-- $Id: fifo_io_control.vhd,v 1.3 2007-03-11 08:44:31 sithglan Exp $ library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; entity FIFO_IO_CONTROL is port ( PCI_CLOCK :in std_logic; WRITE_XX1_0 :in std_logic; -- PCI Write FIFO_RDn :in std_logic; -- FIFO Read (low active) RESET :in std_logic; SYNC_FLAG_1 :in std_logic; -- Recv FIFO Empty (low active) SYNC_FLAG_7 :in std_logic; -- Send FIFO Full (low active) S_FIFO_RESETn :out std_logic; -- Send FIFO Reset (low active) R_FIFO_RESETn :out std_logic; -- Recv FIFO Reset (low active) S_FIFO_WRITEn :out std_logic; -- Send FIFO Write (low active) R_FIFO_READn :out std_logic; -- Recv FIFO Read (low active) S_FIFO_RETRANSMITn :out std_logic; -- Send FIFO Retransmit (low active) R_FIFO_RETRANSMITn :out std_logic; -- Recv FIFO Retransmit (low active) S_ERROR :out std_logic; -- Send ERROR R_ERROR :out std_logic; -- Recv ERROR SR_ERROR :out std_logic -- Send / Recv Error ); end entity FIFO_IO_CONTROL; architecture FIFO_IO_CONTROL_DESIGN of FIFO_IO_CONTROL is signal SIG_S_ERROR :std_logic; -- Send Error signal SIG_R_ERROR :std_logic; -- Recv Error begin -- FIFO Write process (PCI_CLOCK) begin if (PCI_CLOCK'event and PCI_CLOCK = '1') then if (RESET = '1') then S_FIFO_WRITEn <= '1'; SIG_S_ERROR <= '0'; elsif (WRITE_XX1_0 = '0') then S_FIFO_WRITEn <= '1'; elsif (WRITE_XX1_0 = '1') then if (SYNC_FLAG_7 = '0') then SIG_S_ERROR <= '1'; elsif (SYNC_FLAG_7 = '1') then S_FIFO_WRITEn <= '0'; SIG_S_ERROR <= '0'; end if; end if; end if; end process; S_ERROR <= SIG_S_ERROR; -- FIFO Read R_FIFO_READn <= FIFO_RDn; -- Receive Error process (PCI_CLOCK) begin if (PCI_CLOCK'event and PCI_CLOCK ='1') then if (RESET = '1') then SIG_R_ERROR <= '0'; elsif (FIFO_RDn = '0' and SYNC_FLAG_1 = '0') then SIG_R_ERROR <= '1'; end if; end if; end process; R_ERROR <= SIG_R_ERROR; -- Send or Receive Error process (PCI_CLOCK) begin if (PCI_CLOCK'event and PCI_CLOCK ='1') then SR_ERROR <= SIG_S_ERROR or SIG_R_ERROR; end if; end process; -- FIFO Reset process (PCI_CLOCK) begin if (PCI_CLOCK'event and PCI_CLOCK ='1') then S_FIFO_RESETn <= not RESET; R_FIFO_RESETn <= not RESET; end if; end process; -- FIFO Retransmit process (PCI_CLOCK) begin if (PCI_CLOCK'event and PCI_CLOCK ='1') then S_FIFO_RETRANSMITn <= '1'; R_FIFO_RETRANSMITn <= '1'; end if; end process; end architecture FIFO_IO_CONTROL_DESIGN;