remove check for best start position in demods and adjust the clock
detect to always return best start position to the demods
also small bug fix in lf em em4x50read
changed spacing to tabs for cmdlfem4x.c
finished the partially built lf em em4x50read function
added save/restore GraphBuffer function in graph.c
adjusted some tolerances in lfdemod.c
added a maxLen argument to the askmandemod
pwpiwi [Tue, 31 Mar 2015 06:01:23 +0000 (08:01 +0200)]
Reclaim more than 19K of ARM flash memory.
- added compiler options -fdata-sections and -ffunction-sections (thanks to iceman for the hint)
- removed float operations from common/lfdemod.c to avoid adding float libraries to the ARM os image
- moved the fpga images to the data section to avoid reserving unused space for a separate section
marshmellow42 [Mon, 23 Mar 2015 20:29:50 +0000 (16:29 -0400)]
lf updates
applies icemans full ata55x7 read/write settings
adds checksum to ioprox (thanks to iceman)
adds silent mode for lf read and getSamples
fix lf em em410xwatch and lf em410xspoof
improve data rawdemod ar - for biphase demods
improve detectclock a for strong antennas
marshmellow42 [Sun, 22 Mar 2015 19:28:48 +0000 (15:28 -0400)]
lf t5 read plus lf demod adjustments
lf t5xx commands updated from ICEMAN
lf em410x commands updated
lf search bug fix for 2 args
test scripts from iceman
lf demod:
better ask clock detection with Strong fully clipped waves
better ask raw demod with strong fully clipped waves
fsk demod add back in skipped bits during demod
nrz demod add back in skipped bits during demod
pwpiwi [Fri, 20 Mar 2015 20:06:51 +0000 (21:06 +0100)]
add: Topaz mode for "hf 14a raw" (new option -T)
chg: allow tracing without parity
chg: make "hf list topaz" aware of additional commands for Dynamic Memory Model
pwpiwi [Wed, 18 Mar 2015 16:12:09 +0000 (17:12 +0100)]
fix: introduced a stupid error when refactoring the start bit detector in MillerDecoding()
chg: use -O2 instead of -Os when compiling ARM sources
chg: don't clear the Miller decoders input buffer on reset
chg: be more specific for the Miller decoders start bit pattern
add: new option c in hf list: mark CRC bytes (default is off)
pwpiwi [Tue, 17 Mar 2015 06:41:08 +0000 (07:41 +0100)]
revert change "hf list topaz" to "hf list nfc"
refactored Startbit detection in MillerDecoding()
relaxed startbit detection in MillerDecoding()
fixed CRC checking and CRC bytes marking in hf list
fixed topaz multi frame command listing in hf list topaz
pwpiwi [Sun, 15 Mar 2015 15:40:34 +0000 (16:40 +0100)]
Change "hf list topaz" to "hf list nfc"
fix: reduce length of expected unmodulated signal in Miller decoder in order
to allow decoding of NFC reader communications
add: hf list nfc: aggregate reader commands into one line
add: hf list nfc: CRC check for NFC communications
pwpiwi [Fri, 13 Mar 2015 06:36:52 +0000 (07:36 +0100)]
add: start to support Topaz tags
- hf 14a reader now exits gracefully in case of proprietary anticollision sequence
- changed miller decoder to handle Topaz 8 data bits/no parity frames from reader
- started to implement hf list topaz
Implemented the correct way to calculate MAC from a tag, feeding it an extra 32 zeroes. Also divided it up into two parts, one of which can be precalculated by the device before the simulation begins
marshmellow42 [Sat, 28 Feb 2015 19:33:05 +0000 (14:33 -0500)]
lf simulation tests
added SimulateTagLowFrequencyTest function
with some adjustments that help ASK simulations
FSK and PSK still need help. Left original HID sim alone as for some it
may partially work.
Further implementation of iclass 'fullsim'. Moved protocol definitions to shared file. Had to add some loclass-function to arm-side to support authentication in fullsim mode
Implemented 'hf iclass decrypt <tagdump>'. This performs the 3des decryption of iclass tag dumps, but requires the decryption file to be present on the filesystem