#remove one of the following defines and comment out the relevant line
#in the next section to remove that particular feature from compilation
- -fno-strict-aliasing -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections
+ -fno-strict-aliasing -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections
+include ../common/Makefile_Enabled_Options.common
+ifneq (,$(findstring LCD,$(APP_CFLAGS)))
+ SRC_LCD = fonts.c LCD.c
#SRC_LCD = fonts.c LCD.c
SRC_LF = lfops.c hitag2.c hitagS.c lfsampling.c pcf7931.c lfdemod.c protocols.c
SRC_ISO15693 = iso15693.c iso15693tools.c
SRC_ISO14443b = iso14443b.c
SRC_CRAPTO1 = crypto1.c des.c
SRC_CRC = iso14443crc.c crc.c crc16.c crc32.c parity.c
#the FPGA bitstream files. Note: order matters!
FPGA_BITSTREAMS = fpga_lf.bit fpga_hf.bit
CFLAGS = $(ENV_CFLAGS) -std=c99 -D_ISOC99_SOURCE -I. -I../include -I../common -I../common/polarssl -I../zlib -I../uart -I/opt/local/include -I../liblua -Wall -g -O3
CXXFLAGS = -I../include -Wall -O3
+include ../common/Makefile_Enabled_Options.common
platform = $(shell uname)
ifneq (,$(findstring MINGW,$(platform)))
-# Check for correctly configured Qt5
-QTINCLUDES = $(shell pkg-config --cflags Qt5Core Qt5Widgets 2>/dev/null)
-QTLDLIBS = $(shell pkg-config --libs Qt5Core Qt5Widgets 2>/dev/null)
-MOC = $(shell pkg-config --variable=host_bins Qt5Core)/moc
-UIC = $(shell pkg-config --variable=host_bins Qt5Core)/uic
-ifeq ($(QTINCLUDES), )
-# if Qt5 not found check for correctly configured Qt4
- QTINCLUDES = $(shell pkg-config --cflags QtCore QtGui 2>/dev/null)
- QTLDLIBS = $(shell pkg-config --libs QtCore QtGui 2>/dev/null)
- MOC = $(shell pkg-config --variable=moc_location QtCore)
- UIC = $(shell pkg-config --variable=uic_location QtCore)
- CXXFLAGS += -std=c++11 -fPIC
-ifeq ($(QTINCLUDES), )
-# if both pkg-config commands failed, search in common places
- ifneq ($(QTDIR), )
- QTINCLUDES = -I$(QTDIR)/include -I$(QTDIR)/include/QtCore -I$(QTDIR)/include/QtGui
- QTLDLIBS = -L$(QTDIR)/lib -lQtCore4 -lQtGui4
- ifneq ($(wildcard $(QTDIR)/include/QtWidgets),)
- QTINCLUDES += -I$(QTDIR)/include/QtWidgets
- QTLDLIBS = -L$(QTDIR)/lib -lQt5Widgets -lQt5Gui -lQt5Core
- CXXFLAGS += -std=c++11 -fPIC
+ifneq (,$(findstring WITH_GUI,$(APP_CFLAGS)))
+ # Check for correctly configured Qt5
+ QTINCLUDES = $(shell pkg-config --cflags Qt5Core Qt5Widgets 2>/dev/null)
+ QTLDLIBS = $(shell pkg-config --libs Qt5Core Qt5Widgets 2>/dev/null)
+ MOC = $(shell pkg-config --variable=host_bins Qt5Core)/moc
+ UIC = $(shell pkg-config --variable=host_bins Qt5Core)/uic
+ ifeq ($(QTINCLUDES), )
+ # if Qt5 not found check for correctly configured Qt4
+ QTINCLUDES = $(shell pkg-config --cflags QtCore QtGui 2>/dev/null)
+ QTLDLIBS = $(shell pkg-config --libs QtCore QtGui 2>/dev/null)
+ MOC = $(shell pkg-config --variable=moc_location QtCore)
+ UIC = $(shell pkg-config --variable=uic_location QtCore)
+ else
+ CXXFLAGS += -std=c++11 -fPIC
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(QTINCLUDES), )
+ # if both pkg-config commands failed, search in common places
+ ifneq ($(QTDIR), )
+ QTINCLUDES = -I$(QTDIR)/include -I$(QTDIR)/include/QtCore -I$(QTDIR)/include/QtGui
+ QTLDLIBS = -L$(QTDIR)/lib -lQtCore4 -lQtGui4
+ ifneq ($(wildcard $(QTDIR)/include/QtWidgets),)
+ QTINCLUDES += -I$(QTDIR)/include/QtWidgets
+ QTLDLIBS = -L$(QTDIR)/lib -lQt5Widgets -lQt5Gui -lQt5Core
+ CXXFLAGS += -std=c++11 -fPIC
+ endif
+ MOC = $(QTDIR)/bin/moc
+ UIC = $(QTDIR)/bin/uic
- MOC = $(QTDIR)/bin/moc
- UIC = $(QTDIR)/bin/uic
# make temporary to final dependeny files after successful compilation
POSTCOMPILE = $(MV) -f $(OBJDIR)/$*.Td $(OBJDIR)/$*.d
CORESRCS = uart_posix.c \
uart_win32.c \
util.c \
$(patsubst %.cpp, $(OBJDIR)/%.d, $(QTGUISRCS)) \
$(OBJDIR)/proxmark3.d $(OBJDIR)/flash.d $(OBJDIR)/flasher.d $(OBJDIR)/fpga_compress.d
--- /dev/null
+# Do not put any comments inside the definition below (before the final flag)
+# All definition lines except the last must end in a \
+APP_CFLAGS += -DWITH_ISO14443a_StandAlone \
+ -DWITH_ISO15693 \
+ -DWITH_ISO14443a \
+ -DWITH_ISO14443b \
+### Standalone modes:
+# if both WITH_LF and WITH_ISO4443a_StandAlone are defined
+# ISO14443a_StandAlone will be the only one that runs
+# You must remove it and define WITH_LF for LF standalone mode
+### Other options:
+#-DWITH_ISO15693 \ Include ISO15693 support in build
+#-DWITH_ISO14443a \ include ISO14443a support in build
+#-DWITH_ISO14443b \ include ISO14443b support in build
+#-DWITH_ICLASS \ include ICLASS support in build
+#-DWITH_LEGICRF \ include LEGIC support in build
+#-DWITH_HITAG \ include HITAG support in build
+#-DWITH_CRC \ include CRC support in build
+#-DWITH_HFSNOOP \ include HFSNOOP support in build
+#-DWITH_SMARTCARD \ include SMARTCARD support in build
+#-DWITH_GUI \ include QT GUI/Graph support in build
+#-DWITH_LCD \ include LCD support in build (experimental?)
+#marshmellow NOTE: tested GUI, and SMARTCARD removal only...