-void DoAcquisition(int decimation, int quantization, int trigger_threshold, bool averaging)
+ * @brief Does LF sample acquisition, this method implements decimation and quantization in order to
+ * be able to provide longer sample traces.
+ * @param decimation - how much should the signal be decimated. A decimation of 1 means every sample, 2 means
+ * every other sample, etc.
+ * @param bits_per_sample - bits per sample. Max 8, min 1 bit per sample.
+ * @param trigger_threshold - a threshold. The sampling won't commence until this threshold has been reached. Set
+ * to -1 to ignore threshold.
+ * @param averaging If set to true, decimation will use averaging, so that if e.g. decimation is 3, the sample
+ * value that will be used is the average value of the three samples.
+ * @return the number of bits occupied by the samples.
+ */
+uint8_t DoAcquisition(int decimation, int bits_per_sample, int trigger_threshold, bool averaging)