-- J.STELZNER -- INFORMATIK-3 LABOR -- 23.08.2006 -- File: INTERRUPT.VHD library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity INTERRUPT is port ( PCI_CLOCK :in std_logic; PCI_RSTn :in std_logic; -- PCI reset is asynchron (low active) RESET :in std_logic; TAST_SETn :in std_logic; TAST_RESn :in std_logic; INT_IN_0 :in std_logic; INT_IN_1 :in std_logic; INT_IN_2 :in std_logic; INT_IN_3 :in std_logic; INT_IN_4 :in std_logic; INT_IN_5 :in std_logic; INT_IN_6 :in std_logic; INT_IN_7 :in std_logic; TRDYn :in std_logic; -- event 1 after read of Interrupt status register (low active) READ_XX5_4 :in std_logic; -- event 2 after read of Interrupt status register INT_RES :in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- clear selected interrupts INT_MASKE :in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- interrupt mask register INT_REG :out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- interrupt status register INTAn :out std_logic; -- second interrupt line for PCI analyzer PCI_INTAn :out std_logic -- PCI interrupt line ); end entity INTERRUPT; architecture INTERRUPT_DESIGN of INTERRUPT is signal SIG_TAST_Q :std_logic; signal SIG_TAST_Qn :std_logic; signal SIG_INTA :std_logic; signal FF_A :std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal FF_B :std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal SET :std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal SIG_PROPAGATE_INT :std_logic; signal SIG_PROPAGATE_INT_SECOND :std_logic; signal REG :std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); begin ------------------------------------------------------ process (PCI_CLOCK) begin if (PCI_CLOCK'event and PCI_CLOCK ='1') then -- THIS IS BROKEN (it cycles the interrupt) SIG_TAST_Q <= not (TAST_SETn and SIG_TAST_Qn); SIG_TAST_Qn <= not (TAST_RESn and SIG_TAST_Q); end if; end process; ------------------------------------------------------ process (PCI_CLOCK) begin if (PCI_RSTn = '0') then SET <= "00000000"; FF_A <= "00000000"; FF_B <= "00000000"; elsif (PCI_CLOCK'event and PCI_CLOCK = '1') then if (RESET = '1') then SET <= "00000000"; FF_A <= "00000000"; FF_B <= "00000000"; else FF_A(0) <= INT_IN_0; -- Receive FIFO Empty Flag FF_A(1) <= INT_IN_1; -- Send FIFO Half Full FF_A(2) <= INT_IN_2; FF_A(3) <= INT_IN_3; FF_A(4) <= INT_IN_4; FF_A(5) <= INT_IN_5; FF_A(6) <= INT_IN_6; FF_A(7) <= INT_IN_7; FF_B <= FF_A; SET <= FF_A AND not FF_B; end if; end if; end process; process (PCI_CLOCK,PCI_RSTn) begin if (PCI_RSTn = '0') then REG <= "00000000"; elsif(PCI_CLOCK'event and PCI_CLOCK = '1') then if(RESET = '1') then REG <= "00000000"; -- elsif(SIG_TAST_Q = '1') then -- REG <= "00000000" or SET; elsif (TRDYn = '0' AND READ_XX5_4 = '1') then REG <= (REG AND NOT INT_RES) OR SET; else REG <= REG OR SET; end if; end if; end process; SIG_PROPAGATE_INT <= (REG(0) AND INT_MASKE(0)) OR (REG(1) AND INT_MASKE(1)) OR (REG(2) AND INT_MASKE(2)) OR (REG(3) AND INT_MASKE(3)) OR (REG(4) AND INT_MASKE(4)) OR (REG(5) AND INT_MASKE(5)) OR (REG(6) AND INT_MASKE(6)) OR (REG(7) AND INT_MASKE(7)); process (PCI_CLOCK) begin if(PCI_CLOCK'event and PCI_CLOCK = '1') then SIG_PROPAGATE_INT_SECOND <= not SIG_PROPAGATE_INT; end if; end process; INTAn <= not SIG_PROPAGATE_INT_SECOND; PCI_INTAn <= '0' when SIG_PROPAGATE_INT_SECOND = '0' else 'Z'; INT_REG <= REG; end architecture INTERRUPT_DESIGN;