]> git.zerfleddert.de Git - raggedstone/blame - ethernet/source/pci/pci_user_constants.v
+= read registers from userland
[raggedstone] / ethernet / source / pci / pci_user_constants.v
40a1f26c 1//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2//// ////
3//// File name "pci_user_constants.v" ////
4//// ////
5//// This file is part of the "PCI bridge" project ////
6//// http://www.opencores.org/cores/pci/ ////
7//// ////
8//// Author(s): ////
9//// - Miha Dolenc (mihad@opencores.org) ////
10//// - Tadej Markovic (tadej@opencores.org) ////
11//// ////
13//// ////
14//// Copyright (C) 2000 Miha Dolenc, mihad@opencores.org ////
15//// ////
16//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
17//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
18//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
19//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
20//// ////
21//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
22//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
23//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
24//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
25//// later version. ////
26//// ////
27//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
28//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
30//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
31//// details. ////
32//// ////
33//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
34//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
35//// from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml ////
36//// ////
39// CVS Revision History
41// $Log: pci_user_constants.v,v $
230daedd 42// Revision 1.3 2007-03-21 11:53:06 sithglan
43// enable address translation
45// Revision 1.2 2007/03/20 20:56:19 sithglan
2268f768 46// changes
48// Revision 1.1 2007/03/20 17:50:56 sithglan
40a1f26c 49// add shit
51// Revision 1.15 2004/08/19 15:27:34 mihad
52// Changed minimum pci image size to 256 bytes because
53// of some PC system problems with size of IO images.
55// Revision 1.14 2004/07/07 12:45:01 mihad
56// Added SubsystemVendorID, SubsystemID, MAXLatency, MinGnt defines.
57// Enabled value loading from serial EEPROM for all of the above + VendorID and DeviceID registers.
59// Revision 1.13 2004/01/24 11:54:18 mihad
60// Update! SPOCI Implemented!
62// Revision 1.12 2003/12/28 09:54:48 fr2201
63// def_wb_imagex_addr_map defined correctly
65// Revision 1.11 2003/12/28 09:20:00 fr2201
66// Reset values for PCI, WB defined (PCI_TAx,WB_BAx,WB_TAx,WB_AMx,WB_BAx_MEM_IO)
68// Revision 1.10 2003/12/19 11:11:30 mihad
69// Compact PCI Hot Swap support added.
70// New testcases added.
71// Specification updated.
72// Test application changed to support WB B3 cycles.
74// Revision 1.9 2003/08/03 18:05:06 mihad
75// Added limited WISHBONE B3 support for WISHBONE Slave Unit.
76// Doesn't support full speed bursts yet.
78// Revision 1.8 2003/03/14 15:31:57 mihad
79// Entered the option to disable no response counter in wb master.
81// Revision 1.7 2003/01/27 17:05:50 mihad
82// Updated.
84// Revision 1.6 2003/01/27 16:51:19 mihad
85// Old files with wrong names removed.
87// Revision 1.5 2003/01/21 16:06:56 mihad
88// Bug fixes, testcases added.
90// Revision 1.4 2002/09/30 17:22:45 mihad
91// Added support for Virtual Silicon two port RAM. Didn't run regression on it yet!
93// Revision 1.3 2002/08/13 11:03:53 mihad
94// Added a few testcases. Repaired wrong reset value for PCI_AM5 register. Repaired Parity Error Detected bit setting. Changed PCI_AM0 to always enabled(regardles of PCI_AM0 define), if image 0 is used as configuration image
96// Revision 1.2 2002/03/05 11:53:47 mihad
97// Added some testcases, removed un-needed fifo signals
99// Revision 1.1 2002/02/01 14:43:31 mihad
100// *** empty log message ***
104// Fifo implementation defines:
105// If FPGA and XILINX are defined, Xilinx's BlockSelectRAM+ is instantiated for Fifo storage.
106// 16 bit width is used, so 8 bits of address ( 256 ) locations are available. If RAM_DONT_SHARE is not defined (commented out),
107// then one block RAM is shared between two FIFOs. That means each Fifo can have a maximum address length of 7 - depth of 128 and only 6 block rams are used
108// If RAM_DONT_SHARE is defined ( not commented out ), then 12 block RAMs are used and each Fifo can have a maximum address length of 8 ( 256 locations )
109// If FPGA is not defined, then ASIC RAMs are used. Currently there is only one version of ARTISAN RAM supported. User should generate synchronous RAM with
110// width of 40 and instantiate it in pci_tpram.v. If RAM_DONT_SHARE is defined, then these can be dual port rams ( write port
111// in one clock domain, read in other ), otherwise it must be two port RAM ( read and write ports in both clock domains ).
112// If RAM_DONT_SHARE is defined, then all RAM address lengths must be specified accordingly, otherwise there are two relevant lengths - PCI_FIFO_RAM_ADDR_LENGTH and
115`define WBW_ADDR_LENGTH 4
116`define WBR_ADDR_LENGTH 4
117`define PCIW_ADDR_LENGTH 3
118`define PCIR_ADDR_LENGTH 3
2268f768 120`define FPGA
121`define XILINX
40a1f26c 122
123`define WB_RAM_DONT_SHARE
126`ifdef FPGA
127 `ifdef XILINX
128 `define PCI_FIFO_RAM_ADDR_LENGTH 8 // PCI target unit fifo storage definition
129 `define WB_FIFO_RAM_ADDR_LENGTH 8 // WB slave unit fifo storage definition
130 `define PCI_XILINX_RAMB4
131 `define WB_XILINX_RAMB4
132 //`define PCI_XILINX_DIST_RAM
133 //`define WB_XILINX_DIST_RAM
134 `endif
136 `define PCI_FIFO_RAM_ADDR_LENGTH 3 // PCI target unit fifo storage definition when RAM sharing is used ( both pcir and pciw fifo use same instance of RAM )
137 `define WB_FIFO_RAM_ADDR_LENGTH 4 // WB slave unit fifo storage definition when RAM sharing is used ( both wbr and wbw fifo use same instance of RAM )
138// `define WB_ARTISAN_SDP
139// `define PCI_ARTISAN_SDP
140// `define PCI_VS_STP
141// `define WB_VS_STP
144// these two defines allow user to select active high or low output enables on PCI bus signals, depending on
145// output buffers instantiated. Xilinx FPGAs use active low output enables.
2268f768 146// `define ACTIVE_LOW_OE
147`define ACTIVE_HIGH_OE
40a1f26c 148
149// HOST/GUEST implementation selection - see design document and specification for description of each implementation
150// only one can be defined at same time
151//`define HOST
152`define GUEST
154// if NO_CNF_IMAGE is commented out, then READ-ONLY access to configuration space is ENABLED:
155// - ENABLED Read-Only access from WISHBONE for GUEST bridges
156// - ENABLED Read-Only access from PCI for HOST bridges
157// with defining NO_CNF_IMAGE, one decoder and one multiplexer are saved
158`define NO_CNF_IMAGE
160// number defined here specifies how many MS bits in PCI address are compared with base address, to decode
161// accesses. Maximum number allows for minimum image size ( number = 20, image size = 4KB ), minimum number
162// allows for maximum image size ( number = 1, image size = 2GB ). If you intend on using different sizes of PCI images,
163// you have to define a number of minimum sized image and enlarge others by specifying different address mask.
164// smaller the number here, faster the decoder operation
167// no. of PCI Target IMAGES
168// - PCI provides 6 base address registers for image implementation.
169// PCI_IMAGE1 definition is not required and has no effect, since PCI image 1 is always implemented
170// If GUEST is defined, PCI Image 0 is also always implemented and is used for configuration space
171// access.
172// If HOST is defined and NO_CNF_IMAGE is not, then PCI Image 0 is used for Read Only access to configuration
173// space. If HOST is defined and NO_CNF_IMAGE is defined, then user can define PCI_IMAGE0 as normal image, and there
174// is no access to Configuration space possible from PCI bus.
175// Implementation of all other PCI images is selected by defining PCI_IMAGE2 through PCI_IMAGE5 regardles of HOST
176// or GUEST implementation.
177`ifdef HOST
178 `ifdef NO_CNF_IMAGE
179 //`define PCI_IMAGE0
180 `endif
183//`define PCI_IMAGE2
184//`define PCI_IMAGE3
185//`define PCI_IMAGE4
186//`define PCI_IMAGE5
188// initial value for PCI image address masks. Address masks can be defined in enabled state,
189// to allow device independent software to detect size of image and map base addresses to
190// memory space. If initial mask for an image is defined as 0, then device independent software
191// won't detect base address implemented and device dependent software will have to configure
192// address masks as well as base addresses!
193// Don't define PCI_AMx to 24'hffff_ff for memory images! Use that just for I/O images.
194`define PCI_AM0 24'hffff_f0
195`define PCI_AM1 24'hffff_ff
196`define PCI_AM2 24'hffff_f0
197`define PCI_AM3 24'hffff_f0
198`define PCI_AM4 24'hffff_f0
199`define PCI_AM5 24'hffff_f0
201// initial value for PCI image maping to MEMORY or IO spaces. If initial define is set to 0,
202// then IMAGE with that base address points to MEMORY space, othervise it points ti IO space. D
203// Device independent software sets the base addresses acording to MEMORY or IO maping!
204`define PCI_BA0_MEM_IO 1'b0 // considered only when PCI_IMAGE0 is used as general PCI-WB image!
205`define PCI_BA1_MEM_IO 1'b1
206`define PCI_BA2_MEM_IO 1'b0
207`define PCI_BA3_MEM_IO 1'b0
208`define PCI_BA4_MEM_IO 1'b0
209`define PCI_BA5_MEM_IO 1'b0
211// initial value for PCI translation addresses. The initial values
212// are set after reset. When ADDR_TRAN_IMPL is defined then then Images
213// are transleted to this adresses whithout access to pci_ta registers.
214`define PCI_TA0 24'h0000_0
215`define PCI_TA1 24'h0000_0
216`define PCI_TA2 24'h0000_0
217`define PCI_TA3 24'h0000_0
218`define PCI_TA4 24'h0000_0
219`define PCI_TA5 24'h0000_0
221`define PCI_AT_EN0 1'b0
222`define PCI_AT_EN1 1'b0
223`define PCI_AT_EN2 1'b0
224`define PCI_AT_EN3 1'b0
225`define PCI_AT_EN4 1'b0
226`define PCI_AT_EN5 1'b0
228// number defined here specifies how many MS bits in WB address are compared with base address, to decode
229// accesses. Maximum number allows for minimum image size ( number = 20, image size = 4KB ), minimum number
230// allows for maximum image size ( number = 1, image size = 2GB ). If you intend on using different sizes of WB images,
231// you have to define a number of minimum sized image and enlarge others by specifying different address mask.
232// smaller the number here, faster the decoder operation
235// no. of WISHBONE Slave IMAGES
236// WB image 0 is always used for access to configuration space. In case configuration space access is not implemented,
237// ( both GUEST and NO_CNF_IMAGE defined ), then WB image 0 is not implemented. User doesn't need to define image 0.
238// WB Image 1 is always implemented and user doesnt need to specify its definition
239// WB images' 2 through 5 implementation by defining each one.
240`define WB_IMAGE2
241//`define WB_IMAGE3
242//`define WB_IMAGE4
243//`define WB_IMAGE5
245//Address bar register defines the base address for each image.
246//To asccess bus without Software configuration.
247`define WB_BA1 20'h0000_0
248`define WB_BA2 20'h8000_0
249`define WB_BA3 20'h0000_0
250`define WB_BA4 20'h0000_0
251`define WB_BA5 20'h0000_0
253// initial value for WB image maping to MEMORY or IO spaces. If initial define is set to 0,
254// then IMAGE with that base address points to MEMORY space, othervise it points ti IO space.
255`define WB_BA1_MEM_IO 1'b0
256`define WB_BA2_MEM_IO 1'b0
257`define WB_BA3_MEM_IO 1'b0
258`define WB_BA4_MEM_IO 1'b0
259`define WB_BA5_MEM_IO 1'b0
261// initial value for WB image address masks.
262`define WB_AM1 20'h8000_0
263`define WB_AM2 20'h8000_0
264`define WB_AM3 20'h0000_0
265`define WB_AM4 20'h0000_0
266`define WB_AM5 20'h0000_0
268// initial value for WB translation addresses. The initial values
269// are set after reset. When ADDR_TRAN_IMPL is defined then then Images
270// are transleted to this adresses whithout access to pci_ta registers.
271`define WB_TA1 20'h0000_0
272`define WB_TA2 20'h0000_0
273`define WB_TA3 20'h0000_0
274`define WB_TA4 20'h0000_0
275`define WB_TA5 20'h0000_0
277`define WB_AT_EN1 1'b0
278`define WB_AT_EN2 1'b0
279`define WB_AT_EN3 1'b0
280`define WB_AT_EN4 1'b0
281`define WB_AT_EN5 1'b0
283// If this define is commented out, then address translation will not be implemented.
284// addresses will pass through bridge unchanged, regardles of address translation enable bits.
285// Address translation also slows down the decoding
286//When ADDR_TRAN_IMPL this define is present then adress translation is enabled after reset.
230daedd 287`define ADDR_TRAN_IMPL
40a1f26c 288
289// decode speed for WISHBONE definition - initial cycle on WISHBONE bus will take 1 WS for FAST, 2 WSs for MEDIUM and 3 WSs for slow.
290// slower decode speed can be used, to provide enough time for address to be decoded.
291`define WB_DECODE_FAST
292//`define WB_DECODE_MEDIUM
293//`define WB_DECODE_SLOW
295// Base address for Configuration space access from WB bus. This value cannot be changed during runtime
296`define WB_CONFIGURATION_BASE 20'h0000_0
298// Turn registered WISHBONE slave outputs on or off
299// all outputs from WB Slave state machine are registered, if this is defined - WB bus outputs as well as
300// outputs to internals of the core.
304Core speed definition - used for simulation and 66MHz Capable bit value in status register indicating 66MHz
305capable device
307`define PCI33
308//`define PCI66
311[000h-00Ch] First 4 DWORDs (32-bit) of PCI configuration header - the same regardless of the HEADER type !
312 Vendor_ID is an ID for a specific vendor defined by PCI_SIG - 2321h does not belong to anyone (e.g.
313 Xilinx's Vendor_ID is 10EEh and Altera's Vendor_ID is 1172h). Device_ID and Revision_ID should be used
314 together by application.
316`define HEADER_VENDOR_ID 16'h1895
317`define HEADER_DEVICE_ID 16'h0001
318`define HEADER_REVISION_ID 8'h01
319`define HEADER_SUBSYS_VENDOR_ID 16'h1895
320`define HEADER_SUBSYS_ID 16'h0001
321`define HEADER_MAX_LAT 8'h1a
322`define HEADER_MIN_GNT 8'h08
324// MAX Retry counter value for WISHBONE Master state-machine
325// This value is 8-bit because of 8-bit retry counter !!!
326`define WB_RTY_CNT_MAX 8'hff
328// define the macro below to disable internal retry generation in the wishbone master interface
329// used when wb master accesses extremly slow devices.
332`define PCI_WB_REV_B3
333//`define PCI_WBS_B3_RTY_DISABLE
335`ifdef GUEST
337// `define PCI_SPOCI
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