splitEnd + 1
+			splitStart, splitEnd = string.find( self, inSplitPattern, start )
+		end
+		table.insert( outResults, string.sub( self, start ) )
+		return outResults
+	end,
+	----ISO14443-B CRC
+	Crc14b = function(s)
+		if s == nil then return nil end
+		if #s == 0 then return nil end
+		if  type(s) == 'string' then
+			local utils = require('utils')
+			return utils.ConvertAsciiToHex(
+							core.iso14443b_crc(s)
+							)
+		end
+		return nil		
+	end,
+	------------ CRC-8 Legic checksums
+	-- Takes a hex string and calculates a crc8
+	Crc8Legic = function(s)
+		if s == nil then return nil end
+		if #s == 0 then return nil end
+		if  type(s) == 'string' then
+			local utils = require('utils')
+			local asc = utils.ConvertHexToAscii(s)
+			local hash = core.crc8legic(asc)
+			return hash
+		end
+		return nil
+	end,
+	------------ CRC-16 ccitt checksums
+	-- Takes a hex string and calculates a crc16
+	Crc16 = function(s)
+		if s == nil then return nil end
+		if #s == 0 then return nil end
+		if  type(s) == 'string' then
+			local utils = require('utils')
+			local asc = utils.ConvertHexToAscii(s)
+			local hash = core.crc16(asc)
+			return hash
+		end
+		return nil
+	end,
+	------------ CRC-64 ecma checksums
+	-- Takes a hex string and calculates a crc64 ecma
+	Crc64 = function(s)
+		if s == nil then return nil end
+		if #s == 0 then return nil end
+		if  type(s) == 'string' then
+			local utils = require('utils')
+			local asc = utils.ConvertHexToAscii(s)
+			local hash = core.crc64(asc)
+			return hash
+		end
+		return nil
+	end,
+	------------ SHA1 hash
+	-- Takes a string and calculates a SHA1 hash
+	Sha1 = function(s)
+		if s == nil then return nil end
+		if #s == 0 then return nil end
+		if  type(s) == 'string' then
+			local utils = require('utils')
+			--local asc = utils.ConvertHexToAscii(s)
+			local hash = core.sha1(s)
+			return hash
+		end
+		return nil
+	end,	
+	-- Takes a hex string and calculates a SHA1 hash
+	Sha1Hex = function(s)
+		if s == nil then return nil end
+		if #s == 0 then return nil end
+		if  type(s) == 'string' then
+			local utils = require('utils')
+			local asc = utils.ConvertHexToAscii(s)
+			local hash = core.sha1(asc)
+			return hash
+		end
+		return nil
+	end,	
+	-- input parameter is a string
+	-- Swaps the endianess and returns a number,  
+	-- IE:  'cd7a' -> '7acd'  -> 0x7acd
+	SwapEndianness = function(s, len)
+		if s == nil then return nil end
+		if #s == 0 then return '' end
+		if  type(s) ~= 'string' then return nil end
+		local retval = 0
+		if len == 16 then
+			local t = s:sub(3,4)..s:sub(1,2)
+			retval = tonumber(t,16)
+		elseif len == 24 then
+			local t = s:sub(5,6)..s:sub(3,4)..s:sub(1,2)
+			retval = tonumber(t,16)
+		elseif len == 32 then
+			local t = s:sub(7,8)..s:sub(5,6)..s:sub(3,4)..s:sub(1,2)
+			retval = tonumber(t,16)
+		end
+		return retval
+	end,
+	-- input parameter is a string
+	-- Swaps the endianess and returns a string,  
+	-- IE:  'cd7a' -> '7acd'  -> 0x7acd
+	SwapEndiannessStr = function(s, len)
+		if s == nil then return nil end
+		if #s == 0 then return '' end
+		if  type(s) ~= 'string' then return nil end
+		local retval
+		if len == 16 then
+			retval = s:sub(3,4)..s:sub(1,2)
+		elseif len == 24 then
+			retval = s:sub(5,6)..s:sub(3,4)..s:sub(1,2)
+		elseif len == 32 then
+			retval = s:sub(7,8)..s:sub(5,6)..s:sub(3,4)..s:sub(1,2)
+		end
+		return retval
+	end,	
+	------------ CONVERSIONS
 	-- Converts DECIMAL to HEX
-    ConvertDec2Hex = function(IN)
+    ConvertDecToHex = function(IN)
 		local B,K,OUT,I,D=16,"0123456789ABCDEF","",0
 		while IN>0 do
-			IN,D=math.floor(IN/B),math.mod(IN,B)+1
-			OUT=string.sub(K,D,D)..OUT
+			IN , D = math.floor(IN/B), math.modf(IN,B)+1
+			OUT = string.sub(K,D,D)..OUT
 		return OUT
 	-- Convert Byte array to string of hex
-	ConvertBytes2String = function(bytes)
-		s = {}
-		for i = 1, #(bytes) do
-			s[i] =   string.format("%02X",bytes[i]) 
+	ConvertBytesToHex = function(bytes)
+		if bytes == nil then return '' end
+		if #bytes == 0 then return '' end
+		local s={}
+		for i = 1, #bytes do
+			s[i] = string.format("%02X",bytes[i]) 
 		return table.concat(s)
+	-- Convert byte array to string with ascii
+    ConvertBytesToAscii = function(bytes)
+		if bytes == nil then return '' end
+		if #bytes == 0 then return '' end
+		local s={}
+		for i = 1, #(bytes) do
+			s[i] = string.char(bytes[i]) 
+		end
+		return table.concat(s)		
+	end,	 
+	ConvertHexToBytes = function(s)
+		local t={}
+		if s == nil then return t end
+		if #s == 0 then return t end
+		for k in s:gmatch"(%x%x)" do
+			table.insert(t,tonumber(k,16))
+		end
+		return t
+	end,
+	ConvertAsciiToBytes = function(s, reverse)
+		local t = {}
+		if s == nil then return t end
+		if #s == 0 then return t end
+		for k in s:gmatch"(.)" do
+			table.insert(t, string.byte(k))
+		end
+		if not reverse then
+			return t
+		end
+		local rev = {}
+		if reverse then
+			for i = #t, 1,-1 do
+				table.insert(rev, t[i] )
+			end
+		end
+		return rev
+	end,
+	ConvertHexToAscii = function(s)
+		if s == nil then return '' end
+		if #s == 0 then return '' end
+		local t={}
+		for k in s:gmatch"(%x%x)" do
+			local n = tonumber(k,16)
+			local c 
+			if  (n < 32) or (n == 127) then
+				c = '.';
+			else
+				c = string.char(n)
+			end
+			table.insert(t,c)
+		end
+		return table.concat(t)	
+	end,
+	ConvertAsciiToHex = function(s)		
+		if s == nil then return '' end
+		if #s == 0 then return '' end
+		local t={}
+		for k in s:gmatch"(.)" do
+			table.insert(t, string.format("%02X", string.byte(k)))
+		end
+		return table.concat(t)
+	end,
+	Chars2num = function(s)
+        return (s:byte(1)*16777216)+(s:byte(2)*65536)+(s:byte(3)*256)+(s:byte(4))
+	end,
+	-- use length of string to determine 8,16,32,64 bits
+	bytes_to_int = function(str,endian,signed) 
+		local t={str:byte(1,-1)}
+		if endian=="big" then --reverse bytes
+			local tt={}
+			for k=1,#t do
+				tt[#t-k+1]=t[k]
+			end
+			t=tt
+		end
+		local n=0
+		for k=1,#t do
+			n=n+t[k]*2^((k-1)*8)
+		end
+		if signed then
+			n = (n > 2^(#t*8-1) -1) and (n - 2^(#t*8)) or n -- if last bit set, negative.
+		end
+		return n
+	end,
+	-- a simple implementation of a sleep command. Thanks to Mosci
+	-- takes number of seconds to sleep
+	Sleep = function(n)
+		local clock = os.clock
+		local t0 = clock()
+		while clock() - t0 <= n do end
+		return nil	
+	end,
+	-- function convertStringToBytes(str)
+	-- local bytes = {}
+	-- local strLength = string.len(str)
+	-- for i=1,strLength do
+		-- table.insert(bytes, string.byte(str, i))
+	-- end
+	-- return bytes
+-- end
+-- function convertBytesToString(bytes)
+	-- local bytesLength = table.getn(bytes)
+	-- local str = ""
+	-- for i=1,bytesLength do
+		-- str = str .. string.char(bytes[i])
+	-- end
+	-- return str
+-- end
+-- function convertHexStringToBytes(str)
+	-- local bytes = {}
+	-- local strLength = string.len(str)
+	-- for k=2,strLength,2 do
+		-- local hexString = "0x" .. string.sub(str, (k - 1), k)
+		-- table.insert(bytes, hex.to_dec(hexString))
+	-- end
+	-- return bytes
+-- end
+-- function convertBytesToHexString(bytes)
+	-- local str = ""
+	-- local bytesLength = table.getn(bytes)
+	-- for i=1,bytesLength do
+		-- local hexString = string.sub(hex.to_hex(bytes[i]), 3)
+		-- if string.len(hexString) == 1 then
+			-- hexString = "0" .. hexString
+		-- end
+		-- str = str .. hexString
+	-- end
+	-- return str
+-- end
 return Utils
\ No newline at end of file